Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 217: Return of the King (14)


"Why?" Why can't it be you?

"From the shooting angle at the time, it was directed at you."

At that time, Jiang Ye was facing the window, and the first bullet was clearly directed at Jiang Ye.

I am the innocent one!

I'm the!

Jiang Ye's eyes flickered, recalling the previous scene.

After a while, his drooping eyelashes were dyed with a layer of lustrous halo, casting a small shadow under his white and somewhat excessive eyelids.

Jiang Ye took out the phone, looked at the place where it was going out, and laughed.

Chu Zheng: "..."

The good guy card won't be scared, right?

Jiang Ye smiled, pressed the phone in silence for a while, and then stared at the phone until the phone screen went dark without any response.

Chuzheng wandered around twice: "You sleep here."

Jiang Ye raised his head: "How about you?"

Chu Zheng pointed to the sofa and went to sleep on the sofa with pillows.

For the sake of a good guy, Little Poor can only sleep on the sofa.

Otherwise, what if someone touches him to kill him?

"Miss Sheng, let the girls sleep on the sofa, I didn't do it, you sleep..."

Chu Zheng turned around and pushed the person back: "Sleep, don't make noise."

Jiang Ye: "..."

What's so fierce!

The light in the room was turned off and plunged into darkness.

Before Chuzheng left, the hem of his clothes was held by someone.

"Turn on the light..." The young man's voice was low and mute, and a little vibrato could be heard by listening carefully.

"Are you afraid of the dark?"

"...I'm just not used to it." Jiang Ye was a little awkward, perhaps because someone was there, and there was still a little light in the room, he didn't feel that it was too uncomfortable.

If you are afraid of the dark, you are afraid of the dark.

I won't laugh at you.

But what is wrong with people in society who are destined to be active at night?

Chu Zheng turned on the lights.

Jiang Ye immediately let go of Chuzheng, and he turned his back to Chuzheng.

"Good night, Miss Sheng."

Chuzheng stood for a while, staring at Jiang Ye's hair, and slowly stretched out his hand...

Jiang Ye didn't seem to notice, and Chu Zheng immediately rubbed two hands on his head.

Chuzheng's expression suddenly fell.


so comfortable.

Jiang Ye moved, as if he wanted to look back at her, Chu Zheng immediately retracted his hand: "Good night."

Jiang Ye turned his head, Chu Zheng had already walked to the sofa, lay down straight, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

He reached out and touched his hair.

What's wrong with her?


Not long after Chuzheng fell asleep, he felt someone approaching, and then the small sofa became more crowded.

The refreshing breath of the teenager passed over.

The room was dark, and the boy squeezed onto the sofa, groping around her waist with some flustered fingers, touching her hand, and pulling it tightly.

Chu Zheng: "???"

What are you doing?

Will you grab the couch with me at night? !

"what are you doing?"

Jiang Ye didn't say a word, his head pressed against her shoulder, and he almost buried his whole person in her arms.

Chu Zheng looked at the ceiling, there was no light in the room. She supported her body and pressed the switch next to the sofa with her backhand.

power cut?

It shouldn't be. Such a hotel has emergency power even if there is a power outage.

Chu Zheng asked the bodyguards to see what was going on.

The bodyguard went down and asked the hotel. The hotel said that it was a line problem. In order not to affect the guests, it was deliberately chosen in the dead of night, which may take an hour.

Jiang Ye hugged her without saying a word, Chu Zheng touched his head, acquiescing to his behavior.

Chuzheng moved inside, holding him sideways.

Jiang Ye was holding Chuzheng at first, but now he is being held by Chuzheng.

But it was too dark at this time, Jiang Ye didn't dare to care about anything, and closed his eyes tightly.

There was a faint cold fragrance on Chu Zheng's body, which made Jiang Ye gradually relax.

Chuzheng's fingers followed his chest and touched his abdomen.

Jiang Ye suddenly raised his hand and pressed her down.

"I touched your wound." Chu Zheng was afraid that he had moved to tear the wound apart.

Jiang Ye hesitated, slowly letting go, Chuzheng's fingertips touched the vicinity of his wound, but he didn't feel moist.

Chu Zheng retracted his hand and touched his head comfortably: "Go to sleep."


The next day.

Jiang Ye opened her eyes and saw Chu Zheng's profile. She pressed the phone with one hand, and the light in her eyes flashed with the light on the phone screen.

A hand was placed on his shoulder, and his fingertips pinched a strand of his hair.

For a moment, Jiang Ye felt that the years were quiet...

"Wake up?" Chu Zheng put down his phone, looking at Jiang Ye with cold eyes.

Hearing her voice, Jiang Ye's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he suddenly turned over.

Chu Zheng brought him back: "I fell."

The little girl's breath was sprayed around Jiang Ye's neck, and Jiang Ye was held in an ambiguous posture, and her heart was suddenly disturbed.

He wandered his gaze, pulled her away, panicked to the ground, unable to find the shoes, and finally went into the bathroom barefoot and closed the door with a slam.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Chuzheng lay back comfortably.

Two people are really crowded.


Jiang Ye stood in the bathroom and washed his face with cold water.

He raised his head, the handsome face in the mirror was covered with drops of water, and his deep eyes pressed a faint desire.

He held the vanity table with both hands and looked down slightly.

Some changes made Jiang Ye very uncomfortable.

Normal response in the morning.

This is normal, every man has.



Normal fucking!

Jiang Ye gasped slightly, he hadn't had those thoughts before.

Since meeting her, he has never been normal.

"What are you excited about!"

Jiang Ye couldn't help but smoked Xiao Jiangye.

Annoyed him.


When Jiang Ye came out of the bathroom, Chu Zheng was still lying on the sofa, but there was a bodyguard in the room. Seeing him coming out, the bodyguard immediately walked out. When he passed by, he looked slightly wrong.

That look...

Jiang Ye couldn't describe it either.

It's not right anyway.

"There is breakfast on the table." Chu Zheng said.

"I'm going back." Jiang Ye's gaze fell into the void: "Thank you Miss Sheng for your kindness. After I check the matter last night, I will give Miss Sheng an explanation."

If he stays any longer, something will happen!

Can't stay anymore!

There was no smile on Jiang Ye's face, and the laziness on his body was completely restrained, but he had the aura of Jiang Ye.

"I caught it for you." Chu Zheng sat up with his body propped up: "Eat breakfast first."

Jiang Ye suddenly raised his eyes and met Chu Zheng's gaze.

"How did you catch it?"

Chuzheng pondered for a few seconds: "We have money."


Chu Zheng came over and pulled him to sit down: "After breakfast, I will take you there."

Chuzheng had warm palms, and Jiang Ye withdrew his hands uncomfortably.

He looked at the breakfasts of unknown restaurants in front of him...

"Miss Sheng, did you buy all the breakfast in the city?"

"I don't know what you like to eat, so they bought them all. You can eat whatever you like."

The little girl asked seriously.

Jiang Ye's fingertips still seemed to have her body temperature remaining, and Jiang Ye couldn't help holding his fingers tight.

After a while, the teenager raised a three-pointed smile: "Miss Sheng, if I were a girl, I would definitely be moved by you."

His voice changed: "Unfortunately I am not."