Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2168: Mr. Zombie (27)

The people of Team Xia didn't know what they were talking about, and they wanted to know the process.

But there are too many zombies, no one dares to pass.

They can only watch from a distance.

Jin Ling was also in the line, but she didn't even have the freedom to get off the car at this time, so she could only look over there through the car window.

The little girl who was able to negotiate with Xia Li with zombies was not what she remembered.

She just sat there casually, but she seemed to be sitting on the throne, with a domineering look of the world.

They are obviously the same person, but don't know when they started, everything has changed.

Why let her know those, but not give her a chance to change.

Why can she make zombies obedient?


There are so many why circling in Jin Ling's mind, there is no answer.

Jin Ling is not reconciled, resentment in her heart grows like weeds.

However, at this time she had nothing to do except watching.

She cannot protect herself now.

The people over there had finished talking, and Xia Li returned to the team.

"Captain Xia, what's the matter?"

"Captain Xia, can that woman really control the zombies?"

"Captain Xia??"

"What does she want to do? Thank you for the zombies surrounding us, can we still go out?"

Everyone wanted to know the answer and kept asking Xia Li.

Xia Li was still in a daze, feeling that he had just heard false news.

She said she was willing to **** them to their destination.

With zombies...

No purpose, just want to be a good person.

There were too many people asking, Team Xia had no choice but to tell everyone the truth.

"Escort us?"

"What is her peace of mind?"

"This means that she can really control those zombies? How does she control it? Will we not have to be afraid of zombies in the future?"

"She escorted us with zombies, aren't we safe?"

"What's safe? Do you know what she wants to do? Those are zombies. In case of any accident, we're all done!"

Xia Li made people calm down.

After all, he was the captain of the entire team, and he had weapons, so no one dared to say anything.

Xia Li said that the other party is not discussing with them, and they have no right to refuse.

Looking at the group of zombies outside, I know that I have no right to refuse.

Everyone looked at each other, and the atmosphere in the team was strange.


Xia Li couldn't refuse, so Chu Zheng followed them with the zombies, which really meant to be an escort.

Over time, everyone only finds it magical.

There are people who can control the zombies.

They began to inquire about how to control the zombies.

Killing zombies only solves the current problem, but controlling zombies is different.

If they can master this skill, they don't need to be afraid in the future.

However, this skill is so easy to figure out-it may be too simple, this group of people can't think of it.

Sometimes people just think too complicated.

The team stopped and went and had to find supplies from time to time. Chuzheng spends most of his time in the RV, too lazy.

"Bei Chi." Chu Zheng picked up Mr. Zombie who was squatting in the corner.

Mr. Zombie's cold body pressed against Chu Zheng, with a little coolness.

"Ho ho..."

Bei Chi snarled twice, not knowing what it meant.

Chuzheng and the two set them off, and they trimmed his hair: "Look at your injury."

Bei Chi tilted his head, as if he understood, his fingers hooked his clothes and took the initiative to lift it up.

The wound that healed slowly was already scarred at this time, and a little pink tender flesh had grown.

Chuzheng poked his fingertips, but Bei Chi didn't feel anything, so he reached out and poked.

Chu Zhengyi grasped his hand: "Don't touch it."

Bei Chi: "!!!" You are not touching, and this is my body.


Chuzheng made sure he didn't need to bandage anymore, and pulled his clothes off: "What do you look at me so you want to bite me?" Kindness is not rewarded, I show you the injury, but you look at me like this!

Chu Zheng stretched out his hand and shook it in front of him.

Mr. Zombie looked fierce and quickly grabbed Chu Zheng's wrist.


Needless to say, Beichi did not dare to exert any effort.

In the end it becomes a puppy licking a bone.

Chu Zheng: "..."

It's really uncomfortable for my wrists to be wet.

What's wrong with the good guy card? Is it dirty?

"You said you can be a normal person like this?"

Relying on the good people card, Chuzheng started to speak freely.

"Ho **** ho?" What is a normal person? Is he abnormal now?

Chu Zheng rubbed his head: "This is also good, so as not to make noise."

Raising a son is much easier than raising an ancestor.

"Ho **** ho!!"

Although Mr. Zombie didn't understand well, he felt that what Chu Zheng said was not good.

I bought a Chuzheng and didn't know what he was'ho ho'.

Two people say yours, I scorn mine, the picture is a bit harmonious.

Chu Zheng wanted to withdraw his hand, but Bei Chi suddenly turned over and knelt down on her.

Chu Zheng: "??" What are you doing? Can you?

Chuzheng took a glance under him while galloping north.

Bei Chi was just hungry and wanted to eat.

There is no such thing as Chu Zheng's indescribable and easy to be 404 thoughts.

He is a simple zombie.



Chu Zheng glanced at the door, trying to push away Bei Chi, who used himself as food, but Bei Chi children were very stubborn, and their limbs were about to wrap around her body.


Chu Zheng pushed the person away a little bit, and Bei Chi made a dissatisfied **** ho, and Chu Zheng pressed his head against his neck.

She exhaled slightly, keeping her breathing steady: "What's the matter?"

"The Captain Xia sent someone over and said that they are going to the front city to find supplies."

"Yeah." Go and go, what to say to me?

Bei Chi sniffed around Chu Zheng's neck, the cold breath sprayed on her skin, Chu Zheng slightly hugged the person in her arms.

"We also want to see." There are not many supplies in their team.


"Boss, are you together?" This is the ultimate goal.

With big men following, they hardly have to worry about meeting zombies.

"Don't go..."

When Chuzheng refused, the people outside were obviously disappointed, but they didn't dare to ask further.

"Then let's go, Xiaoyu and Xiaoyong stay, there is no problem with the boss?"


"Then let's go..." He scratched his head, why didn't he listen to the voice of the boss?

But the boss is so powerful, there shouldn't be any problems.

As soon as the person walked, Chuzheng released the force that restrained Beichi.

The latter immediately followed her neck and smelled her chin, the corners of her lips...


Leave them alone, but failed to come back that night.

No one knows what's going on in the city. If there are too many zombies, it is normal to be delayed.

Who knows, two days have passed and the person has not returned yet.

Xiaoyu couldn't sit still, pacing back and forth, anxiety and worry all written on his face.

The people on the Xia team didn't come back, and Chu Zheng didn't worry much.

Anyway, there are people who lay the backs of death, not at all.

Monthly ticket ah ah ah ah ah double! ! ! Little cuties double the duck! !