Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2280: Custom Lovers (15)

The people in the banquet hall walked almost, and Chu Zheng did not rush to leave.

Another man did not move either.

Chu Zheng glanced at him, and it was the one who had just fought with Fengyan...

The man looked at her with a little scrutiny.

"Who is he?" Chu Zheng asked Fengyan.

Fengyan obviously doesn't like this man, and he dislikes it when he speaks: "Li Sheng, from Hengrun Technology."

"Oh." I don't know.

"Fengyan, who is this little sister? Why haven't I seen it?" Li Sheng was not afraid of bombs, so he could ask questions calmly at this time.

Fengyan: "There are too many people you haven't seen. What does this have to do with you."

"Curious." Li Sheng smiled, with a meaningful look in his eyes: "She looks a little..."

"Li Sheng, don't worry about it!" Fengyan interrupted the opponent.

Li Sheng: "What are you nervous about? I'm just curious about how she ordered this big guy just now."

too fast.

That is not the normal command speed.

She didn't even start the robot...

Wind feast: "..."

You can blow him up here.

The eyes of the two people met in the air, as if sparks were flying everywhere.

Chu Zheng: "I'm the boss here, why is it difficult to give instructions to my hotel robot?"

Li Sheng: "???"

Fengyan: "???"

After the hotel staff evacuated the crowd, they entered the banquet hall and heard what Chu Zheng said.

The manager looked at the newly appointed boss and called out in a complicated mood: "Boss."

Wind feast: "..."

Li Sheng: "..."

Real boss?

Fengyan wondered how she became the boss here, and did she do something illegal again.

What Li Sheng suspected was what she said just now, but still felt wrong. Even the boss, the robot's reaction speed was too fast!

Sleeping robots must have a start buffer...

Chu Zheng didn't know what the two people were thinking: "What's the matter with the bomb?"

"It's like this..."

The manager said the matter quickly.

The first to receive the news was the front desk, just a note. There were a lot of people at the time, and the front desk didn't know who put it on it.

Because it was just a piece of paper, they were not sure whether it was a prank or real, so they just...

But then they received a note with a room number written on it.

They went to that room and found a bomb.

So only then began to evacuate the hotel guests.

How many bombs are still in the hotel, you have to wait for professional people to investigate.

Chu Zheng: "Go down first."

"Okay, okay." The manager felt that his heart was furry when he stayed here. Who knows when the bomb will explode.


The manager arranged for the car, but Li Sheng was stopped by his people when he got down, and he couldn't keep up.

After Chu Zheng got into the car, the dying man was also picked up.

Fengyan frowned, but said nothing.

Chuzheng checked the hotel surveillance first and found the man in the surveillance.

The note was put on the front desk by the man when there were a lot of people. He also changed the clothes of the maintenance staff and began to enter and exit the hotel on all floors.

The public spaces of the hotel are monitored, but not in the rooms.

He entered so many rooms, it is impossible to determine which rooms he put the bomb in.

There is no clue for when and how to detonate.

Chuzheng wakes up people: "Who are you?"


The man looked around and found that he was in a car. The outside light swept the wind feast sitting aside, and suddenly went crazy, struggling to pounce on him.

"Go to die, go to die!!"

Chu Zheng lifted his foot and kicked the man away, pressing his head, braving fiercely all over his body: "Move it again to kill you."

The man lay awkwardly on the ground, his face pressed against the carpet under the car, his eyes staring unwillingly.

"Answer my question obediently, you know?"


The man stared at Chuzheng without saying a word.

Chu Zheng: "How many bombs did you drop in the hotel? Are there any accomplices?"

"Guess." The man smiled grimly: "Guess how much I put."

Chuzheng's cold eyebrows seemed to be stained with a thin layer of frost, which made people feel chills involuntarily.

But the man just laughed, and that smile was indescribable.

A moment later, Chu Zheng said: "Jiang Hai, there is a younger brother with organ failure. He is in Guangming Hospital..."

"Shut up!" The man changed his expression: "How do you know, how do you know!"

"It seems that you still care about this younger brother." Chu Zheng bent down slightly and met the man's gaze: "If you don't answer my question well, I will let your brother go down and wait for you first."

the man:"!!!"

Chu Zheng casually controlled a robot in a hospital and broadcast live to men.

"Look, it only needs to unplug the tube from your brother..."

"Stop!" The man roared so loudly that his voice broke, and finally there was a look of horror in his crazy eyes.

The girl's voice was cold and cold, but it was like a whisper from hell.

"How many bombs did you put in the hotel."

"Four...Four." The man stared at the screen closely, afraid that the robot would start his hand in the blink of an eye.

Why can she control the robot so far.

Who is she?

Chu Zheng: "Where are they all placed?"

The man marked four positions, these four do not include the first one.

It's a fake, it can't detonate at all.

Chu Zheng sent the location to the manager.

"Now let's talk about why we are attacking here." This happened just after I bought the horse!

"I tell you, don't hurt him, he doesn't know anything!"

"answer my question."

"You promised me……"

"Do you have the right to negotiate terms with me?"


The man's younger brother had organ failure, and he could only rely on machines to maintain his life. To get better, he had to change his organs.

There are too many people waiting to change their organs in the hospital, and they are finally matched.

But just the day before the operation, I was suddenly told that the operation was cancelled.

He inquired about it and found out that someone jumped in and took away his brother's opportunity.

"Do you know the odds of a match? How long have we waited, do you know? Just because the other party is rich and powerful, we took away our chance, is this fair?!"

Chu Zheng pointed to Fengyan: "He grabbed it?" It seems that there is nothing wrong with the good guy, right?


Chuzheng was inexplicable: "Then what are you looking for?"

The man couldn't find out who the person who jumped in the line was, but the hospital was under the name of Fengyan, so he transferred his hatred to Fengyan.

Chu Zheng: "..."


"Why don't you die, why don't you die!" The man suddenly yelled at Fengyan angrily and spitefully: "It's all because of you people, and we people live so hard."

Chu Zheng raised his eyes to look at the wind feast, the latter's complexion condensed, and his low eyelashes blocked the emotions in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.