Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2421: Grim Reaper Space (11)

After discussing with the other testers, Wanxin was about to go back to the dormitory first, only to see Chu Zheng carrying a strange thing from a distance.

Wanxin ran over and said, "Big brother, why are you...ahhhhhhhh!!!"

Wanxin screamed and jumped behind a tree.

Chu Zheng: "..."

No, you are a tester who has gone through several dungeons, how can you make such a fuss.

"Shut up!" Chu Zheng murmured angrily, "Do you want to call everyone in the school?"

Wanxin: "..."

He covered his mouth and hid behind the tree, only sticking out his head.

Chu Zheng was strange: "You are so afraid of ghosts, how did you survive before?"

Wanxin said with a weeping face: "What does being afraid of ghosts have to do with me surviving? Am I just physically afraid?"

Chu Zheng: "..."

Because people who are afraid generally don't live long.

Wanxin felt that he was wrong. He shouldn't have doubted her before, the boss is still the boss.



"...Big brother, you...what's the matter?" Wanxin was a little scared, shrank behind the curtain, staring at the things in Chu Zheng's hand.

"Catch it."

The indifferent tone seemed to catch a small bug.

Evil spirit: "!!!"

The evil spirit grinned, expressing his anger and unwillingness.

Chuzheng grabbed the evil spirit's hair and threw her onto the table, raising his hand to strangle the evil spirit's neck.

"Yuan, you killed it?"

The evil spirit's eyes were splitting, and he didn't really want to answer.

But feeling the murderous aura from Chu Zheng, the evil spirit squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "Who is Yuan Ke?"

"The one who jumped off the building during the day."

"She..." The evil spirit smiled: "She wants to jump herself. What does it have to do with me."

"You didn't push her?"

"I pushed." The evil spirit's face was filled with a vicious grin: "But she went up by herself, I just helped her."

Wanxin: "..."

The evil spirits don't know Yuan Ke.

Today, Yuan Ke climbed onto the rooftop by herself, and she happened to see it.

Yuan Ke was probably scared, ready to come down.

The evil spirit felt that it was coming, of course it would be better to jump down, so she pushed Yuan Ke a hand.

"I'm helping her." The evil spirit is still clamoring: "This is being helpful!"

Chuzheng was irritated by the evil spirits and slapped him: "Shut up!"

Evil spirit: "..."

Chu Zheng grabbed a medicine bottle and stuffed the evil spirits in.

The medicine bottle is just an ordinary bottle, and the evil spirit comes out, trying to slip.

Chuzheng did not stop her: "If you can get out of school, you can run, otherwise you'd better not move. I can catch you once, and twice."

Evil spirit: "..."

The evil spirit thought for a while and drew back.

This woman was so fierce that her hair was stubbed out a lot.

The evil spirit decided to take revenge!

Wanxin looked stunned, once again convinced that she was the real boss.

That is the evil spirit!

Evil spirits have a lot more advantages than them in the space of death.

Even those who have gone through several trials don't dare to be so aggressive with evil spirits.

Wanxin: "Boss, now...what should I do?"

"Go back to sleep."


When Chuzheng said to go back to sleep, he really planned to go back to sleep.

Going back to the dormitory, passing by the school fountain, Wanxin was a little scared: "Big brother, I heard that this fountain will hear crying at night."


Chuzheng passed by the fountain without squinting his eyes.

Wanxin: "..."

What is this reaction?

As soon as Wanxin and Chuzheng walked past the fountain, they heard faint crying.

The cry was gloomy, the surrounding temperature seemed to drop a lot, and a layer of goose bumps appeared on his body.

"Big guy!! Big guy!!" Wanxin's voice trembled: "Did you hear it? There is really a cry."


Crow's mouth! !

Can't hear, can't hear, I can't hear!

Chu Zheng pretended that he hadn't heard, and continued to move forward.

"Big guy... wait for me!!"

Soon Chuzheng found that he was spinning in place, and once again walked near the fountain, Chuzheng was already very impatient.

Wanxin's face was pale and pale: "Big brother, we met a ghost hit the wall."

The things here don't want them to leave.

Chu Zheng stared at the fountain in the dark for a while, then raised his foot towards the side.

The closer you get to the fountain, the louder the cry you hear.

The fountain water was bubbling, and the gloomy environment was a bit scary.

But apart from this, there is nothing else.

The whimpering cry, accompanied by the gurgling sound, resembles a kettle when it boils.

"Come here." Chu Zheng called Wanxin over.

Wanxin hugged his arms and shivered, his feet facing outwards, ready to escape at any time: "Big brother?"

Chu Zheng: "Pee soak."

"Huh?" Wanxin was horrified.

Chu Zheng pointed to the pool.

Wanxin: "..."

Are you kidding me?

Chuzheng was obviously not joking, Wanxin swallowed, is it too immoral to pee here?

Of course, the final moral issue was stunned by Chuzheng.

He took two steps forward.

The water in the pool rolled more severely, as if to protest, and the whimper became harsh.

I have no confidence in the bottom of my hair.

This is where there are wolves before and tigers behind.

Wanxin closed his eyes in despair, only hoping that the boss would not cheat him!


The voice is getting louder and louder, as if it's in the ear.


Something broke through the water, and Wanxin heard the movement and ran back.

By the side of the pool, a group of dark things climbed up, it looked like a monster wrapped in seaweed.

As the thing climbed up, it said in a rough and unpleasant voice: "You... are looking for death..."

Chu Zheng: "..." Oh! What the **** is this, who want to scare to death!

Chu Zheng immediately took out the medicine bottle containing the evil spirit and poured the evil spirit out: "Go and fix it."

The evil spirit bared his teeth: "You..." What kind of thing, dare to instigate me!

Chuzheng threatened fiercely: "If you don't go, I will kill you now."


The evil spirit was so angry, he gave her a vicious look, turned and floated towards the fountain.

Chu Zheng originally thought that the evil spirits were fighting, not to mention the earth-shattering weeping of ghosts, but he should be quite exemplary.

Who knew it turned out to be-a **** fight.

You pull my hair, I pull your clothes.

You pull my face, I pinch your ears.

Wanxin: "..."

Wanxin swallowed hard.

He was also the first time he saw evil spirits fight.

In the past, evil spirits were looking for them...Where would they fight themselves?

The evil spirit clad in seaweed was obviously not the opponent of the rooftop. The evil spirit bit the seaweed evil spirit bit by bit, and ate it raw.


The rooftop evil spirit touched his bulging belly and burped.

The seagrass evil spirit disappeared, and the surrounding environment seemed to have changed.

Chu Zheng raised the medicine bottle and signaled the evil spirit to come back by himself.

The eyeballs of the rooftop evil spirits rolled around twice, thinking that he had eaten an evil spirit, his strength had increased, and he immediately wanted to slip away.