Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2420: Grim Reaper Space (10)

The suspiciousness in Wanxin's eyes became more and more serious.

This question is clear to those who have gone through several trials in the Reaper Space.

When Chuzheng was thinking about whether to stun Wanxin through this crisis, a scream came from a distance, successfully letting Wanxin escape.

"Something happened?" Wanxin turned his attention away: "Big brother, let's go and see!"

Wanxin ran away.

At the same time, there were students running there.

Chuzheng arrived and surrounded a large group of people, and many of his classmates were unbearable and fearful.

"How did you jump off the building..."

"It's so miserable, I don't dare to watch it, for fear of nightmares."

"Is it really dead?"

"Who is dead?"

"Isn't this called Yuan Ke from the 28th grade of high school? I heard she was selling it outside, why did she jump off the building."

"real or fake?"

"I don't know. I heard people say. Anyway, she is not a serious person. I heard that she usually asks for leave when she is late for class..."

Chu Zheng relied on his identity as a school doctor, and soon went inside and saw the students lying on the ground.

Chu Zheng only glanced at it and knew that this man was hopeless.

The other teachers and the director hurried over, and Xie Chang was with the director.

"Are you dead?" Xie Chang asked actively.

"Yeah." The teacher next to him couldn't bear to look.

"Hey, what is this!" The director was anxious: "Hurry up and let the students go back to the classroom!!"

The teachers immediately began to clear the room: "Don't crowd around here, go back to the classroom."

"It's starting to die." Wanxin said in a broken voice next to him: "It's over."

Xie Chang and Lin Sa and Su Yun who came from behind were still calm.

After all, they are all testers who have seen strong winds and waves.

The director called the police, and the police quickly rushed to the scene, pulled the cordon, and began to inquire one by one.

Yuan Ke looks good, but his personality is not very good. He often asks for leave and is late and his grades are not satisfactory. He rarely interacts with his classmates.

There are still some bad rumors about her among the classmates.

Yuan Ke's head teacher emphasized that Yuan Ke was normal before, and he didn't know why he suddenly jumped off the building.

After the police came to investigate, they only came to the conclusion of "suicide".

The testers were not easy to discuss because outsiders were there, so they made an appointment to talk in detail.

Chuzheng had no interest in this and said he would not go.

Xie Chang: "If you have any clues, you can communicate. In the early stage, it is better for everyone to cooperate and find clues faster."

"Yes, boss." Wanxin said.

"Don't go." Chuzheng still kept these two words.

"Okay, let it go if people don't want it." Su Yun glanced at Chu Zheng: "But we won't share the clues and information behind this."

Chu Zheng does not matter: "Whatever."

It’s best if you don’t interfere with each other.


Chu Zheng went to the rooftop where Yuan Ke jumped off the building alone.

It should have been a long time since no one came up on the rooftop, and only Yuan Ke's footprints were there.

This is also an important basis for the police to commit suicide just now.

Of course, just now the police operated on the rooftop, and there were other traces.

Chu Zheng followed the still clear footprints, walked to the edge of the roof, and glanced down.

Chuzheng stepped on the edge of the roof and stood up easily.

"You will die if you jump down."

An abrupt voice sounded behind him, Chu Zheng's body swayed, and she was quickly stabilized.

Which dog is talking behind!

Chu Zheng turned slightly and turned to look at the people behind.

The man was wearing simple black sportswear, with one hand in his trouser pocket, holding the phone in one hand, his fingertips against the screen, and slowly turning.

His posture is quite casual, his handsome features have no expression, and his jet black eyes stare at her quietly.

The dilapidated roof behind him seemed to be blurred at this time, and the only thing that stood out was this man.

Chu Zheng: "!"

This is not my card! !

Chuzheng calmed down and asked calmly: "Are you a school teacher?"

"Yeah." The man answered.

"Why haven't I met you?"

In fact, most of her people have never seen it, but if there is such an outstanding man in school, it is impossible to be silent.

"Just came to report." The man put the phone back in his pocket: "Are you going to jump down?"

New teacher?

Chu Zheng suppressed the doubts in his heart: "What shall I do if I jump down."

She is not crazy.

The man's gaze fell into the void: "Then you won't come down? Do you want the people below to let the police come back again?"

Chuzheng glanced down. The students were all driven back to the classroom. There was no one at this time.

But if someone passed by, she would definitely see her standing here.

Chuzheng was about to go down, when his body was suddenly pushed down by something, the whole person lost his balance and fell down.

At the moment when she fell, Chu Zheng saw a phantom in the air, with a vicious smile on her face, flashing past her eyes.

At the same time, a slightly cold force came from the wrist, and the feeling of falling disappeared.

She was held back by someone.

Chu Zheng raised his head and looked up. The man held him with one hand, half of his body leaned out of the rooftop.

The man stared at the girl who was hanging in the air. She looked calm, without panic or fear.

It's not like normal people's reaction...

The man suppressed the doubts in his heart and pulled her up with force.

Chuzheng fell off his arm: "Actually you don't need to save me, I can't die."

"Fall down so high, you will die." The man's tone was determined.

Chu Zheng: "..." I really can't die.

"Also, I saved you, shouldn't you say thank you to me?" This little girl understands politeness.

Chu Zheng: "How do you want me to thank you?" I didn't let you save me.


Men seem to be stumped by this problem.

"Let's owe it first." The man passed vaguely.

Chu Zheng: "Oh."

The man's phone rang, and he glanced down, as if something was going on, he planned to leave.

"Are you still going?"

"Yeah." Chuzheng stood still: "I'll wait a moment."

the man:"……"

The man took a deep look at her, did not say anything, and left the rooftop.

Chu Zheng stared at the ground and fell into deep thought.

Only he left the footprints on the ground. How did he appear just now?

Use floating ones?

Chu Zheng gave a'tsk', turned around again, and stepped onto the edge of the roof.

She stood quietly without moving, looking at the horizon, as if lost in some kind of contemplation.

Time passed by every minute.

Chu Zheng felt a little impatient in his heart.

She turned around, ready to go down.

The moment she turned around, she felt the power just now again.

It's a pity that the force didn't push her down this time, but Chu Zheng moved very quickly to the void.

A shadow suddenly appeared in the void.


Chu Zheng brutally pressed the opponent to the ground.

"Push me, huh?" What a patience! Push me in front of the good guy card! ! Who gave you the courage of this dog!


Kids, your monthly pass is pinched~ it's the end of the month~

Clear the monthly pass~