Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 224: Return of the King (21)

Jiang Ye personally sent Qi Feng down.

"Mr. Qi, don't worry, no one will know that you have met us."

Qi Feng looked in the direction of Jiang Ye, and Yin Hong stood not far away with a smile on his face.

He was called out by Yin Hong.

He came out just to talk to Yin Hong.

Qi Feng pushed down his glasses and walked towards Yin Hong without saying a word.

Today's play is really wonderful, Sheng's family is not a canary.

Jiang Ye returned to the top. Chu Zheng was still sitting in his place. He pulled out the chair and sat next to her: "How did you offend the people of Sirius?"

Chu Zheng's fingertips clasped his wrists: "Maybe it's not me."

"What do you mean?"

"They want to catch me alive." Chu Zheng was very sure, omitting the word ‘maybe’: "It’s not me who offends Sirius."

How could the original owner, a canary who didn't get out of the gate, offend a black power like Sirius.

The most likely is the missing Sheng Min.

But what did Sheng Min do?

Let the other party not hesitate to spend such a big price to catch her, this little pitiful?

Chuzheng is sure that she has no assets now.

Most of them were taken away by Sheng Ting, and the rest were divided up by others.

The only thing left is the manor.

She asked Gao Ping, the old housekeeper, but he didn't know where the relevant documents of the manor were.

The original owner did not know, or that, except Sheng Min, no one knew, which is why the manor was able to stay.

But a **** power can't spend so much energy on a manor, right? ?

Jiang Ye raised his eyebrows: "Sirius people are notorious in the way, but everyone is afraid of their strength, and no one wants to oppose them in the face."

"So awesome." There is no secretly on the bright side!

Jiang Ye looked at Chuzheng's expressionless compliment, and felt that it was against him.

He thought he would not hear such words in her mouth.

But seeing her like that, she didn't care much.

It seems that this dim sum is really beautiful, but it still looks like it will be eaten in the end.

Chu Zheng wondered for himself how to get rid of the group of dogs who wanted to catch him.

"Miss Sheng, am I helping you today?" The young Qingyue's voice interrupted Chu Zheng's thinking.

She raised her eyes to look at the other side, the young man leaned back in the chair lazily, with a small smile, the flashing colored lights reflected in his eyes, like a galaxy.

"I didn't ask you to help." I can handle it myself.

The boy shrugged slightly: "But it is true."

"...Hmm." You said yes.

"Then we are both clear?" Jiang Ye said with a smile.

Liang Qing?

What two cleansing?

"up to you."

Jiang Ye squinted slightly. He helped her in this way, didn't he just want to pay off what he owed before?

But now that I heard what she said, my heart became more uncomfortable. Why?

She agreed, and it was paid off.

I will owe nothing to each other from now on!

Jiang Ye exhaled and stood up: "Miss Sheng, then I will go back first."

Chu Zheng stood up with him: "Send you off."

Instead of asking for his opinion, Chu Zheng had already gone down.

Jiang Ye: "..."

There are still a few days, if you don’t see and see when you look down, you should make a good bond.

Chuzheng sent Jiang Ye to the door of his room, and left without waiting for Jiang Ye to speak out.

Jiang Ye: "..."


The following day passed very peacefully.

Jiang Ye didn't see a trace, Chu Zheng never saw him again anyway.

She has never seen Sheng Ting and Zhuang Yi.

Of course, it could also be because she didn't go on the cruise ship and didn't meet her.

Chu Zheng lay on the bed and read the information sent by the bodyguard.

Sirius is headquartered abroad, and this organization is a bit mixed. As long as it can make money, they will do it.

And many of these people are reckless villains.

They spent money to hire someone to arrest her, probably because they were not good at doing it in China.

After all, the country is very strict in this regard. If it is really checked, it will not be good for them to lose too much.


The light in the room suddenly went out, and the screen light barely allowed Chu Zheng to see the surroundings clearly.

Chu Zheng sat up on the bed, and lay back calmly after a while.

power failure.

small issue.

Not square.

[Miss sister? 】

"What are you doing?" Chu Zheng was wary.

Suddenly, you don’t want to send a task again, right?

This is all out of power!

Prodigal is impossible! !

Whoever kills can still be discussed.

【what are you doing. ] Who wants to kill who! They are a serious prodigal system! Only prodigal!

Chuzheng put his hands on his lower abdomen and lay very standard: "If the power is off, what's the problem?"

The problem is big!

[Aren’t you going to see your good guy card? 】The king scratches the wall.

Chuzheng was very indifferent: "Why should I go?"

[Your good guy card is afraid of the dark, forget it? ? Forgot? ! 】

"..." Chu Zheng thought for a moment: "He lived well before without me, I believe he is fine."

The good guy card has grown up, so learn to take care of yourself.


Is this the result of your thinking?

The King kept telling herself to calm down.

[But Miss Sister, this is a great opportunity for a good person to think you are a good person, how can you let it go? 】


Chuzheng took the clothes irritably and opened the door of the room amidst the roar of the king.

All kinds of panic screams in the corridor.

This floor is full of people's rooms. At this time, because of a sudden power failure, everyone in the room came out, and the corridor seemed a bit crowded.

Chu Zheng passed through these people and found Jiang Ye's room according to his previous memories.

She knocked on the door, and no one answered.

Chu Zheng stepped back and kicked the door directly.

Everyone was frightened by her behavior, holding a group farther away.

There are waiters on the cruise ship to maintain the order, holding a horn to keep everyone safe, but the power is out, and someone has been sent to check it, and the call will come soon.


As the last word fell, Chuzheng kicked the door open.

However, there is no one in the room.

That weak chicken is afraid of the dark! !

Where did you go without the room?

Wouldn't be harmed by others?


"Where did you go?"

"It's too dark to see clearly..."

"Find it, it must be nearby."

There were conversations and slight footsteps.

Jiang Ye leaned against the corner, his body seemed a little unstable, he tried his best to hold back his breath.

In the end, however, it was still because of the darkness, breathing heavily.

The sound of footsteps just approaching.

Jiang Ye's gun hand trembled slightly, trying to concentrate, but he couldn't...

Darkness is like viscous water, constantly accumulating towards itself.

He felt like a drowning man, his body was sinking continuously.

Jiang Ye's wrists suddenly became hot, his body was suppressed, and he covered his mouth with both hands.

Jiang Ye didn't see who it was, but he smelled the cold fragrance on her, familiar and strange.

My heart suddenly loosened, and the whole person slid down.

Chu Zheng hugged him and pushed him into the corner.

The footsteps outside gradually approached.

But a few seconds later the people outside ran in the other direction.

Jiang Ye's head rested on Chu Zheng's shoulders. Only then did he dare to breathe in the fresh air, holding Chu Zheng firmly with both hands.