Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2388: Heavenly Starlight (12)

"Order what you eat."

Chuzheng handed the menu to Ye Mei.

Ye Mei carefully asked Aunt Jin Chuzheng's preferences, so I ordered them according to Chuzheng's taste.

Chu Zheng was speechless for a moment: "You don't have anything you like?"

Ye Mei's eyebrows and eyes are gentle: "What you like is what I like."

If it weren't for a horizontal agreement between them, this sentence would be quite pleasant.

She doesn't have to sign that agreement, but she just wants to get him by her side. I'm afraid it will take some effort.

Since there is a faster way, Chuzheng certainly wouldn't mind.

"No honorifics."

Ye Mei hesitated: "...good."

The meal was fairly smooth, if... without the Bai Jinyi who finally came out.

Bai Jinyi didn't know when he was there.

They should have waited until they had eaten almost before they came forward, spreading out the documents quickly.

After doing this, he looked towards Yemei.

"Mr. Ye, do you mind if I borrow a few minutes from Miss?"

Bai Jinyi asked politely and decently, and he put up this posture, Ye Mei had no right to speak.

"do not mind."

Bai Jinyi took out the pen in his pocket: "Miss, please sign."

Chuzheng wondered where it would be better to distribute Bai Jinyi, while signing the document.

Bai Jinyi took advantage of her signing and took a gift from the assistant behind him.

"Mr. Ye, congratulations on your finish."

"Thanks...thank you." Ye Mei was flattered.

He has seen Bai Jinyi several times, but this one has played well with Jinlin most of the time, and only has work in his eyes.

Who would have thought that Bai Jinyi would suddenly give him a gift.

Bai Jinyi nodded, then turned to look at Chu Zheng's signature.

After Chu Zheng had signed all the documents, Bai Jinyi immediately took the people away.

Ye Mei: "..."


Yemei’s drama is scheduled to be broadcast in the summer. During this period, Yemei took on some work and the schedule was very tight.

Chuzheng is busy with his own affairs, and he doesn't have much time to sleep at night.

But as long as there is time, Chuzheng will go to the class.

And when she has a rest, she will wait in the villa, no matter how late she goes back, she will definitely be able to see him.

Chuzheng said twice, after Yemei did not change anything, she stopped.

After being able to fight with Bai Jinyi in the two options of spending money and making money, she can see a good person card when she comes back, and she feels much better.

Chuzheng remembered the broadcast time of Ye Mei's drama.

"Snowland" is well publicized, and there are those big-name celebrities and old actors.

The drama is not broadcast first.

Chu Zheng flipped through Weibo and found that there was no publicity about the role of Ye Mei.

In official V, you can see the type silhouette.

Not only sleeps at night, there seem to be several characters without publicity.

Chuzheng flipped through it carefully and found that the characters that had been exposed during the filming were all coming out, while the ones that have not been publicized are the roles that are still unknown.

Many people below are guessing who the actors are.

There are even people who start to guess below.

This may be because the crew waited for the characters to appear before focusing on publicity in order to maintain a sense of mystery.

The popularity of "Snowland" is already high.

On the first day, there were several hot search entries.

So such a sense of mystery is probably quite exciting.

The role of Ye Mei appeared in the fifth episode, the third day of the broadcast.

When Chuzheng was halfway through the meeting, thinking of this, people brought in a TV.

Everyone: "???"

It's a meeting! What TV to watch!

"President Bai, this..." Someone cast an inquiring look at Bai Jinyi.

"Everyone should take a rest." Bai Jinyi said, "Look carefully, maybe you can take the exam."


What the **** is the exam!

The opening film has already begun on TV.

Everyone is busy with work, and I don’t know what TVs are on recently, but TVs with much publicity are occasionally scanned.

Knowing that there is such a play, as for what to say...

Sorry, I don't know.

President Bai has spoken, what else can others say, and watch TV in a meeting posture.

The crew is obviously very attentive, and there will be no characters that have not appeared in the front opening.

It will gradually increase after it appears.

This episode is a scene where the male protagonist enters the snowy area.

Because some people don't want the hero to go back.

So he lay in wait on his way into the snowy area.

Ice and snow swept, and the **** of the male lead was scattered.

Seeing that the whole army was about to be wiped out, the young priests in white priests' clothes came from the wind and snow.

Fengxue was quiet every time he took a step.

Until the end he stopped in front of the male lead, the surroundings returned to normal, the snowflakes slowly fell, and the camera was deliberately slowed down and slowly zoomed in.

The young priest raised his hand and lowered his hood, and the camera froze on his face.

It was the color of ice and snow, and it looked like the darling of snow.

Compared with the somewhat embarrassed male protagonist, it is in sharp contrast.

Just this appearance has shocked everyone.

The meeting room is full of big gents. At this time, I think this man is a little too good-looking.





Ye Mei didn't play for a long time in this episode. After the male lead was brought back, he was fine.

But the hot searches on the Internet are basically about him.

Click in, the small video inside is the scene where he appeared.

The official release of promotional pictures and short videos simultaneously.

[Fuck! ! What kind of fairy face is this! ]

[The young priest is too pretty. ]

[I thought this drama was going on the strength line, but I didn’t expect there to be such an easter egg! ]

[No wonder the crew didn’t promote this character before. I almost couldn’t help but yell when I saw it. It’s really a pleasant surprise! ! ]

[The young priest plays Ye Mei, is he a newcomer? ]

[Not a newcomer, I searched it and played some roles... I don’t know why there is no fire. ]

[This is not hot, there is no reason! ]

[Announced, this is my husband! ]

[Good-looking is good-looking, but the acting is a bit young and needs to be improved. ]

[Climbing the wall...]

Ye Mei has never played an important role after all, and her acting skills are definitely not better than others.

Fortunately, he has a face. Although his acting is slightly flawed, everyone still chooses to forgive him.

Ye Mei also released some pictures, which were taken by Jin Lin during the crew.

Weibo is very official.

But someone has touched his Weibo.

And soon someone found out that this person was not the one that Jinlin reposted before?

[Real hammer! The newcomer brought by the **** Jin Ge! ]

[Brother Jin has vision, brother must be hot! ]

[Brother Kangkangwo! ]

[I thought I was the first to come, but I didn’t expect someone to run faster than me. ]

There are many replies under the first comment.

Jin Linkai then reposted Ye Mei's Weibo, as if to respond to everyone's questions.

Chuzheng also forwarded it.

The people who follow Chuzheng are basically people from the company. Seeing the Weibo reposted by her, everyone still doesn't understand. She just looked at the boy.