Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2229: Medical shocks the world (14)

Isn’t it clear if the Goodman Card has Chuzheng?

He had made two people that way before.

"take it out."


After breaking the buckle, he took out a few porcelain bottles for a while, and stuffed them with Chu Zheng.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Look! There is more than one kind of poison.

And it's a big bottle!

Chu Zheng raised his hand and scratched his head, holding the poison and left.

After being shocked for a long time, he raised his hand and touched the place where Chuzheng had touched him, his cheeks flushed inexplicably.


The shocking poison is very useful, and it is not a problem to deal with Warcraft.

Chuzheng managed the group of monsters, returned to the coffin, and raised his hand to touch his head: "Very awesome."

Shocked and pursed his lips, lowered his head slightly, the blush on his cheeks spread to his ears.

"You... don't you think... those..." The startled speech was out of tune, and I didn't know what I was expressing.

Chuzheng stroked his hair down: "Speak slowly."

Jingpa looked at her carefully, breathed a little, and tried to make his own words into one sentence.

"Are those... poisons cruel?"

"It's just useful, what can I do with so many things?" Chu Zheng put his fingers through his hair, gently holding and playing.


Shocked and hung his head, folded his hands together, pinching his palms fiercely.

His voice was low and inaudible, faintly aggrieved: "But...my master said...I am not fit to practice medicine."

"He's talking nonsense." What kind of dog said that I'm a good guy!

The boy raised his eyes hastily, and then dropped again in the next second: "But...Master was very good to me before."

"Well, I will treat you well in the future." Chu Zheng rubbed his head.

The boy didn't seem to understand, his lips slightly opened, his face showing a daze.

Stupefied, kind of cute.

Chu Zheng's eyes lingered on his face for a moment, and then averted his gaze: "Don't think so much, you are fine."

Shocked: "Am I... well?"

"Well, you are the best." What a boasting good guy card!

Jingpa didn't know what was going on, suddenly put his hood back on, and sat in the corner with his knees, his head buried in his arms.

Chu Zheng: "..."

What's wrong again!

Chuzheng scratched his head, what's wrong with not understanding good people.


Chu Zheng found that among these monsters, there was no golden cicada.

I don't know if it was killed by this group of monsters, or hiding underneath to recover.

Chu Zheng went to look around and found that there were dead bodies in some undamaged houses.

Look at that, it should have been killed by Warcraft.

But why do these monsters appear here?

Is it because of Yan Hongni?

Or is it another reason?

This place shouldn't stay for long, so quickly withdraw.

Leaving Jinchan Town with a shocking shock, I didn't expect that there were still many people'ambusing' outside the town.

As soon as Chu Zheng went out, they were surrounded by them.

There are too many World of Warcraft, they will definitely not be able to win.

Retreat is the best option.

But they were worried about the golden core, so they stayed outside and did not leave.

"Devil! You are not dead yet!"

"I'm really sorry for letting you down." There is no apology in this sorry sentence, but it seems to be a mockery.

Chu Zheng didn't see Meng Weihan and Yan Hongni, and he didn't know if he had left.

"Devil, you called those monsters!" Suddenly someone roared out of the blessed soul.

Chu Zheng was very innocent: "It's not me, I don't, don't talk nonsense!"

Why charge me all the pots!

You are a bit too much!

Beep and beep, the person on the other side can't wait first, and cut to the topic: "Shen Yin, hand over the golden core!"

Chu Zheng glanced over them: "Are you enough?"

There is only one golden pill, but there are so many people on the opposite side. Could it be that one person licked it?

"You care about whether we have enough points, you can hand them over quickly, or don't blame us for being impolite!"

These people have the same idea at this time, first get the golden core, and then talk about other things.

Chu Zheng pressed his wrist and sighed straight in his heart.


This is because they won't let me be a good person!

"Let's go together!" For Jindan, the group of people seemed to have forgotten what happened before.

The wages of avarice is death.

This is the rule in the Kyushu mainland.



Click ——

The tree was smashed by someone's waist, the leaves flew down, and the silver light passed through the leaves and flew towards the man holding the giant hammer.

The man glimpsed a glimmer of light and dodged subconsciously.

The light flew by him, paused for a few seconds in the air, then slammed back, dispersed into countless thinner lights, entangled in all directions.

In shock, the man slammed his hammer down.

However, those things seemed to be autonomous, easily avoided, and swept through again from a tricky angle.

The cold touch climbed to his ankle, and the restraint made him look down.

But there is nothing at the ankle.

The cold **** spread to the waist, chest, neck...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." The suffocated man lost his composure and started spinning around.

In the eyes of others, it was probably the person who was hitting and suddenly going crazy.

What sorcery did this demon use!

This is the unified idea of ​​everyone.

"Devil! Stop it! Or I will kill him!"

On the other side of the coffin, I don't know when I touched someone.

At this time, he put the knife on his neck and threatened Chuzheng fiercely.

This person has been following her all the time. It should be important to her to want to come, and it is better to be used as a threat at this time.

Shocked and clutching the edge of the coffin with both hands, he was so shocked that he hadn't reacted, and the whole person was somewhat dazed.

However, Chuzheng just took a look at it, and didn't stop at all.

While pressing a person on the ground, he said: "If you have the ability, you can try to move him."

The girl's voice was cold, inexplicably penetrating.


After Chuzheng was over, he didn't look there anymore, and decided to get the one closest to him.


The person who was intimidated by the shock did not expect Chuzheng to react like this, so he cursed fiercely.

This person is with that demon, and he is not a good person.

So he sneered and said grimly: "If you want to blame, blame her!"

The man raised the knife and fell.

But he did not see the scene of blood splashing.

It was his own body, falling backwards.

The whole body is weak, the eyes are dizzy, the whole world seems to be spinning around.

What's wrong?

The snow-white figure poked his head from above the coffin.

The face under the hood was looked upright by him at this time.

The man's pupils widened slightly, and his throat made a broken voice with difficulty: "You...you..."

That face...

He will never forget.

Shocked eyelashes trembled, went out of the coffin, and squatted over to the man: "Do you know me?"

There was a faint fear in the man's eyes: "Jesus... Medical Building..."

Jingpa took out a red pill, broke the man's mouth and fed it down.

The man had no room for resistance and was forced to swallow things.

"You... what did you eat for me?"

"Scene elixir." The young boy's voice was weak, as if he was the one being bullied: "Very precious."


Yesterday’s chapter was copied wrong and has been changed. You can go back and see. There is no duplicate purchase. The number of words in the chapters is the same, but I read the two chapters in advance yesterday.