Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2389: Heavenly Starlight (13)

They had also heard about it before that there was someone around Mr. Qiu.

Her boss all forwarded it, and the people below must have followed up.

These people are in high positions, and the content they usually repost can be described as tall.

Suddenly reposting such a Weibo, it felt weird when others saw it.

However, with the concept of win-win cooperation and mutual promotion of business, others will forward it easily.

As a result, many people discovered that a group of Weibo with various companies and various job certifications reposted Yemei's Weibo.

The netizens were dumbfounded.

The fairy brother who just discovered, is this out of the circle?

Chuzheng didn't let these people turn.

But they were so sensible, Chu Zheng immediately said that they would be given bonuses at the end of the month.

Everyone: "!!!" Send again?

Bai Jinyi: "..."

Chuzheng’s bonuses go to her personal account, and no one can say anything.


[Have you watched my show? ]

Ye Mei's private message was sent and withdrawn, and it was re-sent soon.

[Have you watched my show? ]

[Ok. Chuzheng lowered his head to reply to a private message, and didn't even listen to other people. ]

[Don’t comfort me, I know my acting skills. ]

Chuzheng Yuguang glanced at the PPT that was being broadcast, and the slogan "You are the best" flashed by, moved over immediately.

[It is the best in my heart. ]

Ye Mei did not reply immediately, and Chu Zheng was reminded by Bai Jinyi and put down his phone.

It was already an hour after she got the phone again.

[Are you going back at night? ]

The sending time is one hour ago.

Chu Zheng thought about it and guessed that Ye Mei couldn't see it, so he didn't reply.

"Miss, are you going home?" Bai Jinyi went downstairs with Chu Zheng.

Chu Zheng replied absently, "Yes."

"Is it convenient to send me a ride?"

"Don't you have a car?"

Bai Jinyi was silent: "...Man Chuan was crashed."

Chu Zheng: "..."

Baimanchuan is really a god!

Chuzheng immediately seized the opportunity created by Baimanchuan: "I will buy you one!"

"No, it has been repaired." The collision was not serious, and it was not enough to change the car.

"It doesn't matter, you are the pillar of the company, and you deserve the best." Chu Zheng looked serious.

Bai Jinyi: "..."

He just wanted to take a ride.



Aunt Jin heard the door opening and thought that Chuzheng had returned, so she hurriedly came out: "Xiao...Huh, Mr. Ye?"

Auntie Jin was surprised.

Ye Mei said before that she would not be back in the next few days, why is she back now?

"Auntie Jin." Ye Mei looked around: "Is President Qiu back?"

"No." Aunt Jin looked at the time: "It's so late, the lady might not be back."

There is something in the company, and it is often the case that Chuzheng does not come back.

Ye Mei turned on the phone, seeing that Chuzheng didn't reply to him, he lowered his eyebrows and said, "I'll wait."

Aunt Jin knows she can’t persuade you to sleep at night: "Then I will make the bed for you. I don’t think I will be back in these two days. I cleaned up your room. I haven’t had time to make it..."

Yemei had no response at first.

When Aunt Jin came to the stairs, he called Aunt Jin to stop: "Aunt Jin, it's too late, no trouble, you go and rest."

Aunt Jin wanted to say something, her lips opened, and then slowly closed.

"All right." Aunt Jin hesitated: "Would you like to call the lady and ask, don't wait like this."

"it is good."

Aunt Jin walked back and left three times.

Meimei is actually quite tired, and I'm filming other scenes recently.

Mei Mei waited for more than half an hour, clicked on the address book several times, and finally did not dial out.

As a qualified person, you should not ask the whereabouts of the funder.

Time to go to the wee hours little by little, start a new day.

Ye Mei waited for a while, probably giving up, and slowly went upstairs.

He stood at the door of his room and turned to Chuzheng's room a few seconds later.


Chuzheng felt that he and Bai Jinyi were incompatible with each other, so he could get things done by taking a ride.

So she feels that tomorrow will send two cars to Bai Jinyi to go unlucky.

It was almost two o'clock in the morning when Chuzheng returned to the villa.

She pushed open the door of the room and saw a dark figure lying on the bed, and Chuzheng paused by pressing the lamp's hand.

Chu Zheng exited the room, making sure that he didn't go to the wrong room in the middle of the night.

She went in again and closed the door.

The man was lying on the bed with his slender legs curled slightly, Chu Zheng turned to the other side, planning to hold him aside and sleep well.

Who knew the man opened his eyes when he met someone.

My eyes are a little confused: "You are back..."

"How do I sleep in my room?" Chu Zheng propped up the bed, looking down at him.

Ye Mei was a little awake: "I'm sorry, I came in without your consent, I...um..."

The words behind Yemei was blocked by Chuzheng, leaving only a vague sound.

The quilt rang quietly, the sound was particularly ambiguous, and he dared not move at night, let Chu Zheng ask for it.

"Have you taken a bath?"

"It's washed..."

"Mind if you wash it again later?"

Ye Mei was stunned, and reacted, looking away from Chuzheng: "No... don't mind."

"Then wait for me to get off." Chuzheng let go of him without turning on the light, and took his clothes into the bathroom.

Ye Mei Mei sat up from the bed, rubbed her face with her hands, it was a little hot, and her heartbeat was so fast...

Mei Mei got out of bed, went back to her room and took something, then sat on the bed and waited.


Yemei not only washed it again at night, but also washed it the next day.

Chu Zheng leaned on the bedside and looked at her phone. Ye Mei washed up and got into the bed. Chu Zheng stretched out his hand and Ye Mei sensibly leaned into her arms.

"Are you the first time?" Yemei asked tentatively.

He thought that someone like her would have...

"Hmm." Chu Zheng touched his still wet hair: "You are the first."

Ye Mei could not help but start to bubble when she heard this.

No matter what, at least he is the first person to have her.

Ye Mei was a little embarrassed, but she still asked: "Do you think I have anything to improve?"

It is also very important to understand the needs of your own funders!

Chu Zheng kissed his forehead: "No, you are fine like this."

Ye Mei didn't know if she coaxed herself, or really thought it was good, but she was too embarrassed to continue asking.

Ye Mei changed the subject: "Are you going to the company today?"

"Yes." I have to give away my car and car!

Ye Mei wanted to get up: "Then I..."

Chu Zheng pushed him back: "It's okay, I'll go back this afternoon."

"Is it really okay?" He didn't want to delay her.

"It's okay." Chu Zheng paused: "Are you busy?"

Ye Mei shook his head and said no, but he took the opportunity to not pay attention to Chuzheng, he developed a text message to Jinlin, and asked him to help him transfer work to the afternoon.

Jin Linkai didn't ask why, but only sent an OK.

It's not brother, who sent a bunch of news.

From work to private, all aspects remain.

Ye Mei answered a few selectively and asked him to pick herself up at the villa in the afternoon.

If you don't walk in the villa, Fei Ge can tell what he is doing.

So the sensible person did not continue to ask.