Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2422: Grim Reaper Space (12)

One minute later.

"I was wrong!!"

The rooftop evil spirit held his head and howled, and quickly drilled into the medicine bottle.

Chu Zheng kicked the medicine bottle with one foot, and the medicine bottle fell into the fountain and floated on the water.

Chu Zheng put both hands in his pockets: "Come up by yourself."

The medicine bottle twisted, floated out of the pool, flew past Wanxin, and staggered behind Chu Zheng.

That appearance is a bit silly.

Wanxin: "..."

Who am I, where am I.


The incident of Yuan Ke jumping off the building was raging, the students didn't have much thought to study, and various rumors arose.

In order to appease these students, the teachers, including the testers, are very busy.

Chuzheng, the school doctor, was fine and wandered around at school all day.

She searched the school several times, but did not find a good person card.

Using the identity of the owner of her new school, she checked the files of all teachers in the school, but could not find it.

Chuzheng walked down the path of the school without throwing the medicine bottle in his hand, thinking about what happened to the good guy stuck.


The scream of the kitten cut through the air.

Chu Zheng frowned slightly and looked in the direction of the sound.

There is a small forest over there, and students usually like to drill into it to do things that can't see the light.

Chuzheng was holding the medicine bottle and didn't intend to be nosy.


There was another scream.

Chuzheng paused, kicked the plant next to him irritably, and turned around into the grove.

The grove is very flat by the students, and **** can be seen everywhere.

In the depths of the grove, there are a few male classmates who are gathered together and don't know what they are doing.

"What are you doing?"

Hearing the sound, several students looked over in a panic and consciously blocked the back.

"Chu... Teacher Chu."

Chu Zheng put his hands in his pockets, standing a little further away from them: "What are you doing?"

Several students pushed me, I pushed you, and finally a boy was pushed out.

He looked around, and probably the angry companion pushed him out.

Boy: "...Well, we saw a kitten was injured. We plan to bandage it."

"Yes, sir, we want to save it."

The students in the back responded quickly and quickly wrapped up the clothes they were blocking: "Teacher, we will send it to the pet hospital."

Several students immediately wanted to run.


Several students stopped at the same time with a cold voice, like some kind of instruction that could not be disobeyed.

Chu Zheng walked over and reached out to lift the kitten covered by his clothes.

The boy holding the kitten subconsciously pulled the clothes, and Chuzheng pinched his wrist.


The boy cried out in pain, his arms were empty, and Chuzheng took away his clothes.

Chuzheng opened his clothes.

The black kitten was covered with blood, and it was silent at this time.

Chu Zheng asked calmly, "You did it?"

A few students looked ugly, bowed their heads and did not speak.

The tallest boy in the team yanked his companion next to him and made a gesture.

The boy stared in horror and shook his head.

The tall boy only lip-synched and said nothing: "Can't let her speak out!"

The boy whizzed down, and under the threat of the tall boy's eyes, his breathing became slightly quicker.

The tall boy drew a knife in his pocket and motioned to the boy to attract attention.

"Old... teacher."

Chu Zheng looked at the boy who was talking.

The boy moved out and walked to Chu Zheng: "Teacher, when we found it, it was like this, no... we didn't make it."

Chu Zheng's expression was cold: "Oh, did you call the voice I heard before?"

Boy: "...We also came over when we heard the sound."

Chu Zheng: "Since you didn't do it, what is your guilty conscience? What are you holding and running?"

Behind Chuzheng, the tall boy gradually approached, drew the knife, raised it high, and then slammed it down.

It was not the assassin who called first, but the boys next to him.

At the moment when the knife fell, Chuzheng raised his hand to block the opponent's offensive, and held the opponent's wrist with his backhand and threw him to the ground.

The tall boy was thrown into a daze, and the knife in his hand was also taken away: "Why, you still want to kill me?"

The tall guy struggled and found that he couldn't get up at all.

"Teacher, how come, I'm just kidding." The tall boy was distorted with pain.

"Are you kidding?" Chu Zheng looked at the knife in his hand, and under the gaze of the tall boy, he swung the knife down.

The tall boy stared in horror, and even forgot to shout.

On the contrary, the person next to him can scream.


The knife wiped the tall boy's cheek and plunged it into the mud.

The tall boy heard his heartbeat violently.

not dead……

not dead.

"What are you doing? Teacher Chu?" The director hurried over.

"Director help, director... She is crazy, she is going to kill us!!" The tall boy shouted on the spot.

"What?" The director saw the knife still stuck in the cheek of the tall boy: "Teacher Chu, what are you doing? Just let me go."

The director stepped forward and drove Chu Zheng away and helped the boy to get up.

The tall boy grabbed the director and complained in tears: "Director, we have discovered her secret. She is going to kill us."

"What's the secret?" The director heard in the mist.

The tall boy pointed to the cat on the ground, and the wicked complained first: "Look, director, we saw her abuse the cat here, and she suddenly went crazy... They all saw it, didn't they!"

Several other boys swallowed and finally united with the taller boy.

Chu Zheng slowly put his hands in his pockets, and calmly watched the tall boy perform.

"Teacher Chu, are they true?" The director looked serious.

"No." Chu Zheng said calmly: "I saw them abuse the cat. They still want to kill me. I am a legitimate defense."


"Director, she is talking nonsense!!" The tall boy shouted loudly: "Director, look, is this knife from the infirmary!! How could we have this kind of knife!"

The knife on the ground is not an ordinary fruit knife.

It's more like a scalpel used by a doctor.

It is difficult for students to have such a knife.

Chuzheng is a different school doctor...

The director was obviously about to believe what the tall boy said, and in the eyes of adults, children were not much vicious.

Chu Zheng looked at the taller boy more, and the boy's eyes faintly revealed a few provocations.

Chuzheng was quite regretful, regretting that he didn't fix it a little bit earlier.

"Director, you have to call us the shots." The tall boy continued to cry: "She really wanted to kill me just now. If you didn't come quickly, I might be dead now."

The tall boy was deeply involved in the play, as if he was really a victim: "Director, people like her can't stay in school. It's terrible. We can't guarantee our safety. Look at her good deeds."

The kittens on the ground are **** and numb.