Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2178: Mr. Zombie (37)

Don't talk about the base leader, the Emperor Lao Tzu hasn't come.

But Chuzheng provided them with a new idea.

He is not the only zombies like Goodman Card, there are also other zombies.

Just like the pregnant woman in the water plant before, she is also conscious and will not harm her husband.

Chu Zheng has also seen the zombies in the zombies group, the situation is improving. Their injuries will slowly recover, and as long as their hearts are still beating and they are not starved to death, they will get better and better.

Those viruses seem to have adapted to them and allowed them to return to health repeatedly.

And those zombies will not attack the zombies that are getting better, even if they get better, they will still be recognized as one of them.

As for the reasons for this, they have to study by themselves.


Chu Zheng didn't know that the group of people in the laboratory was entangled, she was dealing with the accident of changing the flower pot.

"I didn't change!" Chu Zheng looked serious: "Don't talk nonsense."

"You obviously changed it." Bei Chi was not convinced: "I made a mark on it yesterday, and it is gone today!"



They all learned to make marks.

It's not the first time Bei Chi discovered something wrong, he felt it was wrong before.

But at that time, he didn't expect to do such a thing as marking. In the past few days, his thinking became clearer and he thought of this.

I didn't expect it to be really different.

"Why did you change my flower pot?"

"I didn't change it." Chu Zheng struggled to hold on.

"Then explain why the mark I made is missing?"

"Maybe it's gone by itself." Chu Zheng started to talk nonsense.

Bei Chi: "Do you treat me as a child?"

Chu Zheng asked back: "Aren't you?"

"...I am not!" Bei Chi almost couldn't speak with anger: "Don't change the subject, why are you changing my flowerpot."

"Aren't they the same?" They are all flowers, is there any difference? I don't change, you have to tell me why you died.


"Where is it different?" Chu Zheng asked.

"..." Bei Chi pursed his lips without speaking, and pinched the leaves with his fingers: "Every flower is different, they are alive. Just like you."

Like her, has vigorous vitality.

Even in the dark, we must strive to live toward the sun.

The sunlight falling in the slits can also make them grow and bloom brilliant flowers.

Chu Zheng: "???"

She is indeed alive.

But why be like her?

"I'm not the same as you, I know." Bei Chi lowered his head and his voice was a little stumbling. He stretched out his hand and pressed his fingertips against Chu Zheng's heart: "It's jumping, mine won't."

Chu Zheng subconsciously said: "If you don't jump, you will die."

The hearts of the zombies in this world are beating, but it is very weak, so weak that it is imperceptible.

Their bodies seem to be frozen, and all energy consumption is minimized.

Bei Chi's understanding might be different from Chu Zheng's understanding. He frowned, pursed his lower lip, and went to the side with the potted flower.

Chu Zheng: "..."

What did I say wrong again!

Why am I so difficult!



The food they grow is limited. Everyone can only guarantee that they will not starve to death. It is not so easy to eat and wear warmth.

There are still many zombies outside, and it is impossible to eliminate them in a short time.

So many people still dare not leave the base and can only stay in the base.

After being brought into the base, Jin Ling always wanted to find a chance to leave, but she might be unlucky and did not find a suitable opportunity.

This group of people are not people at all, they are beasts.

"Jin Ling, Jin Ling!"

Jin Ling hurried out of the room, and the person who scanned the room quickly hung down again.

"Have you done the meal?" someone asked impatiently, "I'm starving to death. Bring the meal quickly."

"...There are no ingredients left." Jin Ling whispered.

"Fuck!" One of them stood up suddenly: "How long has it been since I got it back? Did you steal it?"

Jin Ling stepped back, her face pale: "No...no."

"It's okay, it's not easy in the base now. With so many people, how long can we eat." The person sitting in the corner said something fair.

"This day is really going... I heard that the things on the zombie side are growing well, why don't we have them here?"

"Fuck! Now I want to envy a group of monsters."

Several people cursed, Jin Ling stood in the corner without saying a word.

All she could know was heard from these people, and she vaguely knew that the development outside was different from what she had dreamed of.

Why is it different, but Jinling doesn't know.

She has been trapped here for too long.

"What are you doing while standing there?" Someone murmured again after seeing Jin Ling obstructively: "Get in."

Jin Ling: "..."

Jin Ling entered the room dingy.

Jin Ling finally found a chance a few days later. These people were all drunk. Maybe she was too obedient during this time and they all forgot to lock the door.

Jin Ling slipped out carefully.

But before she ran far, she heard someone chasing from behind.

The base has been powered off, and everything is dark. Jin Ling doesn't know where it turned, so no one can see it.

The people chasing her got closer and closer, Jin Ling almost used all her strength to rush out of the dark alley.

There was light outside, the golden bell hit a person, and there was a continuous ‘click’ in the ear.

Jin Ling didn’t have time to see the person she hit. She was pulled back by someone and pressed her shoulder: "I’m sorry, sir, my mother-in-law is not clear about it. I have to find my son at night. I can’t stop it. ."

"I don't know him!" Jin Ling shouted immediately: "Help, they are bad guys, they are illegally detaining me!"

The man didn't stop her, let her scream, just pressed him tightly in his arms.

"What's going on?" The base patrol asked with a frown, "Why are you still outside at night?"

The man pointed to his forehead: "Since the son is gone, she has been like this. Today, I didn't watch it, and she ran out, causing trouble to the chiefs."

"I don't know her, help, he talks nonsense, I don't have any son at all, let me go, help."

Jin Ling was emotional, yelling, some words were still blurred, and the light was dim at this time, she looked a bit like a lunatic.

The patrol guy looked around and waved his hand: "Hurry up, don't wander around here."

"Hey, great."

The man pulled the golden bell and left.

Jinling struggled so hard that the people on the patrol probably thought it strange, and just wanted to stop them.

Jin Ling suddenly stopped crying and stopped struggling. The man pressed her head and leaned on his shoulder, seeming to comfort her.

Jin Ling looked pale and looked at the knife in the man's hand, where he dared to call.

"what happened?"

Jin Ling heard a familiar voice from behind, she was full of spirits and wanted to open her mouth for help, but the cold object on her neck made her afraid to open her mouth.

She heard someone reply: "It's nothing, the young couple has a temper. There is something wrong with the woman."

Do not!


It's a pity that no one heard the cry from the bottom of her heart.

The darkness ahead gradually swallowed her.