Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2190: Spiritual Truth (11)

Fei Jiang was leaning against the head of the bed with the sound of water in the bathroom, with only a thin blanket draped around his waist, to see where he should not be covered.

Fei Jiang looked up at the sound in the bathroom.

The door opened, and the little girl came out wrapped in a big bathrobe, her eyes meeting Fei Jiang's eyes in the air.

Fei Jiang originally thought that the little girl would be somewhat shy or embarrassed, but she didn't.

The little girl was expressionless and her eyes were calm, as if she was not the one who was close to him.

She even looked at his body presumptuously.

Is this the reaction a girl should have?

"Is it still uncomfortable?" Fei Jiang broke the silence first.

"No." Chuzheng retracted his gaze, and solemnly promised: "Mr. Fei, rest assured, I will be responsible."

Don't give up the good person card to your door.

Fei Jiang: "..."

What is her responsibility?

Should he say this?

Fei Jiang was silent for a few seconds, and then smiled with her lips curled: "How are you going to be responsible?"

"How do you want me to be responsible?" I can do it, you have the final say.

The smile at the corner of Fei Jiang's mouth deepened, and he reached out and hooked toward Chu Zheng.

"doing what?"

"Miss Mo is comfortable, but I'm still uncomfortable, shouldn't Miss Mo be responsible?" Fei Jiang's eyes seemed to be whereabouts seemingly nonexistent: "Miss Mo just said to be responsible, right?"

Chu Zheng: "..."


I am responsible!


Outside the corridor.

The man walked back and forth in the indecent bathrobe, but no one else came up on this floor.

The man looks down at the phone screen from time to time.

How long has it been, why hasn't it come out?


Hearing the sound, the man turned his head and glanced, his hands around his chest: "What are you doing here?"

The handsome Liu Jinli rushed over in a few steps.

Liu Jinli asked suspiciously, "What are you doing here?" She wore it like this.

"Nothing." The man coughed: "It's over here?"

"No, it's too annoying." Liu Jinli complained, before her eyes suddenly lit up: "Cousin, did you date another woman?"

Liu Jinli clearly understood the virtues of her cousin.

Liu Jinli tutted twice: "I said cousin, you can relax a little bit, be careful not in the future."

"The little girl's family, her mouth is open." The man glared at her: "Go go, play next."

"I don't want to go any further, I'm so bored, Fei Jinxue's woman is simply sick."

The man covered his forehead, and didn't want to hear his cousin complain about it.

Regardless of whether he listened or not, Liu Jinli made a rant.

"Cousin, do you think she is sick?"

"Yes, yes." The man was extremely perfunctory.


There was a slight noise from the door, and the man immediately turned his head to look over, and Fei Jiang's angry face appeared in his vision.

"Chu Zhaoying, come in." Fei Jiang's voice was low.

When the man heard his name, his back was stiff, it was over! !

Chu Zhaoying grabbed Liu Jinli's arm and regarded death as if at home: "Old girl, if I haven't come out for an hour, you remember to collect the body for your brother."


Standing on the other side, Liu Jinli only heard Fei Jiangfang's voice, but did not see anyone. She subconsciously touched Chu Zhaoying's forehead.

"No fever..."

Chu Zhaoying slapped her hand away and entered the room.

Liu Jinli touched her nose strangely. Why was the sound in the room a bit familiar?


Chu Zhaoying entered the room with her tail between her tails, her eyes cast randomly.

The little girl was still wearing that little dress, sitting calmly on the sofa drinking tea, her whole body was full of extravagance.

Chu Zhaoying could not see anything abnormal from her.

It seems that nothing happened in this room.

But this little girl is so pretty...

Fei Jiang's voice was gloomy: "Explain."

Chu Zhaoying was taken aback, but didn't react: "Explain...what?"

Fei Jiang pointed to Chu Zheng: "What's wrong with her?"

"...I don't know her." Chu Zhaoying was extremely innocent.

"Don't know her, why did she come to your room?"

"This one……"

Chu Zhaoying really didn't know Chu Zheng, but was someone who wanted to find him to cooperate with, and said to give him a small gift.

Everyone in the circle knows his temperament, as long as he is a beauty, he will not refuse to come.

If it wasn't for Fei Jiang's wrong reaction later, he asked people to inquire, and he didn't know that this person was the oil bottle brought by Fei Youping's current husband.

"You didn't handle it?"

Chu Zhaoying called out the wrongdoer: "Brother, eldest brother! When will I touch these by myself? We have known each other for so long, who am I, don't you know a little bit?"

He is going to play, but what you want is you, not forcing you to sell.

The trouble happened, isn't he the one who is unlucky?

Why should he.

Fei Jiang knew exactly who Chu Zhaoying was, so he just told him to get out without doing anything.

Chu Zheng put down the tea cup in his hand: "You don't even know about the medicine?"

Chu Zhaoying: "...I...I only found out later."

He knew the news and sent a text message to Fei Jiang.

The first time Chuzheng came into contact with it was probably a medicine that could make people comatose, but there was another incense in this room, and the two were mixed together to have different effects.

As for the incense in this room, it is just a fragrance when used separately.

Just like Fei Jiang and Chu Zhaoying, they were completely unaffected.

Chu Zhaoying didn't know this at all, it was arranged by the other party.

Fei Jiang: "Who is that person?"

Chu Zhaoying confessed the person without hesitation.

Chu Zheng had no impression of this person.

She doesn't even know this person...

So there must be someone behind this incident.

Fei Youping and Mo Xiangqiu flashed through Chu Zheng's mind.

Fei Youping must have her come to this dinner, her attitude is still so strange, ninety-nine percent of this matter has something to do with her.

As for whether Mo Xiangqiu knew about it or not, Chuzheng was hard to judge.

Fei Jiang narrowed his eyes: "I'm looking for someone..."

"I can solve it myself." Chu Zheng calmly cut off his words: "I will do it myself."

Report your own grudges!

I can!

Fei Jiang glanced at her and smiled, his tone inexplicably spoiled: "It's up to you."

Chu Zhaoying looked at Fei Jiang and Chu Zheng strangely. When Fei Jiang had such a good temper, he still faced a girl.

Where did the sun hit today?

No, what is your relationship! !

Chu Zheng's gaze fell on Chu Zhaoying: "He..." This person is considered to be involved, so why should he kick twice?

Fei Jiang thought of the friendship that was about to capsize, and pleaded for Chu Zhaoying: "For the sake of my face, let him go?"

"What do you have..." Face! Chuzheng didn't speak, and he pondered for a few seconds: "Do you owe me?"

"...Okay." Something is always wrong.

"Then I will go first." Chu Zheng got up and left the room, Fei Jiang watched her leave without leaving.

With the door closed, Chu Zhaoying asked dumbfounded: "What did you just say?"

It's all in Chinese, but why can't he understand it?

Fei Jiang: "Save your dog's life."

Chu Zhaoying: "Huh?"