Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2444: Grim Reaper Space (End)

Chu Zheng found that the testers he met before were probably not normal.

She didn't understand why the group of Wanxin people were so defensive against their companions until now.

After all, these testers really don't know when they will push you out to feed the kid.

Do everything for your own life.

Therefore, the evil value of these testers does not decrease but increases.

Want to go out...


The evil spirits are on duty, and Chuzheng has gone a lot, and I can still meet a familiar one.

The ghost cries and howls next door, her side is peaceful.


Chuzheng ended a copy, and because of her special circumstances, she could leave at any time.

So Chu Zheng went straight back to Dongzhe residence.

She hasn't opened the door yet, she stepped up after the winter break.

Dongzhe was holding a box, saw her standing at the door, stunned: "I'm back."


The way the two greeted each other was very ordinary, like an old couple who had been together for a long time.

Chu Zheng took the key to open the door.

Dongzhe followed her into the house.

"What did you get?"

"your things."


There was a seal on the box, which was put away by the underworld people after the accident.

It's all her stuff inside.

Chu Zheng: "..." So the props should be here?

Chuzheng was right, the props were inside, and it was her mobile phone.

Chuzheng took his cell phone: "I want to use another cell phone with you."

Dongzhe didn't know what Chuzheng wanted to do with Yaozi: "Why?"

Chu Zheng: "No, why not change?"

Winter Zhe: "..."

Dongzhe couldn't refuse him.

Of course it wasn't because Chu Zheng was fierce, but because he didn't want to refuse any request from her.

Dongzhe returned some of the things in the phone, and passed it to her to make sure there was nothing wrong.

The mobile phones of Jifu only pay attention to practicality, not style.

So the appearance is basically the same back and forth.

There is no difference between Chuzheng's mobile phone and Dongzhe.

Dongzhe got Chuzheng's cell phone, and Chuzheng received the news immediately.

[Data collection progress 76%...]

Chu Zheng bent over and kissed Dongzhe's cheek.

The moment she got up, Dongzhe pulled her back into his arms: "If you kiss, you will run?"

Chuzheng was quite serious: "Then we should do something else?"

Dongzhe is also very calm: "Okay."


Chuzheng went in more frequently at first, but not so frequently later.

Dongzhe never discussed the relationship with Chuzheng.

Both sides acquiesce in the other's existence.

There is a tacit understanding between them that you don't need to elaborate.

"Sister!" Jiegu popped out from nowhere: "Will you see the fun?"

"What's the excitement?" Gossip... No, you can't be too enthusiastic, stretched!

"Wedding!" Jiegu pointed in the lively direction: "It's very lively, go and see it?"

"Can you get married here?"

"...Of course you can." Jiegu fell silent: "Sister, you don't even know this?"

The boss who has been busy with his books and prodigals all day does not know.

This is the underworld!

How can you still get married?

"After all, the number of reincarnation places is tight now, where life is not life." Jiegu sighed, "It's very miserable for loneliness and widowhood."

Jiegu is a bit envious.

Chu Zheng: "..."

What the **** is the lone man?

Jiegu invited Chu Zheng, so Chu Zheng went to take a look with Jiegu.

After all, it's a netherworld, it can't be done like above, the wedding is quite simple.

I heard that the prefecture has set up a special department, which is a reasonable and legal relationship between husband and wife.

When I go to reincarnation, this relationship will automatically be dissolved.

When Chu Zheng went back, he pondered all the way.

So when Dongzhe came back from get off work, he heard Chuzheng's sudden sentence: "Let's get married."

It is better to have a reasonable and legal status even if you are a ghost.

Winter Zhe had a pause, quite unexpected: "Married?"

He has heard a little bit of wind, and heard that the underworld has made such an incident recently.

Probably because there are more and more stranded in the underworld.

Even if there is pressure from the Reaper space, it still can't let everyone stay here peacefully.

Therefore, the government of the prefecture has tossed out such a method.

However, he did not expect that this business would be very popular when it was launched.

"Are you going to marry me?" Dongzhe asked uncertainly.

"Otherwise and ghost?"



Chuzheng glared at him fiercely, took out two application forms from under the table, and patted them on the table.


Winter Zhe: "..."

I got all the application forms, so what did I just ask him for? Why not just fill it in and hand it in!

Chu Zheng thought, but it's a pity that this thing is different from Yang Jian.

It needs personal Yin Qi authentication, not everyone can pretend to be.

Dongzhe let out a sigh, turned out the pen and began to fill in.

He had said before that he could not refuse her request.

And getting married...

He is also willing.

Sometimes Dongzhe feels a bit inexplicable about her feelings for her.

But thinking about it, I feel as if I know her.

The Chuzheng sheet was filled a long time ago, so she sat aside and watched Dongzhe fill it.

Dongzhe writes quickly, every word written from the tip of the pen, lingering around a ray of yin, slowly seeping into the paper.

For the last few items, Dongzhe suddenly stopped: "Are you really going to marry me?"

Chuzheng clicked on the filled-in application form that was pressed by her.

The meaning is clear.

Don't talk nonsense, fill in quickly.

Dongzhe wrote two more words: "You won't regret it?"

Chuzheng was impatient: "You talk so much nonsense, hurry up and write."

A short smile flashed under Dongzhe's eyes, and he lowered his eyes to finish writing the last two items.

Write your name in the signature column at the end.

After the application forms are exchanged and signed, there is no need to run them specially, they will be passed on automatically.

This is probably also a more convenient place than Yangjian.

After submitting the application form, Chuzheng wondered how the prodigal family would engage in a luxurious wedding in the prefecture.

In the following winter, Chu Zheng was almost invisible.

Sometimes he wasn't sure if Chu Zheng was in the underworld or entered the space of death.


Chuzheng's wedding not only shocked everyone in the underworld, it also shocked Dongzhe.

This matter of him... ghost, don't you need to know?

Why did he not know until the end?

Of course Dongzhe didn't dislike the wedding with Chuzheng, but he didn't even participate...

"You are not participating now." Chu Zheng held Dongzhe's hand: "I will continue to participate in the future."

Winter Zhe: "..."

Until many years later, the netherworld circulated about the grand wedding.

This also caused the girl ghost to say in the future, without a wedding of this scale, would you want to marry me? Go dreaming.

The ghosts said: "..."

Is that a wedding that a normal ghost can make?

Let's not talk about the strange things that money can buy.

Just talk about the contracted street, how can they do it?

How many coins do you get! !

When they come down, the person above will give them some money at first, but after a long time, they still remember you.

For this matter, Chuzheng was often complained by ghosts.

Of course Chuzheng didn't know about this.

She and Dongzhe lived a smooth life, but they each had their own things to do, but they could see when the other party needed them by raising their eyes.

This is the best company.


Most of the next planes use star perspective~

There are monthly tickets, little cute ones, vote for one~~