Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2324: Silver Moon Festival Song (23)

In class the next day, Yinbai listened to the class with his head straight, and Chuzheng almost fell on the table after seeing him several times.

After being awakened, Yin Bai patted her face again, strengthening her spirit and listening to the class.

Finally, until the end of get out of class, the teenager lay down on the table, lethargic, and there was a layer of bluish black under his eyes.

"So sleepy?" Chu Zheng helped him pack things up.

"I'm not to blame you..." the boy whispered.

"Be reasonable, it's your body's first hand."

"But I didn't ask you to help me..." The boy started turning, his face flushed: "That's it."

Thinking of what happened last night, Yin Bai couldn't help being shameless.

"Then you are very comfortable, aren't you?"

Yinbai: "Don't tell me!"

Chu Zheng: "Why don't you tell the truth?"

Yinbai: "..."

Yinbai held his head and blocked his entire face, he didn't want to see anyone.

Chu Zheng got up and said, "Let's go. Take you to sleep."

Yinbai shook his head in horror: "...no...no."

Chu Zheng: "..."

What can I do to you? !

Chu Zheng held something in one hand, and stood up with his arm around the person: "I'm holding you?"


Yinbai hurriedly stood up on his own, drew a book from Chuzheng's hand and spread it to cover his face.

"How do you walk like this?"

"You hold me."

Chuzheng fell silent: "Let me hug you."

Yinbai put the book down and gave her a shameful look.

Chuzheng was confident: "I won't have to do this for you in the future, you will still..."

The boy folded his hands together, with a bit of pleading and helplessness: "Don't talk about it, baby."

Yinbai was stunned after shouting, and after a moment, she shrank her neck and looked at her with some anxiety.

Chu Zheng: "What's wrong?"

"I... I just seemed to... call you..." He didn't know how to pop out such a word, and shouted it out of his brain.

Is he qualified to call him by such an intimate name now?

She shouldn't like others calling her that way, right?

"You can call it anything." Chu Zheng didn't care.

"Yes, can you?"


The heart that Yinbai was holding fell to the ground, and suddenly reached out his hand to hug Chuzheng, and yelled affectionately in her ear: "Baby."


"Baby, baby..."

Yinbai shouted tirelessly.

Chuzheng casually responded.

Classmates who haven't left around: "..."

No, do you two still have humanity! !

Dog abuse!

In fact, Yinbai's voice is very low, only Chuzheng can hear it, but the two have a close posture and are such beautiful people. They are undoubtedly a high-profile show of affection.


Yinbai saw those friends again, and it was already a week later, a few people holding a wad of cash, came to him in tears of repentance.

"Sorry Yinbai, we shouldn't lie to you, we know we are wrong, and we will never dare to do it again."

Yinbai was a little at a loss: "You...what are you lie to me?"

"The previous thing, Balabala..."

Several people told them all about what they had done, including tricking him to go to the abandoned school. They actually wanted to fix him. By the way, they took pictures of him panicking, but they didn’t expect something happened on the road. to make.

And the money they cheated from him with various excuses before.

At first they discovered that Yinbai seemed to be easy to deceive, so they came to be friends with him on purpose.

"So you didn't treat me as a friend..." Yinbai looked a little dazed.

"Sorry, your lord has a lot, forgive us. The money I spent before is here, and I will return it to you."

Yinbai took the money back: "Let's go."

"You... forgive us?"

"Let's go."

Several boys looked at each other and hurriedly slipped away.

Yinbai took the money, passed the love box set up by the school, and threw the money directly into it.

"Student Yinbai."

Someone stopped him.

Yinbai was in a bad mood, but out of politeness, he stopped and looked at the girl walking towards him.

"Student Yinbai, I am Muyu, from the art department."

Yin Bai stepped back slightly, and distanced himself from the other party: "What's the matter with you?"

Mu Yu looks quite beautiful, and there seems to be a pool of autumn water in Shui Lingling's eyes.

She stretched out her hand and lifted her hair: "Uh... did you read the letter I gave you?"


Yinbai remembered that when Zheng asked him to choose a letter last time, the other letter seemed to be Luo's Muyu name.

"I'm sorry, I didn't read it." Yinbai said honestly: "The letter is still there, I can return it to you."

Chuzheng didn't throw the letter, but gave it to him.

He asked her if she was not afraid to see it for herself?

She replied: "Just watch as you want, I won't stop you, but you had better not have any other thoughts, otherwise..."

Otherwise he doesn't know what is behind.

But instinct told him that it would not be a good thing.

"..." Mu Yu's expression stiffened: "It doesn't matter... Actually, it doesn't matter, just forget it."

"Sorry, I……"

Mu Yu heard Yin Bai say sorry, and couldn't help laughing: "Why are you so cute. You haven't done anything wrong, why do you always say sorry."

"Do you... like me?"

Mu Yu didn't expect Yin Bai to speak so directly. After all, he was still a girl and blushed slightly: "Yeah."

"Sorry, I have someone I like. I like her very much and can't like others." Yinbai suddenly bent over, making Mu Yu panicked.

"I...I know, I don't mean anything else, I just want you to know that I like you." Mu Yuyu Guang caught a glimpse of something, and she waved her hands in vain, "Then I will go first."

Yinbai looked at the direction where Mu Yu disappeared in confusion.

Until he was hooked on his shoulders, a familiar aura surged: "You look so fascinated, do you like it?" The good guy card has been watching others for so long! ! **** off!

Yin Bai turned his head and saw Chu Zheng's face.

"She said she likes me."

Chu Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and a dangerous aura circulated: "Well, you like her?" Why do you covet my good guy card!

Yinbai shook his head: "I like you."

"Really good." Chu Zheng calmed down a bit and touched the young man's head: "What else did she tell you."

Yinbai honestly said to Chu Zheng what Mu Yu had said, without daring to miss a word.

Chuzheng touched his chin: "You do like to say sorry..."


Why is this baby's focus?

He is just a habit...

But he didn't think there was anything.

He did something wrong... shouldn't you apologize?

Chu Zheng didn't seem to have any intention of pursuing the matter, but Yin Bai felt that Chu Zheng's expression was not right, and seemed a little angry...

There was no change on the surface, but Yin Bai could feel it.

Yinbai cautiously coaxed for a while before he felt that Chuzheng was not as scary as before.

"Baby, do you have friends?"

Chu Zheng thought for a while, and the original owner seemed to have no friends: "No."

"I'm gone." Yinbai smiled and hugged her suddenly: "Then we will be friends from now on."

"Are you not my boyfriend?"

"I still want to be your friend."

Chu Zheng has no interest: "What's the point..." Who wants to be your friend!

Yinbai: "Of course it is interesting. Friends can do many things together."

Chu Zheng calmly said: "Boyfriend can do more things."



Little fairy: I can do many things too, are you sure not to vote?