Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2207: The truth of words (28)

The hall was so quiet that needles fell.

Except for the father and Fei Youping's mother and daughter, there is no one else.

Fei Youping thought that he had found the old man, there was still room for change in this matter.

Who ever thought it would be like this.

"Dad, the young master of the Zhang family...how can Jinxue marry, isn't this hurting Jinxue's life?"

The old man was silent for a long time, and asked: "Just now Fei Jiang said that you wanted to make this marriage for the adopted daughter?"


Fei Youping could not explain.

Fei Youping's lips whistled several times without making a sound.

She gave Fei Zhixue a look.

Fei Jinxue immediately hugged her father's arm and cried: "Grandpa, I haven't finished my book yet, I can't make a marriage contract so early..."

"Grandpa, you love me the most, you must help me."

Among his children, Fei Youping is the one who hurts the most.

So Fei Youping did not get married and gave birth to children. He could let Fei Youping stay in Fei's house well and return her company shares.

After Fei Jinxue was born, the old man liked it very much.

——Grandpa loves your daughter very much, but someone else’s daughter is a tool, so you can use it whatever you want.

The old man thought of Fei Jiang's words for no reason.

Did he do something wrong?

The old man didn't think he was wrong.

He was all for the Fei family.

If he didn't do that at the beginning, where is Feijia now, and where is he still showing his might.

"I'll figure out how to do this." The old man was rebellious, ignoring Fei Jiang's warning at all.

Fei Jinxue was overjoyed: "Thank you Grandpa, Grandpa is the best to me."

"Okay, don't cry."

Fei Jinxue wiped away her tears and smiled into tears: "Well, grandpa, are you hungry? Let's go back and eat something first."

The old man looked at this empty main house, which even a servant could not see, and his anger rose again.



Fei Jiang was obviously in a bad mood, and said nothing after going upstairs.

"What do you think?"

Chuzheng stretched out his hand and shook it in front of him.

Fei Jiang's eyes turned a circle, gradually gaining focus.

"What level of **** do you think I will go down?"

"……"how could I know! I'm not working for the following, you ask me and I ask who to go. Chuzheng pondered for two seconds: "You'll know when you die."

When Fei Jiang heard this, he wasn't angry, and wanted to laugh somehow.

"Little friend, what do you do if I die?"

Rewind, or the next copy, what can I do?

Chu Zheng didn't say this, but was stopped in time by the King.

"If you die, I will die too."

Fei Jiang raised his eyebrows: "Does the kid want to die for me?"

"..." You think so.

Fei Jiang reached out and hugged her: "What should I do, I like you more and more."

Chuzheng hesitated and cheered him up: "Hold it, you can!"


Fei Jiang's face was buried in Chuzheng's neck and smiled. The heat swept across Chuzheng's neck, a little itchy and hot.

The two parties Chu Zheng and Fei Jiang can't remember how they developed into indescribable later.


"Mo Chuzheng, you are too much!"

The man rubbed his wrists and glared at the little girl opposite.

"Can't afford to play?"

Fei Jiang's chest rises and falls slightly: "Do you use your ability to... do that kind of thing?"

Chu Zheng was rightly confident: "I like it, can you manage it?"

Fei Jiang's mouth twitched: "You use it on me, do you think I can control it?"

His body!


You are Yan Ling, a powerful force that can be used to kill people invisible, why does she have to use it...

Fei Jiang felt ashamed to think about it.

"I like to use it on you."


Chu Zheng discovered that Yan Ling was used on Fei Jiang, and there would be no backlash. I don't know if it was because it didn't cause any harm to Fei Jiang or other reasons.

And you can also brush proficiency.

Isn't she sorry for the good person card if she doesn't use it?

Fei Jiang didn't want to break with Chu Zheng, and went into the bathroom with anger.

Chu Zheng casually put on a piece of clothing and knocked on the translucent glass door of the bathroom.

"Don't come in!"

The man's angry voice was mixed with the sound of water.

Chuzheng leaned his chest outside and didn't plan to go in.

"Do you think your old man would agree to the exhausting marriage?"

The sound of water in the bathroom has subsided.

"It doesn't matter whether he agrees or disagrees, it's not he who has the final say now."

Chu Zheng: "He has been in charge of Fei's family for so many years, even if he retreats now, there may be other contacts in his hands."

"I know."

Of course Fei Jiang knew this, but Fei Jinxue had to marry the fool of the Zhang family.

If the old man has any abilities, just use it.

He can take the entire Fei family, and he doesn't care about the little storms now.

The bathroom door slammed open with a ‘crash’, and the man casually wrapped in a bathrobe, standing inside with a mixture of moisture.

His voice was a little low, as if it was tainted with water vapor: "Do you have nothing to ask me?"

Chu Zheng was at a loss: "Ask what?"

"You just heard that I, this person, has a problem in itself, are you afraid?"

I am scared to death.

But what can I do!

Chuzheng showed his business status: "I am not afraid of anyone, let alone you."

Fei Jiang clenched his hand on his side, and his voice became lower: "If someday... someday I lose control, I might hurt you."

Chuzheng didn't care much and asked: "Have you lost control in front of me?"

Fei Jiang: "..."

Maybe not.

Not only did she not, but she calmed down every time she was around her.

The little girl outside the door put on his shirt, and the hem was too long, just covering the base of her thigh.

The slender and straight legs are like works of art, and even the fingernails are shiny.

The little girl spoke slowly: "Fei Jiang, I believe you."

Fei Jiang's heartbeat first missed half a beat, and then he went out of control and lost its regularity.

Believe him... what do you believe in him?

He didn't even believe him.

How can she be so sure?

Fei Jiang wanted to say something to refute her, but couldn't find a suitable vocabulary. He pursed his blushing lips: "Want to wash it together?"

Chu Zheng raised his eyebrows: "I'm not afraid what I will do to you?"

Fei Jiang said at the beginning, somewhat uncomfortable: "...Come or not?"

"Don't regret it."


Fei Jiang is about to close the door.

Chuzheng stretched out his hand and stepped into the bathroom.


Father Fei lives in Fei Youping's villa. Even if Mo Xiangqiu and Fei Youping are married now, the father still does not wait to see Mo Xiangqiu.

Chu Zheng listened to the gossip of the servants in the main house and said that Mo Xiangqiu had been trained by the old man several times.

Mo Xiangqiu didn't have any great achievements, and he didn't have much ability. The only advantage was that he was handsome.

In the eyes of the old man, a person like him has no skin and no soul.

Fei Youping should have married better, it is because of him that delayed Fei Youping.

The old man naturally didn't like him.

If it wasn't for the old man who had to solve the arduous things, I guess the drama over there would be even more exciting.


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