Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2181: The truth of words (2)

The driver swallowed and looked around like a thief.

The door here is rather biased, there are not many people walking, and there are no people around.

The driver took a deep breath, put the money away, closed the window, and started the car.

Anyway, I went on the same road when I went back. The lights were blind, everyone was busy at the banquet, and no one would pay attention.

For money, the driver is selectively blind.

Chu Zheng got off the car at the villa where she lived. This is also where Mo Xiangqiu and his current wife live. The original owner is just honored to be allocated a room here... a utility room.

According to what Mo Xiangqiu's biological daughter said, it was interesting enough to give her a utility room.

Chuzheng did not go in. He waited for the driver to leave, and then walked towards the other side.


Everyone was at the party, so there was no one in the villa, and Chuzheng returned to his room without incident.

The original owner’s room was very depressing. The Fei’s utility room was actually quite large, a little bigger than the master bedroom of ordinary people.

But the light is not good.

After all, it is used to put sundries, and lighting is not considered at all.

Chu Zheng scanned the original owner's things, except for the book, there was nothing else.

There is another reason why the original owner is unwilling to speak. What she says will come true.

For example, if she will meet a puppy today, she will really meet it.

For another example, if a puppy will be killed by a car, then the puppy will really be killed by a car.

This is not a prophecy.

She didn't see anything happening in the future.

It was she who said these words that made things happen, which was called the spirit of words in the past.

Her words are true.

Her words are truth.

But this is not without cost.

Every time what he said is fulfilled, the original owner will experience all kinds of unlucky things, ranging from bumps and bumps to hospitalization, and even life-threatening.

When the original owner was young, he didn't know how to control this ability, and it would always be triggered unintentionally.

When the original owner realized that what he said would be realized, he became afraid.

She was afraid of speaking and being punished, so she closed herself up more and more.

"Yanling..." Chuzheng thought about it and thought he could give it a try: "Someone will bring me dinner in a while."

Chuzheng didn't wait to bring her dinner, but waited for a group of aggressive men in suits.

You don't have to knock on the door, just break into the door, and turn over with your hands.

Time has passed so long, it's almost time for the drama of'people get stolen and get'.

But Chuzheng also checked the room when he came back, and there was nothing.

So Chu Zheng stood calmly at the door, watching the group of people rummaging.

Outside the door was Mo Xiangqiu who came, Fei Jinxue and Mo Xiangqiu's current wife Fei Youping did not appear.

In addition, it was the servants who stayed behind in the villa, and the housekeeper of the mansion...In the memory of the original owner, this housekeeper did not often appear. After she came to Fei's house, she only met once. Those people called him the housekeeper.

The original owner does not know where he is in charge.

But the original owner can tell that the position of this chief steward is not low.

The butler folded his hands in front of him, standing upright as loose, without any expression on his face, which made it a bit unclear what he was thinking.

Mo Xiangqiu entered the door directly, and didn't give Chu Zheng a good face: "When did you leave? Why didn't you say a word?"


Where do I know when I left?

"Why are you so drunk?" Mo Xiangqiu frowned when he smelled the wine on Chuzheng, "Girls, why do you drink so much wine!"

Mo Xiangqiu's appearance is considered handsome, and at this time, there are also the elites of successful people in suits and shoes.

However, if he looks ugly, it is estimated that the original adoptive mother and Fei Youping will also look down on him.

The original adoptive mother's family can only count as a bit of money and has a small company of its own.

Mo Xiangqiu's family situation is not as good as that of his adoptive mother, but after the two got married, they also made the company flourish.

However, when Mo Xiangqiu was with the original adoptive mother, it was only because the Fei family did not agree with him and Fei Youping.

When the Fei family pressured him, Mo Xiangqiu had no choice but to choose the original adoptive mother who had always liked him.

The marriage of the original owner's adoptive father can be regarded as a big drama.

Chu Zheng looked at Mo Xiangqiu casually, without saying a word.

It's not surprising that Mo Xiangqiu knew that this adopted daughter had always been like this, but she just felt that her eyes seemed a little wrong.

Mo Xiangqiu glanced at the person who was still searching, and lowered his voice: "What the **** did you do?"

Chu Zheng calmly asked, "What do you think I did?"

Mo Xiangqiu: "..."

Where does he know what she did.

He was still talking to people at the banquet, and suddenly received news that something happened to her here.

"When I asked you, you asked me what I did? You don't know what you did yourself?" Mo Xiangqiu held back his anger: "Now you quickly explain, this is the Fei family, not elsewhere!"

What did she do!

Now the big housekeeper, the Fei family, has been recruited.

The butler is from there, he hardly comes here...

"I did not do anything."

Mo Xiangqiu didn't believe it: "I didn't do anything, why did the housekeeper bring someone to search?"

In the end, Mo Xiangqiu looked at Chu Zheng even more strangely.

How could she talk to herself so peacefully?

In the memory, she either didn't speak or answered vaguely. When did she speak to him so generously?

"Who knows what he is going crazy."


Mo Xiangqiu's face twitched, and he almost reached out to cover Chuzheng's mouth.

The butler moved his gaze to Chu Zheng, his eyes sharp, with a taste of scrutiny.

When Mo Xiangqiu saw that he heard it, he couldn't wait to smash Chuzheng into the ground.

"You're crazy!" Mo Xiangqiu said in a low voice, "Is there any rules, and it's getting more and more unreasonable. How did your mother teach you!"

After the scolding, Mo Xiangqiu hurriedly compensated the housekeeper.

"My uncle is serious, I'm just a servant and can't afford it." The butler said in a light tone.

Mo Xiangqiu came to the Fei family for a while and knew some of the Fei family's taboos. At this time, when the housekeeper said so, he didn't feel relaxed at all.

I only hate that Chuzheng is ignorant and troubles myself.

The people in the room had already opened the mattresses and searched them, obviously nothing was found.

Several people came out to return to the housekeeper.

The housekeeper nodded slightly, and his eyes fell on Chu Zheng: "Miss Chu Zheng, if it is convenient, we would like to search your body."


The housekeeper suddenly smiled: "Where is it inconvenient for you?"

Chu Zheng just asked casually, she was not afraid of them searching.

The housekeeper sent a maid to bring Chuzheng to search the room, the dress was changed, and he checked inside and out.

"The housekeeper, there is nothing."

Chuzheng changed into a set of casual clothes and stepped out on slippers: "After the search is over, I, the client, have the right to know what you are searching for?"

Butler: "Our husband lost something. The surveillance showed that only you had approached it at that time."

"Oh, do you suspect that I am stealing?" Chu Zheng's tone was flat and straightforward.