Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2167: Mr. Zombie (26)

Xia Li is a very good leader, and can react quickly when encountering zombies, allowing people to clean up or turn around to avoid them.

There have been no major problems along the way.


"Team Xia, Team Xia, go out and have a look, outside...something happened outside!!"

The people came with horror on their faces.

The people he brought out have always been calm, even if the zombies came, they have never been so gloomy.

Now that this is the case, Xia Li followed his heart with a chuckle: "What happened?"

"Zombie... a lot of zombies." The man pointed outside.

Xia Li hurried out and jumped on the roof a few times, but the binoculars looked behind.

They are now in a plain terrain, and at the end of the horizon, dense zombies are chasing them.

In the background is the setting sun, burning half of the sky.

Xia Li got goose bumps in that instant, as if he saw the scene of an ancient battlefield charging and falling into battle.

"They are coming to our side, at this distance, they will be able to catch up with us soon. Summer team, what shall we do?"

Xia Li put down the binoculars: "Is there a place to hide in front of you?"


The road is very flat, so flat that there is not even a building.

They have nowhere to hide.

There is still almost a hundred kilometers away from their nearest building.

"Let the others go first, ours will be the last." Xia Li immediately made a decision: "Go down and tell them what happened, don't panic."


Can you not panic after riding a horse?

That group of zombies is definitely the group they have seen the most.

But no matter how you panic, you have to do it now.

"Team Xia, are these zombies the ones passed on before?"

"Those people still rumored that this group of zombies has human leaders, look at that group of zombies, where..."

The man's words suddenly got stuck.

"what happened?"

"It seems... there really is someone." That person was not sure.

On the horizon, there is a big empty space among the dense zombies.

And there are two cars in the middle.

An ordinary SUV, an RV, does not drive fast.

As we all know, apart from violent destruction, zombies have no wisdom.

So those who can drive must be humans.


The zombies caught up with them faster than expected. They did not get too close, but gradually surrounded them in an arc outside the range of most weapons.

"Team Xia, what do they mean? Can someone control zombies?"

Is that a zombie?

Something that experts can't solve.

How can someone control it?

"Don't attack first." Xia Li said.

This group of zombies just surrounded them, and didn't mean to move closer, obviously they didn't mean to attack.

Since there were people inside, Xia Li was more relaxed.

With so many zombies, Xia Li also felt that they could only admit their lives.

It seems that there is still something to talk about.

But the group of ordinary people were not so optimistic, all of them were scared into quails.

"Why so many zombies...Aren't we dead?"

"The previous rumor is true. There are really hordes of zombies."

"Are they going to eat us?"

"I am really scared!"

"Will we all die here?"

"Get out, stop and do what!"

"The front is also blocked, how to rush?"

The densely packed zombies can't see their heads at all, there is no weak place, where do they rush?

Xia Li asked others to comfort them, and drove to the back by himself.

The car over there came up slowly.

The SUV stopped first, and the RV behind was a little slower.

No one got off the car, but a loudspeaker popped out of the window. After two ‘zizi’ sounds, a loud voice resounded through the earth: “We are not malicious. If we don’t shoot, we will get out of the car and talk!”

Chuzheng almost pushed her good man Ka's head into the water.

With so many zombies, why are you afraid?

Chu Zheng hurriedly took the good guy back to his arms and drew away the water in front of him.

Bei Chi didn't know anything, he was quite naive and approached Chu Zheng, rubbed her cheek with the tip of his nose, sniffed, and slowly bit her lips.

Mr. Zombie had just washed his hair, and the tips of his hair were wet, rubbing against Chuzheng's skin, with a little chill.

Chuzheng was not tempted by him, and indifferently stuffed him a packet of energy cake: "Eat this when you are hungry, I am not your food!"

Bei Chi is obviously not interested in energy cakes.

Holding the energy cake, Yu Guang looked at Chu Zheng, always trying to rub her.

Can't you lick it if you can't eat it? !

Bei Chi felt that he had been abused.

Abuse is illegal... well, should it be? Bei Chi was a little confused, and his mind was a little confused.

There was a confused color in the gray and dull eyes, which made him look a little more cute.

The shouting outside was over, Chu Zheng bowed his head and exchanged a short kiss with Bei Chi.

Beichi has not tasted it yet, and the food has left.




Chuzheng got out of the car, and Xia Li, who was opposite, recognized the little girl at a glance, the little girl I saw at the resort last time.

Jin Ling said that her name was... Ji Chuzheng.

Chuzheng took a folding chair and went out. Seeing this with Zhao Yingjun, Chu Zheng pulled out the folding table from the trunk with great vision, covered it with a tablecloth, and put on a fruit plate...

"Why do you want to empty the fruit plate?" Xiao Gong said puzzled.

"Isn't there no fruit, it can only be left empty." Conditions are limited, so it's just a moment!

Xiao Yu: "But it's so ugly."

"..." So too.

Zhikai and Zhao Yingjun looked at each other, took a dig in their pockets, and the two gathered a few gold bars and put them in the fruit plate, and then put them on.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Xia Li: "..."

Chu Zheng tried his best to ignore them and sat down calmly.

Seeing that the other party did not intend to prepare a seat for him, Xia Li first spoke: "Miss Ji, these zombies..."

Chu Zheng said with a serious face: "Is it cute?" My little brother still hopes that someone will praise him.


Xia Li couldn't be said to be cute.

He decisively avoided this question: "Can you let the zombies listen to you?"

"Yes." Anyway, just call until you are obedient.

Xia Li was shocked by this answer.

It's one thing to hear from others, and another to hear from the person in person.

After the shock, Xia Li immediately asked: "How did you do it?"

"I..." Chu Zheng paused slightly: "I'm not here to answer your questions."

Xia Li: "..."

"What does Miss Ji want to do?"

Chu Zheng's tone was rather solemn: "I want to be a good person."


No matter how calm Xia Li was, he could still put the question on his face when he heard this, he really didn't understand.

"I don't quite understand what Miss Ji means."

Chuzheng thought for a moment: "I plan to send you a ride."

This word fell in Xia Li's ears, and it had the same effect as "Keep your lives", and it was very permeating.

But Chuzheng really just wanted to send them off.