Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2446: Should be closed (2)

The original owner later met a man, and soon jumped out of the circle of single dogs under the man's rhetoric.

The two went from falling in love to getting married very quickly.

After the marriage, the two were really concubine. The man spoiled her very much and didn't want her to do almost anything.

Whoever sees it has to say envious.

The original owner thought he had met love.

But she did not expect that what she met was not love, but a carnival of death.

Because of the spoiling of men, she gradually became estranged from her former friends, and the only connection she had was her best daughter.

The man coaxed the original owner to go round and round, and didn't realize that it was a scam from the beginning until the original owner died.

Together with her best girlfriend, the man made up such a scene for her in order to occupy her fortune.

In the end, the original owner died in an ‘accident’ and the man inherited her property as a husband.

Are you miserable?

Some people dare to kill for a house, let alone this apartment.

The time when Chuzheng came was still early, and he had just started dating that man.

Yes, it is the one I saw below.

On this plane, she needs to own various houses everywhere, and then... collect rent.

To be a rent collector is also to be the most powerful one.

Chuzheng sighed, tidyed up the things in the house, found out the stuff that was suspected of props, and prepared to let the good guys have time to try it out.

Weng humming——

Chuzheng was packing his things, and the phone on the table vibrated.

On the screen of the phone, the name "Fang Cunyi" was displayed.

This is the best friend of the original owner.

Some people and you seem to be close friends, but secretly they are calculating your wealth.

Tut tut...

Vicious enough!

Chuzheng was too lazy to pick it up.

I made a few calls over there, but when she didn't answer, I sent another text message.

Fang Cunyi: Xiaochu, why don't you answer my phone?

Fang Cunyi: Did you argue with Cheng Fu?

Fang Cunyi: Xiaochu, please pay attention to me.

Chuzheng reached out and picked up the phone, and pulled her into the blacklist cleanly.

The original owner knew Cheng Fu, and Fang Cunyi also set up the line.

The original Lord really thought that they were just friends, who knew that they were close friends in bed.

Not long after Chu Zheng pulled Hei Fang Cunyi, this one came to the door.

Chu Zheng lay on the door, looking out from the cat's eye.

Fang Cunyi is very fashionable, with delicate makeup, is a seductive little beauty.

But Chuzheng, who has Fang Cunyi's face in his memory, said that makeup is really cowhide.

Chu Zheng watched for a while, and let Fang Cunyi ring the doorbell. She went back to the bedroom to play with her mobile phone with earphones.

Fang Cunyi rang the doorbell for a long time, and no one inside opened the door, wondering if no one was at home.

So Fang Cunyi began to wait outside again.

If you don't read the previous reminder, this best friend is still qualified.

When Fang Cunyi waited till night before leaving, Chuzheng was a little annoyed.

How does she call takeaway! !

Don't go out and have a fight...

Thinking about this, Chu Zheng rolled up his sleeves and went to the door aggressively.

But when she opened the door with her momentum, the door was empty, where there were people.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Fang Cunyi waited too long, she had lost patience, and she was hungry, so she left.

Chu Zheng hurriedly closed the door.

Fortunately no one!


Yingzhao didn't sleep well all night, and the baby kept crying. He was woken up after falling asleep and got up to coax the baby.

He slept for a while in the morning, and at noon he went out to throw out the trash and found that someone was moving things next door.

Should be treated as a new tenant.

But when he finished throwing out the garbage, he found his landlord leaning against the door.

The girl is pretty in her own right, leaning there, her cool temperament is hard to ignore, and she can't talk casually.

"The beauties are all moved, take a look." The worker came out after moving things.

Chuzheng took a look inside and paid.

The workers left together.

Ying Zhao was still standing in place. As soon as the workers left, their eyes met without surprise.

Should hesitate, he still greeted: "Are you... helping someone move?"

"No. I live by myself."

Should be photo: "Aren't you living below?"

Chu Zheng: "There is a dog below."

Should hesitate: "Are you afraid of dogs?"

Chu Zheng: "Not afraid."

Yingzhao does not understand this: "Then why move?"

Chuzheng felt that there were too many problems with good people, so he said fiercely, "I want to live on it, can't you?"

[I live wherever I want to live, it’s up to you! ]

The pupils should shrink slightly.

Ying Zhao felt that he was hearing hallucinations again.

And that voice is clearly his landlord.

But he was pretty sure, she didn't say that just now.

and so……

Why would he hear such a sentence?

Chuzheng didn't mean to talk more with Yingzhao, and went straight into the room, the door slammed shut, leaving Yingzhao frozen in place.

Should raise his hands to prop his head.

Didn’t you sleep lately?

still is……

Yingshi looked around and suddenly felt a little gloomy.

He was so excited, he went back quickly and decided to sleep well.


The landlord lived next door, and it didn't have much impact on the photos.

Because he couldn't see her at all.

If she hadn't seen her go in with her own eyes, Ying Zhao didn't feel that there was anyone next door.

He was looking for a job as needed, but people knew he had a child who was a few months old to take, and they refused him.

Yingzhao can only take some part-time jobs.

However, if you want to earn enough rent at the end of the month, you should feel a little unreasonable.

The baby needs too much money...

Often the money from his part-time job was settled, and it was quickly spent...


After Chu Zheng had talked with others, he came out of the box and was about to leave. The voice of the King horn suddenly sounded.

[Hidden task: Please obtain a good person card to prevent the good person card from blackening. 】

Chu Zheng: "???"

What the hell?

What happened to the good guy card?

Didn't he bring the cub at home?

[Miss sister, box 608. 】The king reminded her: 【Miss, I’m very anxious! ! 】

Chu Zheng: "..."

Chuzheng glanced at her box, starting at 5, Yingzhao was not on this floor at all.

"Little Chu!"

As soon as Chu Zheng pressed the elevator, a sweet voice came in from the side, and then a burst of fragrance came.

Fang Cunyi ran over on high heels, looking worried: "Xiaochu, what have you been doing recently? I'm looking for you everywhere, why did you black me out?"

Fang Cunyi did not find her less during this period.

But every time no one was found.

If it is not certain that someone has seen her, Fang Cunyi suspects that something has happened to her.

Chu Zheng: "What do I do to you?"


The elevator doors opened.

Chuzheng raised his foot and walked inside.

Fang Cunyi stretched out her hand to hold her, and asked in surprise: "Xiaochu, what's the matter with you? Aren't we best friends? Have you encountered something?"

"Best friend?" Chuzheng withdrew his hand: "You can't afford it. I suggest you find someone else."

Who can afford such a friend who cares about other people's lives.