Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2445: Should be closed (1)

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"Azhao, I'm sorry, our boss said you won't use it for work temporarily."

This is the first time I have been fired, and Ying Zhao can't remember.

He took the phone, took a deep breath, and said, "It's okay."

Hanging up the phone, Ying heard the cry from the bedroom, and went into the bedroom hurriedly, picking up the baby on the bed.

The baby is only five or six months old, in a small ball, crying fiercely.

Ying Guangming has no experience with children, and even the posture of holding a child is wrong.

You should coax your child awkwardly, because you are too tired.

Ying took a break and went out to make some food.

But when I opened the refrigerator, it was empty and there was no food available.

Ying Zhao had to take the baby out, planning to go to the nearby supermarket to buy some ingredients.

"Huh, is this your child?" In the elevator, a neighbor asked curiously.


"Hey, it's very cute." The neighbor teased the child and reminded Ying Zhao: "If you hold this way, the baby will be uncomfortable. You have to be like this..."

The neighbor probably wanted to teach Yingzhao how to hug, but Yingzhao suddenly retreated to the corner of the elevator and shocked the neighbor.

The neighbor was quite embarrassed: "I just want to..."

"Sorry, I overreacted." Yingzheng apologized and asked humbly: "How do I hold him?"

"You look like this..." The neighbor didn't think much, and gestured to teach him in a standard posture.

Ying Zhao quickly grasped the essentials.

The elevator just happened to arrive.

The neighbor stepped down first, not knowing who he saw, and suddenly chased him out: "Sister Feng! Wait for me, I will tell you about the rent!"

Ying came out after taking the photo, just in time to see the neighbor chasing a girl away.

The word rent made Ying Zhao jump in his heart.

He hasn't paid the rent yet...

The landlord has urged once two days ago.


A handsome guy holding a baby, this combination is particularly attractive in the supermarket.

Ying Zhao does not pay attention to others, carefully selects the ingredients, and puts what he needs into the basket.

After buying the things you need, you should hug your baby and stand outside the supermarket and read the deduction text messages on your phone.

Balance: 780.09

This amount of money is not enough to pay rent.

The baby's soft fingers grabbed the photo's face, he put the phone away and pulled down the baby's hand.

The baby's hand is too small in his hand.

A smile appeared on the baby's white and tender face, which seemed to melt people's hearts.

How would he feed such a child?

Ying should hurry up to find a job.

But since he had this child, work has become too difficult.

No one would be willing to hire an employee with a child.

Should go back with a headache and consider whether to change to a cheaper place.

The apartment he lives in now has the cheapest rent in this neighborhood, and the environment is better.

If you move, you may not be able to find a better cost-effective house than here.

Ying Zhao walked downstairs to the apartment and saw a man and a woman outside the gate from a distance.

The girl should be known as his landlord.

Ying Zhao doesn't want to meet with the landlord at this time, after all, he has no money to pay the rent.

It should be as planned to wait for them to go before entering.

But the people over there lingered, and God was still not beautiful, and suddenly it started to rain.

Take off the coat and cover the baby.

But the rain was getting bigger and bigger, and he was afraid of getting the baby on it, so he didn't dare to wait any longer.

"You must make it clear, what am I doing wrong?"

As soon as Yingzhao approached, he heard the man say such a sentence, he lowered his head, and wanted to pass quickly.

Who knew the girl with her back to him suddenly stretched out her hand to hold him.

"Is this reason enough?" The girl pointed at him.

Ying Zhao didn't know what they were talking about, and was suddenly pulled over, also surprised.

The man's eyes widened in shock: "What do you mean by Feng Chuzheng? You would rather be a stepmother or break up with me. How the **** am I sorry for you?"

The girl was stunned and looked carefully at the person she was holding.

The clothes covered the child, but the two little jiaos were still exposed.

Should watch the girl take a breath and look away: "I am happy, I am happy, don't come to me again."

After talking about Yingzhao, she was dragged into the apartment by her.

The man tried to catch up, but was blocked by the gate, jumping out of anger.

Ying Zhao didn't feel he was released until he got into the elevator.

The girl put her hand in her pocket, staring at the ball in his arms: "Your son?"

Ying Zhao regained consciousness: "Ah... yes."


The girl reacted somewhat indifferently, and raised her hand to press the elevator.

She should see that the floor she pressed is one floor below her, and she wants to press her own floor.

Just as he moved, the girl moved her fingertips to the side and pressed it for him.

Yingzhao probably understood that she just used herself as a shield.

The other party didn't say anything, and it's not easy to keep talking about it.

"Cough..." Ying Zhao cleared his throat and asked tentatively, "Landlord, can the rent for this month be eased a little bit?"

"You have no money?"

[It’s okay to have no money! ]

Ying Zhao suddenly heard a slightly lighter voice, and he looked at the girl in surprise.

But the girl sullen her face and did not continue to speak at all.

Should be based on: "..."

Is this elevator haunted?

Or is he hearing voices?

"...Not yet." Ying Zhao suppressed the doubts in his heart and quickly promised: "I will give you before the end of the month."

"Yeah." The girl nodded: "Yes."

Ying Zhao breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you."

Chu Zheng said lightly, "You just helped me, no need."

When Chu Zheng went down to the floor, the elevator door slowly closed.

Ying Zhao shook his head. She should have been too tired just now and had auditory hallucinations.


When Chu Zheng returned home, his face was gloomy and a little scary.

Hao Ren Ka actually has a son?

Is it your own?

Isn't he a picker?

I thought she was lucky to meet a good guy so soon.

I didn’t expect...

Surprise is waiting for her in front.

They even have babies.

Chuzheng took a deep breath and took a deep breath, which suppressed the anger that surged in his heart.

She is called Feng Chuzheng on this plane, and she is a landlord who owns an apartment and can live a good life by collecting rent.

The apartment was left by her parents to the original owner.

The parents of the original owner divorced a few years ago, his mother was married abroad, and his father went to other cities to have a new family.

At the time of the divorce, the original owner was not yet an adult and had to have a guardian.

But her mother didn't want to take her abroad.

My father did not want to take her to a new family.

So the original owner wanted this apartment himself.

The parents of the original owner are not short of money and can get rid of the burden of the original owner. The two hit it off and gave the apartment to the original owner.

Since then the original owner has owned an apartment.

After graduation, the original owner did not go to work.

Anyway, the rent collected every month is enough for her to spend.