Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2169: Mr. Zombie (28)

Chu Zheng lay in the chair, and Xia Li's team was in the distance. There was a lot of light on there, like a blazing fire in the dark.

Chuzheng put a small cookie in her mouth, she put one, and Bei Chi next to him leaned in and forcibly took away from her mouth.

Chu Zheng: "???"

Chuzheng fed him biscuits, but Bei Chi was rebellious and refused to eat them.

What's wrong with you?

Is it better for me?

Chu Zheng turned over and turned his back to Bei Chi.

Bei Chi ran over, staring at her intently.


Chuzheng took a small biscuit and tried to put it in her mouth. Sure enough, before she could take a bite, Bei Chi leaned forward, swept it away from her, chewed it twice, and swallowed it down.


Really sick.

Chuzheng took the biscuit and got on the roof of the RV a few times.

Bei Chi couldn't get up, so he could only circle around the RV, making two "hoho" sounds from time to time.

Chuzheng lay on the roof of the car, eating the biscuits comfortably, and then poked his head to look at him.

As a result, no one was seen in a circle.

Chu Zheng's heart condensed slightly, this product won't run away, right?

She hurriedly jumped out of the car, and when she got out, she was full of arms.

Chu Zheng hit the car with his back, Bei Chi pressed his body and pressed his lips with the smell of biscuit milk.

Chuzheng was desperate.

She really doesn't want to be food!

Chu Zheng felt that he should teach him a lesson.

"Take it lightly." Bei Chi bit hard, and Chu Zheng warned him in an angry tone.

You'll be dead if you bite the skin!

"Um..." Bei Chi answered vaguely.

Chuzheng didn't pay attention at first, but later felt something was wrong. It seemed that he didn't use the pronunciation of "ho" just now?

"Bei Chi?"

"Huh?" Bei Chi stopped and looked at her suspiciously.

Chu Zheng squinted his eyes slightly: "Do you know other words?"


Can't understand what she is talking about.

Bei Chi didn't understand it and continued his business, but was blocked by Chu Zheng.

Bei Chi let out a dissatisfied growl.

Chu Zheng didn't care about this, she had to let Bei Chi use the pronunciation just now before she continued to let him kiss...bite.

Food is also on request!

Bei Chi didn't understand, so he could only express his dissatisfaction with "ho ho".

"You can't bite me if you can't learn it." Chu Zheng was even fiercer.


Bei Chi's gray eyes reflected the people in front of him, as if Chu Zheng was a strict parent, and he was the poor student.

Because he couldn't do his homework, he was punished and couldn't eat.


Bei Chi tried to pronounce it.




Bei Chi is upset, why is it wrong?

Bei Chi didn't play with Chuzheng, and ran to the back of the car, squeezing himself into the narrow gap.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Moths are so hard to carry.

After all, it’s a zombie, take your time, don’t worry...

Chuzheng comforted himself, took the person out, and kissed him in the seat next to him for a while.

Bei Chi is a bit resistant, he doesn't like this...

But Chu Zheng pressed his hands and feet to death, and Bei Chi couldn't get away.

Chuzheng was used to it, he would calm down after struggling for a while and let her act.

Can't he treat himself as food, I won't charge any interest, right?

Chu Zheng felt that he was not so kind.

"I want to own you." Chu Zheng breathed a little, and whispered in his ear.

Bei Chi tilted his head and didn't understand what possession was.

In the end, Chu Zheng just sighed and touched his head.

My head is full of little zombies that eat, and I don't understand anything.

Chuzheng feels so difficult.

You can't describe your own good person card.

Bei Chi's anger didn't last long. At night Chuzheng lay down to rest, Bei Chi hummed and crawled into Chuzheng, stuffed herself into her arms, and hugged her like an octopus.

Chu Zheng touched his head funny in his heart.


"They have not come back yet?"

Chuzheng opened the car door and went down, and Bei Chi hung his head and followed her.

"No..." Xiaoyu's face was not so good: "They won't have anything wrong, right?"

Xiaoyu was worried, and hadn't slept all night, and now there was a blue black under his eyes.

Chuzheng had sent the zombies into the city yesterday, but he hasn't come back now. I don't know if no one was found, or something happened.

Just when Chuzheng was about to enter the city to find someone, a zombie came back.

There is a note written by them in the pocket of the zombies.

They were trapped, all zombies over there.

Chu Zheng: "..."

So this means I have to save people?

[A good person lives in peace. 】


Chuzheng took a deep breath and worked hard to be a good person. Today, I have to work hard too!


To the southeast of the city.

Zhikai and others were trapped in the basement, besides them were Xia Li, and a group of people who looked dirty and didn't know how long they had lived underground.

There are all zombies outside, and they dare not go out at all.

"Can she see it?" the people next to Xia Li asked and moved away.

He used an iron sign to write and draw on the ground, and he glanced at the other person: "I don't know."

Those zombies are easy to rebel if they leave Chuzheng's range.

Some may not go back directly.

So every time Chuzheng asks the zombies to do things, they have to send them better, and there will always be one who can succeed.

But Shikai only met one, he could only pray that the zombie would not be so rebellious and obediently take the news back.


Xia Li didn't expect Chu Zheng to come too much. When it was quieter outside, he began to discuss countermeasures with others.

"Let's get rid of the zombies. You will take the opportunity to run." After Xia Li had a discussion over there, he ventilated with everyone: "The car is on the street next to you. If you drive them away, you know, you drive away."

"Captain can't do it, it's too dangerous!" Someone disagreed.

"There are so many zombies outside, how can you lead them away? Captain, you are sending to death, I don't agree.

"I'm going to go, Captain, you can't go!"

People in Xia Li didn't agree to let Xia Li go.

Xia Li calmly said, "This is an order!"

As soon as these words came out, the team suddenly became quiet.

"Captain, I request to join, please approve."

"I also request to join, please captain's approval."

Xia Li said: "The team still needs your protection, and it won't need so many people. If you protect everyone, you have completed the task, understand?"

They looked at the moving picture there, and talked to Zhao Yingjun and Ah Yi in a low voice: "Are we cold-blooded?"

Zhao Yingjun is more realistic: "Brother, I think it is more important for us to think about how to survive."

Ah Yi agreed with Zhao Yingjun's words.

After being silent, he nodded: "It makes sense."

Xia Li took people out to lead away the zombies, and the others took the opportunity to run.

But there were many zombies, they were still found, and the zombies chased up.

I still don’t think this zombie is cute, it’s terrible! ! !

"Brother Kai!" Ah Yi, who ran ahead, fell back.

"The car is over there!" Zhikai pointed to the other side.

"No, there are zombies over there!"
