Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2322: Silver Moon Festival Song (21)

Yinbai's attention was on Chuzheng, so he didn't even see the "friends" asking for help.

The boy asked in a low voice, "Will you trouble you?"

"No." Chu Zheng skillfully touched the boy's head: "Your business is not troublesome." That's super troublesome!

How did Yinbai know what Chu Zheng thought in his heart? After listening to Chu Zheng's words, his eyebrows stretched out, as if he was relieved.

When they arrived, Yinbai was taken into a private room by Chuzheng, half pulled and half hugged, but the boys did not follow.

"Aren't they with us?"

"Do you want to be discovered by them that you can't eat?" Chu Zheng looked serious: "They are next door, don't worry."


Although Yinbai felt a bit impolite, he also knew that Chuzheng made sense.

He can't eat. If he goes, they will definitely find...

He didn't doubt Chu Zheng's words, and stayed in the box obediently. Chu Zheng went out once in the middle, but came back soon.


The box next door.

The huge round table slowly slowed down the food, all of which were extremely unpalatable treasures outside.

At this time, it was like no money, just piled on the table.

Several boys sat with pale faces, not daring to move.

"Several classmates, please." The fierce bodyguard is quite friendly: "Our young lady specially invited you to eat, and finish all of them."

The last sound went up, and it was weird to be said by such a vicious person.

"...No, what will happen if I don't eat?" a boy asked difficultly.

"It won't be much." The bodyguard stood in the door: "It's just that I might have to trouble some classmates to stay here temporarily aggrieved."


Ahhhhh, what kind of social man is this!

After eating so many things, their stomachs will burst, but they can't go without eating...

I don't know how long it took to sit, but finally a boy gave it up and started eating.

Can't you just sit here forever?

If one person did it, the others had to start eating.

After eating, they estimate that they don't want to see these things again in their lives, the food seems to be on the throat.


"We just left?" Yinbai stayed in the box for a while, and Chuzheng asked him to leave. He hesitated a little: "I'll go talk to them."

"They are gone." Chu Zheng took his coat: "Let's go."


Chu Zheng nodded without changing his face: "Well, why, don't you believe me? Afraid that I might not entertain your friends?"

"No, no." Yinbai shook his head, he didn't believe her.

Chu Zheng stretched out his hand: "Will you go then?"


Yinbai took Chuzheng's hand and obediently followed downstairs and left.

From the rearview mirror of the car, he saw a car did not follow up, and he looked suspiciously behind.

Chuzheng pulled the man over and pressed him in his arms. The boy suddenly forgot about other things, his face flushed and pointed to the front.

"They dare not look."

The kinsmen in front pulled down the baffle wittily.

Yin Bai's face was even redder, but he didn't resist, letting Chu Zheng toss.

The car parked outside Yinbai's house, Yinbai got out of the car, and the cool breeze brushed her cheeks, dispelling some dryness.

He let out a breath slowly.

The boy lowered his head, seeing that Chuzheng didn't get off the car, he hesitated: "Didn't you say you want to study?"

"Huh?" After Chu Zheng remembered the pit he had dug in class before.

I don't want to.

She just wants to learn how to 404.

"Do you want me to go up?"

"...Don't worry if you don't want to." He uttered a bit quickly, turned around and walked inside.

Chuzheng thought for a few seconds, but still felt that a good guy card was more important, so he caught up with him in the car: "Is anyone at home?"

The boy shook his head: "No."


Chuzheng made an unknown "Oh". She seemed to be meaningless, but she blushed.

Yinbai still put the key under the mat.

"Is the key safe to put here?"

Yinbai opened the door and said, "It's okay, there are no valuables at home."

Chu Zheng hugged him from behind: "Aren't you?"

Yinbai twisted the key's hand and stumbled: "What...what?"

"You are a valuable item." Chu Zheng kissed him on the side of his neck and exhaled gently: "Mine."

Yinbai did not respond for a while, so Chuzheng had to hold his hand and open the door, leading people inside.

As soon as Chu Zheng closed the door, the boy suddenly turned around and hugged her.

Chuzheng was knocked on the door and made a ‘bang’.

She took a breath, but still embraced the person in her arms: "What's the matter?"

Yinbai didn't say a word, and hugged her tightly.

Chu Zheng simply hugged the person to the sofa, the room was not turned on, and it was dark all around.

Chuzheng couldn't put him down, so she simply let people sit on her lap and put her arms around her, with the palm of her hand touching the back of his neck, and landed on his back: "Good point, what's wrong?"

Yinbai's breathing is irregular.

For a while, the boy said: "My parents are very good to me, but...I don't feel the importance of myself."

They will care about him.

But they would never really make time to spend time with him.

Work is more important than him.

Even if he is sick to hospital, if they receive a call from work, they will still keep him in the hospital.

They will secretly accuse the other party of not taking good care of him and not going to the hospital to accompany him; they will accuse the other party of missing the parent meeting.

But once they face him, the two will look happy again, as if those quarrels were his delusions.

Then loop the above steps.

"Do they love me?" The boy raised his head slightly, looking at the person in front of him and asked.


This question is not easy to answer at first.

After all, she doesn’t understand Yinbai’s parents...

"I will be there in the future." Chu Zheng whispered: "You are always the most important with me."

Yinbai couldn't see Chuzheng's appearance clearly, but he still looked at her intently.

After a while, the boy suddenly leaned towards Chuzheng and took the initiative to kiss her.

The juvenile's technique is very jerky, as if he is just following his instinct.

Yinbai took the initiative a little too much, and Chu Zheng finally pressed him before he stopped.

"Go wash." Chuzheng patted his back.

The boy got off Chuzheng and dragged his rumpled clothes into the bedroom.

The bedroom door was closed, Yin Bai held his face in his hands, and a sense of shame spread from the tips of his toes.

How could he do such a bold thing...

Yinbai held her face for nearly a minute, finally patted her face, found out the clothes and went to the bathroom to wash.

After washing it out, the light in the living room has been turned on. Yinbai looked out from the door. The man leaned on the sofa with a pillow in front of him, holding a pen in his hand, as if writing something.

The warm yellow light fell on her, as if inlaid with a halo, the whole person was much softer.

Yin Bai pursed her lower lip, hesitated at the door of the room, not knowing whether she was past or not...what did she say after the past.