Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2606: Sparkling prairie fire (4)

Du Ruo was a little uneasy in his seat, checking the time frequently.

Why haven't you come back after so long.

Isn't something wrong?

As soon as Du Ruo's thoughts fell, Fang Yi came in from the door. He looked good and was fine, but his face was stinky, and he walked with wind, causing the tables and chairs in the aisle to crackle.

The rest of the classmates quieted down.

I don't understand what's wrong with this boss...

Chu Zheng slowed him a step, everyone's attention was on Fang Yi, and she didn't notice her.

Chu Zheng passed by Shen Liao, put a bottle of water on his table, and patted him again.

Shen Liao looked up, just in time to see Chu Zheng returning to his position.

Shen Liao took the bottle of water and looked at it, and then at Chu Zheng's back, there was no response for a while.

In the end, he may feel uncomfortable, put down the water, and lie down on the table again.


There was a physical education class in the afternoon, and Shen Liao didn't go, lying in the classroom alone.

In a daze, I heard someone coming in.

Shen Liao woke up suddenly, raised his head from his arms, and looked towards the door.

The girl entered the classroom alone and walked directly towards him.

Shen Liao maintained the posture of raising his head and stared at her for a long time.

Chu Zheng walked over, pulled out the seat at Shen Liao's front table, and sat in the aisle: "Where is it uncomfortable?"

Shen Liao's lips opened, and her voice was dry: "Ask me?"

"Otherwise it's me?"

Shen Liao sat upright and looked around, "Why didn't you... why didn't you go to class?"

"Come back to see you."


Why come to see him?

Shen Liao didn't quite understand and didn't dare to ask.

Shen Liao's somewhat hot forehead was suddenly covered by a slightly cool hand, which brought a comfortable chill.

"Have a fever?"

Shen Liao was frightened, and hid behind, "...a little bit."

"Get up." Chu Zheng got up, "Go to the school infirmary."

"No need." Shen Liao shook his head, "I'll be fine after a while."

"Hurry up." Chu Zheng didn't listen to what he said, and urged impatiently.


Shen Liao exhaled and stood up on the table.

I haven't stood for a period of time, and I'm tired of speaking, and feel a little dizzy.

Chu Zheng stretched out his hand to support him, "Can you walk?"

"Yes... okay." Shen Liao quickly took out his arm and stood firmly, "Thank you."

Chu Zheng stretched out his hand again to support him, "Let's go."

Shen Liao's body was hot, top-heavy, and he didn't have much strength. Chuzheng's strength was not great, but he didn't have the strength to break free.


School infirmary.

"Take a rest first, and then measure the temperature later. If it doesn't return, go to the hospital." The school doctor gave Shen Liao some anti-fever medicine and asked him to take it first.

The school doctor may have other things, so he left after explaining.

After taking the medicine, Shen Liao didn't know what to do for a while.

In the narrow space where the curtains are pulled up, there seems to be no air circulation, making it difficult to breathe.


Shen Liao grumbled in his stomach, and he subconsciously covered his stomach, looking at Chu Zheng in embarrassment.

Chu Zheng just asked calmly: "I didn't eat anything at noon?"

Shen Liao let out a ‘um’ for a while.

Xie Mu called him away when he was eating at noon. When he came back, it was past lunch time and the school dining room was closed.

Chuzheng asked him to sleep for a while before she left the infirmary.

Shen Liao was unwell, wanted to sleep when he lay down, and fell asleep in a daze.

Was awakened again, it feels like a long time has passed.

Chu Zheng helped him up, "get up and eat something."

Shen Liao looked at the porridge in front of him, still breathing in heat, "Where did I buy it? The school restaurant hasn't opened yet..."

"Someone sent it."

Shen Liao: "..."

Shen Liao was sick and could not eat anything else, so he could only eat some porridge to pad his stomach.

The porridge is warm, just the right temperature.

Shen Liao can't remember how long no one has been so kind to him when he was sick...

Chu Zheng waited for Shen Liao to eat almost before asking him, "Xie Mu bullied you at noon today?"

Shen Liao took the spoon's hand and shook his head slowly, "No."

"Then what does he tell you to do?"

"Nothing." Shen Liao said.

"you sure?"

Shen Liao nodded, "Yeah."

Chu Zheng watched him silently for several seconds, and finally said lightly: "Hurry up and eat."


After Shen Liao's fever subsided, the school doctor checked that he didn't need to go to the hospital, but he had to take medicine.

Delayed time in the school infirmary, the last class is over.

Chu Zheng wanted to send him back, but Shen Liao resolutely refused.

Shen Liao went back by himself, and when he entered the door, he saw Xie Mu already in the living room, with the game background sound playing loudly.

Xie Mu heard the door opening and glanced back at him, "Where have you gone?"

"The school doctor's room."

Xie Mu glanced at him, then sneered, "There is no young master's life, there is also a young master's disease."

Xie Mu finished taunting, turned his head and continued to play the game, no longer paying attention to him.

Shen Liao walked upstairs, returned to the room, and sat on the bed in a daze.

I don't know how long it took, Shen Liao got up and walked to the window, pushing a gap open.

In his room, he can just see the villa next door.

Although it is a bit far apart, you can see the courtyard of the villa.

Shen Liao stood by the window, not knowing what he wanted to see, so he didn't want to walk away.

No one came up to call him for dinner, probably because Xie Mu meant it, and Shen Liao would not go down, after all, there was nothing to eat even if he went on.

Fortunately, he ate a little in the afternoon and was not very hungry.

Shen Liao went to the bathroom, washed the box this morning, and put it in his schoolbag.


The next day.

Shen Liao went downstairs, Xie Mu had already left.

Shen Liao didn't need to ask, knowing that he must have no breakfast.

When Shen Liao arrived at school, he heard that Xie Mu and Fang Yi had a conflict and were called away by the teacher.

As for why the conflict occurred, no one knows.

Anyway, the two of them didn't deal with each other in the first place.

Shen Liao walked around the students who talked about gossip towards the teaching building.

"Shen Liao."

Shen Liao was stopped by someone.

When Shen Liao turned around, he saw Chu Zheng standing a few steps away with a bag in his hand.


Shen Liao: "Is there anything...?"

Chu Zheng said coldly: "Let you come here as soon as you come."

Shen Liao touched his schoolbag, turned his feet slightly, and walked back.

"did you have breakfast?"



There is a pavilion in the small garden of the school. Many students come here during the rest time.

But it's time for school in the morning, so it's very quiet here and no one comes.

Shen Liao sat in the pavilion to eat breakfast, and Chu Zheng sat beside him.

"Xie Mu won't give you breakfast?"

Shen Liao whispered: "I got up late..."

Chu Zheng: "..." Isn't it because Xie Mu didn't give you breakfast?

Shen Liao obviously didn't want to mention Xie Mu very much. He lowered his head to eat, afraid that Chu Zheng would ask him about him and Xie Mu again.

Chu Zheng didn't mean to continue, she had all their information in her hand, and there was nothing to ask.

Xie Mu...

Bullying my little things and living impatiently.

Monthly pass, monthly pass, monthly pass, vote for one, hee hee hee hee hee