Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2228: Medical shocks the world (13)

Ascend the elixir...

If it is someone else, he might think that this is an improvement in cultivation.

But this person! !

That is definitely not a good thing!

He gasped with his mouth open, trying to say something, but he said everything.

The young man squatted aside, folded his hands on his knees, and put his chin on the back of his hands, looking at him obediently.

"what are you doing?"

There was a cold voice, and the man felt that it was the sound of nature.


The young man reached out and lifted his clothes, covered his face, got up and turned his back to him.


The man heard his voice vaguely.

No one responded to him, the man heard footsteps, getting closer...

He moved his fingers hard, trying to catch the person who came, but he only caught a handful of air.


Chu Zheng just saw Jingpa feeding the man on the ground.

I don't know what it is...

Chu Zheng calmly hugged Shocked into the coffin: "Have you been scared?"

Jingpa shook his head.

Chu Zheng turned his head and glanced at the people lying on the ground, thinking about it...

Jingpa was reluctant to let Chu Zheng watch. He pulled Chu Zheng's sleeves and turned her attention back.


Jingpa didn't know what to say.

He didn't want Chu Zheng to see that person before.

In a hurry, he broke the stumbling block: "I... I'm a little scared."

Chu Zheng: "..." You shook your head just now! Lie!

Chuzheng resisted the complaint, looked at her card, and turned his eyes lightly: "Then I will give you a hug?"

Shocked and blinked, he nodded after a moment.

Chu Zheng stretched out his hand and hugged him into his arms, and touched his head smoothly.

Jingpa actually didn't want others to touch his head, especially when he had silver hair.

He will feel very weird and different from normal people.

But Chuzheng touched him, and even though he was uncomfortable, he was not very disgusted.

"feelling better?"


"Let's go then." Otherwise, someone pops out again, which is very annoying.

Jingpa let go of Chuzheng and sat back inside.

Chu Zheng turned to the front, moving the coffin slowly, and squatted to the edge of the coffin, looking at the man who was still raising his hand, trying to grab something.

That hand gradually dropped...

Jingpa retracted his sight, moved to the front, and said to Chuzheng, "I want to go by myself."

"You are too slow." Chu Zheng was disgusted.

Shocked: "..."

He scratched the edge of his nails: "I can walk faster."

Chu Zheng looked back at him.

The boy's eyes were wet, and the corners of his eyes were a little red, looking pitiful.

Chu Zheng couldn't understand him like this.

I can't wait to...

Chu Zheng: "You can come out, I will lead you away."

Hold the hand of the card in a fair manner, I can!

"...Oh, okay." Jingpo didn't have any special thoughts about this, as if the child was led by the teacher.

His head tilted: "Then can I come out?"

Chu Zheng carried him out. The boy was very light. Chu Zheng didn't need to use much force.

After the boy landed, he took the initiative to hand his hand to Chuzheng, as if the three characters "Let's take you" written on his face.

Chu Zheng held his hand: "Tell me when you are tired."

"I can walk a long way by myself." The boy retorted weakly.

"Well, you are great."



Wuyin Town.

A town that has long since disappeared, if you want to enter, you need a soul to lead the way.

There are two types of souls available.

The first is to kill a person with one's own hands, refining the soul, and let him lead the way.

The second is to look for evil spirits that have not yet dissipated, persuade the other party, and take the initiative to lead the way.

Evil spirits are extremely difficult to find, and they must be grieving people, which is even more difficult to find.

Evil spirits that are full of resentment generally have huge hatred, and if they want to lead the way, they must first complete the other's requirements.

Where did Chuzheng have time to complete the request, and after finding a suitable evil spirit, he first smashed the opponent with the spirit core of Warcraft, and then added Lingbi if it didn't work.

Evil spirit: "..."

I'm dead, what's the use of these things?

This is not a fool.

After finally encountering a person, it is still a fool.

"I can give you things to your offspring." Chu Zheng decided to be a good person.

Descendants... The evil spirits feel that he is dead and care about what the offspring do.

The evil spirit roared ferociously: "I want revenge!!"

"All right." Chuzheng was too lazy to talk again: "I'll change one."

If the mountain is not me, I change the mountain!

Evil spirits are hard to find, but they are not to be found!

Evil spirit: "Eh eh eh...Don't go!!"

The evil spirit floated over and stopped Chu Zheng.

He looked around twice and pointed at the young man standing not far away: "In this way, if you give me his body for two days, I will promise you."

As soon as the evil spirit's voice fell, he was fanned by Chuzheng.

Chu Zheng: "..." To be honest, she didn't know she could be so good.

She just wanted to fight evil spirits.

After the evil spirit floated back, his expression was a bit wrong, showing a bit of fear: "You...you are the devil!"


Chu Zheng's mind was filled with question marks.

What is the origin of this body?

Is it the magic mountain and the devil's?

"You... don't know?" The evil spirit was even more surprised than Chuzheng, the client.

"Didn't you come down from the magic mountain?"

"……should be."

"What should it be, don't you know where you are from?" the evil spirit shouted.


I took over this body halfway, what can I know!

Chuzheng's expression was solemn: "Do you know a lot?"


Rumor has it that there is a magic mountain on which the devilish energy has been floating for many years, and monks and ordinary people cannot get close to the magic mountain.

But there is a class of people who can move freely on the magic mountain.

Such people are demons.

The power of the demon is so powerful that it can use not only the aura but also the devil.

But the devil cannot come out of the mountain.

The only way out of the mountain is to be summoned.

"Can only be called?"

"I heard that the Magic Mountain and the Kyushu Continent are separate and can only be summoned to the Kyushu Continent."

The power of the demon is too strong. If it can come out of the mountain at will, there are other races in the Kyushu continent.

"The conditions for summoning are also very harsh...I am not very clear about the specifics. Anyway, not everyone can summon."

Chu Zheng: "..."

So this Shen Yin is actually a summoning object?

Who called Shen Yin?

Chu Zheng thought of a question: "Since the Magic Mountain is separated from the Kyushu Continent, how do you know that monks and ordinary people cannot survive on the Magic Mountain?"

Evil spirit: "..."

Is this the point?

This kind of rumored news, who doesn't add some private information to it?

"I heard it too." The evil spirit laughed dryly.

Chuzheng was noncommittal: "How did you know?"

I still recognize her!

"I can't tell...just...that's how it feels."

He had heard about the devil before, but he was blessed to his heart just now, and he came out automatically.

And he was instinctively afraid of her...

It's not a fear of power, and she is a person.

"Demons and evil spirits have spiritual characters, maybe there is some origin." The evil spirits pleased with a smile: "You are right?"

The evil spirit obviously concealed something, and Chuzheng didn't care about it: "So you show me the way?"

"Bring it! Bring it!" The evil spirit said with a blank face: "Where are you going?"

"Wuyin Town."

Evil spirit: "..."


The chapter adds a comment to draw a New Year gift box! !

Five places, open at 23:50.

The New Year gift box can be seen in the comment section, with peripherals and snacks.

The top 5 in the list will get gift boxes, and the rest will get book coins, which will be automatically issued.

If there is a person who does not meet the requirements (repetitive or has already had a gift box), the next one will be postponed.