Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 234: Return of the King (32)

Sheng Ting didn't expect that he would be blackened by Chu Zheng after a word.

Doesn't she care about Jiang Ye?

Sheng Ting really couldn't understand.


The phone vibrates.

Sheng Ting immediately took out his cell phone to read it.

A text message from a strange number.

——Your Zhuang Yi, one hour, St. Ann Bridge, collecting dead bodies out of date.

In a short sentence, the time, place and event are all finished.

Sheng Ting frowned and called Zhuang Yi first. Zhuang Yi answered it, but he only heard the sound of running water and wind.

Jiang Ye didn't have him at all. Who would he trade for?

Sheng Ting held the hand of the mobile phone, and the veins burst.

Sheng Chuzheng...

You really surprise me every time!

Sheng Ting put away his mobile phone: "Take someone to the St. Ann Bridge."

The St. Ann Bridge has not yet opened to traffic, but it is already finishing. People can go up, but cars can't.

Sheng Ting got off the car and walked onto the St. Ann Bridge.

"Ting brother...save me...save me..."

The faint voice was blown by the wind and snow.

Sheng Ting saw a figure hung on the St. Ann Bridge. The wind and snow blew by and the figure was shaking. It was very dangerous to watch.

Sheng Ting ran over with someone.

"Ge Ting... Ge Ting..."

Zhuang Yi's voice was crying dumb, calling him with a vibrato.

Sheng Ting's people immediately climbed up to rescue Zhuang Yi.

Sheng Ting didn't see anyone nearby. He looked down at the phone and sent a text message, indicating that the sending failed...

Sheng Ting's face was gloomy.

She knew that Jiang Ye was not here with him...

"Ting brother, we can't reach it." The person above shouted.

Zhuang Yi was hanging too high, and she didn't know how to tie it up.

"Brother Ting, the rope...the rope seems to be breaking!!" Someone found that the rope had been worn out because of the shaking. If it continued to shake like this, Zhuang Yi would definitely fall.

"Find a way!" Sheng Ting was furious: "Get people down for me!"

Before everyone got the person off, the police car blocked the St. Ann Bridge.

Someone reported seeing someone making dirty transactions on the St. Ann Bridge.

Sheng Ting is a person who has been filed.

Zhuang Yi was still hanging on the bridge, and Sheng Ting could only be invited to the bureau.

Zhuang Yi cried and said that Chuzheng had tied herself to the bridge and had nothing to do with Sheng Ting.

"Why have Sheng Chuzheng been pulled out again?" The person in charge of this case muttered directly.

"Who is Sheng Chuzheng?" Some unknowing curiosity.

"Heh, you may not know, have Sheng Min heard of it?"

The opposite nodded. Of course Sheng Min had heard it, but didn't Sheng Min disappeared?

"Sheng Min's daughter, she had a lot of troubles during this time, but we have no evidence. All her belongings have been reported and confiscated. The biggest smuggling case last time was said to be hers."

"That, haven't they all been reported?"

"Yes, she reported it herself."

No one knew what she wanted to do.

They all knew the deal she made, but they had no evidence and could not arrest people.

And she also reported it herself and turned it over to the country.

Those goods are all bought with real money!

This makes them mess up!

"Why... why?"

"Why? We also want to know why, probably... if you have money, you can burn it."

After all, the Sheng family is an ancestral black family.

They actually don't know how much the background is.

The person handling the case was upset: "Go and ask Sheng Chuzheng to come over for questioning."

Chuzheng did not come quickly, and when he faced the questioning, Chuzheng answered only three—no, no, is there evidence?

She blindfolded her when she tied Zhuang Yi.

Zhuang Yi didn't even see who tied her up.

The text message sent to Shengting was a one-time card, and Chuzheng could not be identified.

Chu Zheng left the police station intact and swaggered.

Sheng Ting could only watch Chu Zheng leave.

She turned her head when she went out.

The line of sight that I saw was cold and dangerous, like a beast lying in ambush in the snow, making people's backs cold.

Sheng Ting took a step back unconsciously.

When Chu Zheng turned his head and disappeared around the corner, Sheng Ting recovered.

That is not Sheng Chuzheng.

At this time, Sheng Ting had such an idea.

His Zheng'er is not like this!


When Chuzheng returned to the manor, the warmth dispelled the cold brought by the wind and snow.

Gao Ping didn't know what his lady was doing out so late, so she put on clothes and made her stomach-warming **** tea.

Chu Zheng finished his **** tea and went upstairs.

As soon as he entered the room, he was hugged from behind.

Chu Zheng is familiar with the breath of Jiang Ye.

"where did you go?"

"Do something." Chu Zheng didn't want to explain too much. Jiang Ye knew her habits and wouldn't ask further.

Jiang Ye changed into his pajamas. The soft satin fabric was very smooth, and the thin fabric felt no different from not wearing it.

"The hand is so cold?" Jiang Ye clutched Chu Zheng's hand and put it directly into his arms.

Chuzheng's fingers touched Jiang Ye's skin. The cold fingertips contrasted sharply with his hot skin.

"It's not cold." Chu Zheng drew his hand, lifted him onto the bed, and pressed him into the quilt: "Go to bed."

"How about you?"


Jiang Ye sat up and smiled and suggested: "I will wash with you."

Chu Zheng calmly stated the facts: "You have washed it."

"..." Can't you understand his hint? Jiang Ye took a deep breath: "Wash it again."

"It's not good to take a bath and wash too much." Chuzheng refused and pushed him back: "Don't move, lie down."

In the end, Jiang Ye still didn't take a bath with Chu Zheng.

Rolling on the bed.

When Chu Zheng came out, he had already ruined the entire bed.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Does the good guy card have ADHD?

When Chu Zheng lay down, Jiang Ye moved over, and the ambiguous breath fell on Chu Zheng's ears: "Daughter-in-law, I think..."

"It's too late, go to bed." Chu Zheng pulled down his hand: "Next time."

Jiang Ye: "..."

He finally came back! !

Jiang Ye turned over and lay down, Chuzheng hugged him from behind, but didn't mean to coax him.

Jiang Ye bulged his cheeks, his beautiful eyes flashed with helplessness, he turned over and held Chuzheng, he was not willing to be angry.

At the beginning of the next day, Zheng got up and Jiang Ye had already left.

Does the little thing know that he is going to shut him down? Run faster than once...

But now I have to settle the dog thing Shengting quickly.

Lest he touch his good guy card.

This time he lied to her when Jiang Ye couldn't contact.

Then next time, maybe Jiang Ye will really be tied up.

This is her good card!

"Ms. Sheng, what are you looking for?"

Qi Feng's voice was obviously a little cautious.

There is absolutely nothing good for Chuzheng to find him.

Never do anything against professional ethics for money!

no way!

"Are you interested in talking?"

"...Now?" Qi Feng wondered how to reject Chu Zheng.


"I'm abroad, Miss Sheng, I'm afraid not."

"I will send someone to pick you up."


When Qi Feng waited to see people, he knew just how big the battle of Chu Zheng's so-called sending people was.

Those who don't know thought he was an important member of the country.