Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2513: Asking the fairy Huangquan (92)

it is true.

Not a dream.

Xing Jue slowly relaxed.

Chu Zheng waited for him to come over, then asked him: "What happened just now?"

"Baby, will you leave me?"

"Why should I leave you?" Is my horse mad? Finally got it.

"I don't know..." Xing Jue whispered: "Maybe I am not good enough, maybe I make you angry, maybe..."

Chu Zheng interrupted him: "Xing Jue, what are you thinking?"


He didn't know either.

"Don't think about it." Chu Zheng lowered his voice to soothe, "I will not leave you."

Xing Jue pursed his lower lip, got up suddenly, and left the room.

Chu Zheng: "???"

What are you doing?

Xing Jue came back soon. He climbed onto the bed and lay back again, with an extra chip in his hand.

"Are you going to finish as long as I write it up?"

Chu Zheng was a little wary, but nodded, "Yes."

Xing Jue opened the chip.

Words gradually appeared on the virtual screen.

——Like me, can never leave me.

"Sign." Xing Jue asked Chu Zheng to sign after writing.

Chu Zheng: "???"

"Hurry up." Xing Jue urged.

Chu Zheng: "???"

Chu Zheng raised his hand and touched his forehead: "You don't have a fever, right?" Amnesia does not have sequelae, right?

What are you doing in the middle of the night! !

"No." Xing Jue looked at her with a faint light: "Is the baby not willing to sign? Or is the baby coaxing me?"

Chu Zheng: "..."

Chuzheng was forced to sign his name.

I’ve only been signed by someone...

Where did you get such good luck on horseback.

Xing Jue looked at those two words, and then suddenly asked: "Do you have no last name?"

Chu... shouldn't be the last name?

"My last name is Chu."

"Have this last name?"


"Oh." Xing Jue blinked his eyes: "I have never seen this surname, but it sounds very nice and matches the baby very well."

"..." Chuzheng asked impatiently: "Can you still sleep?"

Xing Jue wrote his name on the back of Chuzheng, clicked save, turned off the screen, and lay down well.

Chuzheng was no longer so sleepy at this time, holding the person on the edge of 404 for a long time.

"Baby, how long is your birthday?" Xing Jue's voice was a little dumb, he propped his head to look at the person next to him.

"What are you doing?"

"As your boyfriend, I can't even know this." Xing Jue gave her a kiss after speaking, "I want to know everything about you."

Chu Zheng nodded his forehead with his fingertips: "July 7."

July 7... Then it's only half a month before her birthday.

Xing Jue lay down thinking about things and didn't make trouble with Chu Zheng again.

The two slept for a while, and had breakfast together after they got up.

"Eat such sweet things in the morning?" Chuzheng really couldn't understand: "Why do you like sweet things so much?"

Xing Jue was stunned: "Is this weird?"


There was no one around, but Xing Jue deliberately whispered: "This is how the baby can **** sweetness."

Chu Zheng: "..."

Can you stop the waves early in the morning!

Chu Zheng asked without expression: "I will try it."

Xing Jue smiled and deliberately stayed away from Chu Zheng: "I won't give it to you."


In the end, Xing Jue was tasted again and the restaurant clocked in.

Xing Jue lowered his head to eat breakfast, with crimson lips and cheeks, from time to time he glanced at Chu Zheng, whose face was so cold that nothing had happened.

"Look at what?"

When Xing Jue was caught by Chuzheng, he didn't take a peek, and looked at her openly: "The baby is pretty, can't you watch it?"

Chu Zheng indifferently reminded: "You are going to be late."

Xing Jue: "!!!"

Xing Jue quickly resolved his breakfast and went to work in a hurry.

On the way to the company, Xing Jue took out the chip and looked at it, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help rising.


Chu Zheng received news of Qiu Yu the next day.

Qiu Yu said that he remembered one thing, another person in his house might know the password.


"Director Lu, Fengze Lu."

When he lived there before, the things he needed once fell over there.

Because of the urgency, Lu Fengze happened to be nearby, so he asked Lu Fengze to help pick it up.

He moved here not long after, so the password has not been changed.

When I was at work today, when he saw Lu Fengze, he suddenly remembered.

Chuzheng hung up the communication and looked at Lu Fengze's information thoughtfully.

Lu Fengze...

What role does this person play?


"Xingshuang, what have you been doing lately? The dragon has never seen the end all day, and we can't find you now."

"You are alone, without anyone! It's strange! Where did the sun come out today?"

When this Lord attended such an occasion before, when was it alone?

There will always be all kinds of male companions around, and maybe when you leave, the one you brought is not the one that came.

So Xingshuang appeared alone at this time, and her little sisters were shocked.

Xingshuang glanced at the little sisters she hadn't seen for a long time, and sighed: "Health."

"Health?" The little sister was amused and smiled: "You are the goddess of night, what are you keeping? Isn't it killing people?"

The little sister's eyes fell on Xingshuang's belly.

"Fuck you." Xingshuang gave an angry little sister Bai and walked straight to the banquet hall inside.

In the brightly-lit banquet hall, people in bright clothes were talking and laughing.

"Brother." Seeing Xing Jue, Xingshuang went over to say hello.

"Yeah." Xing Jue nodded slightly, still in a cold and indifferent attitude.

The little sister who had the best relationship with Xingshuang chased over: "Xingshuang, what are you doing so fast...Xingshuang." Seeing Xingjue, she quickly adjusted her manners, and suddenly became shy and timid.

Xing Jue nodded and didn't mean to talk more, and went directly to the side.

The little sister looked disappointed, and it took a long time to look back.

The little sister grabbed Xingshuang and asked, "Xingshuang, how do you think I can be your sister-in-law?"

Xingshuang had long known that her little sister liked Xingjue.

I didn’t feel much before, but...

"You dream faster." Seeing Hu Hun's sake before, Xingshuang reminded her: "There is a tigress next to him. If you don't want to die, stop this idea."


The little sister had a dazed expression, and she didn't know how to turn her brain circuit, she suddenly said, "Your brother raised a tiger?"

Xingshuang: "..."

It's no wonder that the little sister's brain circuits are so weird, and the main Xing Jue has never been around a woman before, and there is no scandal.

Xingshuang swept away something, took the little sister to turn around and pointed to her: "Did you see it, tigress."

Little sister: "..."

The little sister didn't understand the mistake this time, like a thunderstorm, her voice trembled: "Your brother... is in love?"

"Or is your brother forced to marry the family?"

Sister Xingshuang Huanghuang: "Wake up, does my family need a family marriage?"

Little sister: "..."


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