Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2524: Asking Fairy Huangquan (103)

Chuzheng watched the unknown creature's changes, and this thing increased its spiritual value by 1,000 in a short period of time.

And it looks like it only digested a little...

This one is digested, how high is its spirit worth?

Chuzheng carried the book and trembled, letting it spit out.

The unknown creature obviously refused, and in the end Chuzheng used violence to pull it out.

Unknown Creature·Book: "..." Excessive!

The extracted ore has only been digested a little, this thing... can increase the strength of unknown creatures?

If this is the case, it seems that what is used for feeding in the laboratory can be explained.

She had never figured out before, what to feed them, can feed them like that.

But isn't this smelly?

Is there something else?

Chuzheng did several more experiments to determine that this thing can increase the strength of unknown creatures.

Follow-up observation did not find any side effects.

The spiritual value hasn't decayed, and it has been maintained at the value that has increased.

Chuzheng thought about such a large pile. If they were given to that man, how many unknown creatures above the A level could he feed?

Chuzheng rubbed his arms, scaring him to death.

"Miss Chu Zheng, we found the trace of that unknown creature."

Xie Shi suddenly poked his head in from outside to inform.


The patter of rain was not heavy, and the city was hazy fog, blurring the buildings in the distance.

Chuzheng stepped on the rain car and looked forward.

The vast ruins seem to have just experienced an earthquake, but fortunately, this area is to be demolished and there is no one.

"This is an image." Liu Zhong came over holding an umbrella, "Look at it."

In the video, the unknown creature that looked like a cloud the last time I saw, rampaged across this area, and buildings collapsed one after another.

It seemed crazy like that.

"What is it doing?"

Liu Zhong said that he was old and couldn't understand what this thing was doing: "I don't know."

"Where are you now?"

"It ran here, and it hasn't come out since." Liu Zhong marked it on the map.

That is the underground pipeline of the city.

"Go down and take a look."

Chuzheng took the people down and met people from the Property Management Bureau not far away.

Su Tiyue led the team and ran into them from another channel.

"Miss Chu Zheng, did you come for that too?" Su Tiyue pushed down her glasses, not too surprised.

Chuzheng gave a faint ‘um’, and continued on.

Su Tiyue didn't feel embarrassed, and followed Chu Zheng and talked to her.

The people Su Tiyue had brought with him had many new faces, and at this time they seemed at a loss and communicated with their companions.

"Who are they?"

"I do not know……"


"It's not like it, that woman's attitude is like a non-staff person."


The Property Management Bureau took a look at the people behind Chuzheng. These people looked no different from the ordinary people walking on the street, and could not see anything special.

Curiosity belongs to curiosity, and I dare not ask more.


During this time we are also looking for its whereabouts, but there has been no clue.

Su Tiyue and the others also detected abnormal spiritual value fluctuations here, so they rushed over to check.

Crash into Chuzheng as expected.

Su Tiyue and Chu Zheng didn't speak, except for the light swaying back and forth in the passage, only the sound of everyone's footsteps.

"what is this?"

A sudden exclamation broke the silence.

All light is focused on the sound source at the same time.

It was a man who made the sound, his hands spread out, there was a sticky brown liquid sticking to his hands, and there was a foul smell.

Su Tiyue walked back with a serious expression: "Where did you get it?"

"Just...just beside." The man pointed to the wall.

There is this viscous liquid every some distance on the wall, like something left from the passage.

It is not harmful, but it is disgusting and smelly when it sticks to the hands.

Su Tiyue had never seen such a thing, so he looked at Chu Zheng.

However, Chu Zheng turned and left.

She didn't even know after all.

What are you waiting for?

The more you go to the front, the more liquid there will be, which is on the wall at first and the ground at the back.

The air is full of foul smells, so people can't breathe.

Chu Zheng suffocated his breath with a heavy face, and walked faster.


A loud scream suddenly sounded behind the crowd, and the voice quickly spread to the depths of the passage.

The crowd behind was commotion, and the light swept back and forth.

"What happened?"

"Xiao Wu is gone." Suddenly someone said: "He is coming behind me. The voice just now seemed to be Xiao Wu's..."


As soon as these words came out, everyone looked around vigilantly.

The passage was very quiet, and nothing was found.

Chu Zheng swept over Liu Zhong and the others, and made sure that there was no one missing: "Be careful. Keep walking."

"Hey, someone is missing, do you want to keep going?" Su Tiyue said subconsciously.

I don't know if it is because of Chuzheng's indifferent attitude, or because of the sudden disappearance of his companions.

"Otherwise? Stay here and look for him?" Chu Zheng looked sideways at the person who was speaking: "The first day you do this, you should understand that one day you will die unclearly, and you may even collect the bones. not coming back."



Chu Zheng was too lazy to say, and they left with Liu Zhong.

"Mr. Su..."

Su Tiyue didn't say anything about Xiao Wu, but told them: "It's not safe here. Everyone keep going forward. People behind you should be alert."


Chuzheng and the others walked fast, and they were far away from Su Tiyue and others.

The passage gradually became narrow, and the viscous liquid on the wall would be touched by accident.

Passing through the narrow passage, the line of sight suddenly widened.

They were standing on the metal corridor at this time. The corridor was not just the passage they came out of, but also had exits everywhere.

The entire space is circular, with a large open space below.

There are people in the clearing.

That weird dress is exactly the same as those of the people at the science and technology exhibition.

In addition to these people, there was also the unknown creature and a mass of meat that looked like rotten.

The unknown creature was lying on the lump of rotten flesh, eating big mouthfuls, and the people surrounding it were laying out silver sand.

The unknown creature didn't realize the people, and concentrated on eating the rotten flesh.

Chu Zheng: "..."

"Kang Dang--"

Suddenly someone smashed out of the nearby exit.

Chu Zheng turned his head and saw a man hitting the railing of the corridor, his body was covered with viscous liquid, looking very miserable.

And this voice also attracted the attention of the people below.

The atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

Chu Zheng: "..."

The group of people underneath didn't move, and no one moved on Chuzheng's side. Only the passage where people smashed out just now, some people ran out one after another.

A clear whistle split the air like a sharp blade, breaking the weird situation.

At the exits in the corridor, various unknown creatures gush out at the same time.


Notice: I'm going to start writing a new book, only two chapters will be updated in the future~