Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2514: Ask the fairy Huangquan (93)

What kind of family background is the star family?

There is really no need for marriage.

And I have never heard of the tradition of marriage in the star family.

Xingshuang let go of the little sister who couldn't think, and touched her chin in a thinking state: "No, what is she doing?"

Xingshuang suddenly felt a little cold around him, isn't it haunted here?

The more Xing Shuang thought about it, the more cold she felt, as if something was blowing cold air at her.

The cold air made her back stiff, and her limbs seemed to be fixed and unable to move.

All kinds of weird things suddenly rushed into Xingshuang's mind.

She is not so unlucky...

"Xingshuang, why are you standing here?" Someone patted Xingshuang's shoulder: "Are you hot?"

Xingshuang: "???"

Xingshuang suddenly returned to the world. She turned her head and saw the air-conditioner at the back. She was standing by the air-conditioner. Could it be cool?


She was about to be insane by the tigress.

Xingshuang looked into the crowd, where there was still the girl.


On the other side, Xing Jue was talking to people—others said that he was responsible for listening on the shelf.

"General Star." Lu Fengze raised his hand to say hello, the smile on his face was a bit sincere.

Xing Jue looked at him suspiciously and nodded calmly.

Lu Fengze smiled brighter, he suddenly rushed to the people next to him: "You and Xing always know each other, then I will introduce it again."

The face beside Lu Fengze was extremely strange.

Xing Jue's heart suddenly thumped.

There is nothing about this person in the information he got...

The man nodded and stretched out his hand directly: "It's been a long time since Mr. Star, what you said to me last time, I thought about it and thought it was pretty good, and we can talk in depth."

Xing Jue: "..."

Who is this!

Hu Shuo showed him the list, but there was no such one.

Lu Fengze glanced at him with a smile, and then said sincerely, "Ms. Xing? What's the matter?"

Xing Jue: "..."

Lu Fengze had no good intentions, and he deliberately found such a person, then he must know him, and it is absolutely impossible not to recognize him.

If he can't recognize it now...

Xing Jue squeezed slightly and was about to shake hands with the other party. Suddenly his arm sank and he was held by someone.

"Mr. Cui, long time no see."

The girl's cold voice rang in his ears, and the plain hand stretched out from the side, shook his hand with the other party, and quickly released it.

Xing Jue didn't hide the surprise in his eyes and looked directly at his side.

"Miss Chuzheng..." The other party was a little surprised, his eyes fell on her holding the man's hand, and it took a while to return to her senses, with a little caution: "Long time no see."

Lu Fengze's face stiffened.

Who is this woman?

How to look... Lu Fengze suddenly remembered that he seemed to have seen this woman at the entrance of the hospital last time.

What is his relationship with Xing Jue?

The man was also curious and hesitated to ask: "Miss Chu Zheng, what is this between you and Mr. Xing..."

Chu Zheng didn't mean to hide it, and said directly: "Boyfriend."

"Oh...huh?" The man suddenly realized at first, all was frightened again.

Xing Jue held back the corners of his mouth that he wanted to tilt upwards.

Lu Fengze had a **** expression on his face, where did his girlfriend come from?

"Cui Zhi, from Haoyu Biotech." Chu Zheng seemed to hug Xingjue's arms tightly, leaned against him, and whispered, "Is there an impression?"

Cui Zhi never knew this person, but he knew Haoyu Biotech.

Hu Shuo said that they have a project that they want to cooperate with Haoyu Biotechnology. He has read some materials.

With Chuzheng's reminder, plus the information he had read, he quickly got a general idea.

When talking with Cui Zhi, he didn't seem to be a little strange.

At the crucial point, Xing Jue tried to blur the past.

Chu Zheng was standing beside him, even if Cui Zhi felt something was wrong, he wouldn't ask.

The two sides talked very happily, and Lu Fengze was ignored, neither would he leave, nor would he not leave.

Cui Zhi would not have appeared at today's banquet, but he finally invited him to find a way.

Cui Zhi doesn't work in Jingnan City on weekdays, but he and Xing Jue absolutely know each other.

Today Hu Shuo was caught by something else and would not come with him.

As long as he doesn't know Cui Zhi, it will be easy to handle.

But he didn't expect...

This way, Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway, and he was bad.

Cui Zhi and Xing Jue had a good chat, and they made another appointment for a detailed chat, ended the conversation, and went to the side.

Before leaving, she said something to Chu Zheng carefully.

When people walked away, Lu Fengze couldn't help but say: "Mr. Xing, when did you have a girlfriend?"

Why didn't he hear any wind?

What's the origin of this woman... Cui Zhi was so careful about her.

Xing Jue said indifferently, "This is my personal business. Director Lu can't control it, right?"

Lu Fengze tore off the corner of his mouth, with a concerned tone: "Mr. Xing, I am afraid you will be deceived."

Xing Jue: "It's better for Director Lu to care about himself."

Xing Jue took Chu Zheng and left.

Lu Fengze stayed where he was, his face gradually turning pale.

Xing Jue must have lost his memory.

But he just couldn't prove it, it was almost...


"Why is the baby here?" Xing Jue turned his back to the others, the serious expression on his face couldn't hold back, and he couldn't help but smile: "I almost exposed the stuff just now. Fortunately, the baby is here, and the baby is my luck."

Chuzheng ignored the poems of Diaoxingjue.

"Hu Shuo didn't give you all the information, how dare you let you out?" Is the chief executive going on strike?

Xing Jue hooked Chu Zheng's finger: "That person is not on the list, it should be Lu Fengze who got it."

Hu Shuo emphatically circled the list, and he had seen people he absolutely knew.

There is absolutely no one named Cui.

"Lu Fengze..." Chu Zheng's eyes turned slightly: "Do me a favor."

"Okay." Xing Jue did not ask anything to help, and directly agreed.

Chu Zheng: "Why don't you ask?"

Xing Jue blinked, his eyelashes trembling like a butterfly feather, and his eyes were full of seriousness: "What the baby asks me to do, I will do it. Even if the baby bullies me now, it's okay."

Chu Zheng: "..."

Chuzheng endured the urge to slap the past and leaned into his ear to say a few words.

After that, I kissed him on the cheek by the way.

Xing Jue pointed at the corner of his lips: "Baby, here..."

Chu Zheng glared at him: "Don't make trouble."

Xing Jue was disappointed: "Well, then I will go."

Xing Jue walked a few steps, then turned back and looked at Chu Zheng, even more disappointed.

Chuzheng was baffled by him: "What's wrong?"

Xing Jue: "I knew the baby was coming, so I'll give you clothes. We wear different clothes."

"???" That's not nonsense, our genders are different.

Xing Jue seems to have another good idea, with bright eyes: "Next time I will prepare clothes in the car."


Xing Jue left after speaking, obviously pleased by his own idea and seemed very happy.

Is the little thing really okay?

Did Hu Shuo give him a full-body examination?

Would she help him register an account...