Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2624: Xinghuo Liaoyuan (End)

The light of the morning light spilled over the entire city, coated with layers of golden light.

The bird swept across the window sill, croaking crisply, and got into the room through the half-open window.

The boy on the bed moved slightly and wanted to turn over.

However, when I flipped it over, I found that there was a force imprisoning myself.

The young man slept in a daze, subconsciously groping to get rid of the restraints.

After touching it a few times, I felt something was wrong and opened my eyes suddenly.

He suddenly broke into a familiar face in his sight, and he was held by someone next to him.

Shen Liao: "!!!"

Why is he with her?

Shen Liao stared blankly, his last memory was that he was working on the question...

He seemed too sleepy behind and he fell asleep.

What did Chuzheng tell him...

Shen Liao couldn't remember it anymore, he was too sleepy.

Shen Liao carefully lifted the quilt and took a look, changing her clothes into pajamas...

"Woke up?"

The person on the opposite side suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes clear, and he didn't seem to have just woke up.


Shen Liao swallowed.

After a while I found my voice, "My clothes are...Did you change it?"

"Otherwise? No one else here."

Shen Liao flushed instantly, "How can you..."

Chu Zheng propped up his body, pressing one hand on Shen Liao's other side, "Why can't I? Where can I not look at you?"

Shen Liao: "..."

"And I asked you, you yourself promised me to change your pajamas."

"I promise?" How could it be possible!

Chuzheng took the phone from the bedside and clicked on the one recorded last night, "See it for yourself."

The screen was shaking, and Chu Zheng's voice came out through the screen.

"Shen Liao."

"Shen Liao, wake up."

Chu Zheng yelled several times without making him completely awake.

"You wash and then sleep."

Shen Liao heard that he was sleepy, and then he rubbed against Chu Zheng's arms.


Shen Liao felt that the phone was hot and couldn't stand it.

Chu Zheng's voice continued: "Then can I change your clothes for you?"


Then the picture turned, facing the ground.

The camera moved slowly, waiting for him to appear in the camera, already lying on the bed.

Then it was the whole process of Chuzheng changing his clothes.

Shen Liao: "..."

Although most of them were blocked by Chuzheng, it was... strange to look at it this way.

Shen Liao felt that something was wrong, why did she record it in the first place... This thought flashed past and didn't stay for long.


Shen Liao stuffed the phone into the quilt and pulled the quilt to cover his head.

Chu Zheng looked at the arched ball, thanking him for his wit.

If there is no video, I can't fight with her.

When Chu Zheng got the phone, Shen Liao had already deleted the video.

Chuzheng fiddled with his phone and said, "My phone has cloud backup."

Shen Liao paused with his clothes on and turned to look at her.

Chuzheng casually put the phone in his pocket.

"Delete!" Shen Liao tugged his clothes, put them on her body, and rushed to Chu Zheng, "You quickly delete."

"Do not delete."

Chuzheng walked out with his pockets.

Shen Liao immediately caught up, "How can you do this, you delete it quickly."

The two came out of the room one after the other, and the butler stared blankly.

Shen Liao entangled Chuzheng to delete the video, but he did not delete it for a long time. The whole person was very depressed, drooping as if withered.

Where would Chuzheng delete the evidence?

Of course not as Shen Liao intended.

But the result was that Shen Liao did not dare to get too close to her for several days, for fear that she would record something strange again.


During the holidays, Chuzheng and Shen Liao didn't go anywhere. When Shen Liao was okay, she went out for a walk with Chuzheng occasionally to have a meal and watch a movie.

When the school started, Shen Liao's grades had improved a lot, and he had stopped hanging his tail.

Du Ruo was very depressed and squatted on the table and whimpered, "Why...why! I also applied for a cram school during the holidays, why am I still the bottom!

Why are the people in their class so perverted.

why! !

Before, Shen Liao put himself at the bottom, now Shen Liao is gone...

Du Ruo felt like he was crying to death.

Chu Zheng was irritated by Du Ruo's muttering, and from under the table, he took out two exercise books for her.

"Private collection?" Du Ruo's eyes lit up, "Can I successfully overcome the catastrophe after I finish writing?"

"I bought it outside the school." Chu Zheng poured a pot of cold water directly, "I bought too much.

Du Ruo: "..."

Du Ruo looked at the cover. It was really a problem book sold in an outside bookstore.

Du Ruo pressed the workbook and moved to Chuzheng, "Are you comfortable with Shen Liao during the holiday?"

"very good."

Du Ruo winked at the gossip: "What are you doing?"


Can this kind of thing be shared with you?

Chu Zheng ignored Du Ruo, Du Ruo didn't dare to show off in front of Chu Zheng, and quickly changed the subject.

"Speaking of which, why hasn't Xie Mu come to class yet?"

This school has started for two weeks.

Chu Zheng glanced at the empty seat in front of him.

Xie Mu is smart enough to not want to suffer any more, he will never show up again.

Xie Mu hadn't come to class for a month. Shen Liao might have heard some wind from Aunt Shen and didn't ask Chu Zheng.

A month later, the head teacher announced that Xie Mu would not come to class again, he was going abroad.

Xie Mu didn't come to school anymore, and the happiest girl was the whole class.

Finally, you don't have to be angry with that little bully.

Without Xie Mu, Shen Liao was deliberately prevented from attending the class, and Chuzheng opened a small stove to make up lessons. Shen Liao's grades rose rapidly.

In the last hundred days of sprint, Du Ruo also left the rear of the car and went up.

Du Ruo later discovered that the set of questions was different from the ones sold outside.

She flipped through many versions and never saw that set of questions.

Du Ruo was sure that it was a pirated copy—the cover of someone else was stolen.

As for who wrote the set of questions, Du Ruo doesn't know, but it must have been brought by the same table boss.

For this reason, Du Ruo worshipped Chuzheng every day.

Chu Zheng felt that he had been promoted to the immortal, experiencing a strange experience.


After graduating from high school, Shen Liao and Chu Zheng entered the same school. Shen Liao had a major he liked, so Chu Zheng took it easy.

For four years in college, the two are almost representative of model couples in the school.

Even if I haven't seen them, I have definitely heard their names.

Some people still feel that they have a chance, and when they inquire again, they have a marriage contract, and no one dares to make a mistake.

Even if there was..., it was less than two days.

Whether Chuzheng was engaged in Shen Liao's peach blossoms or her own, she was very decisive, so she didn't dare to mess around again.

Of course, Shen Liao didn't know these things.

He is busy studying every day, so there is no time to take care of other things.

Aunt Shen was very worried at the beginning, but after these few years, the relationship between the two of them has been extremely stable, and she can be considered more relieved.

In Shen Liao's junior year, Aunt Shen went abroad.

It is said that Xie Mu caused trouble abroad, and Aunt Shen took care of him.

After that, Shen Liao hadn't heard of Xie Mu for a long time, nor had he seen him again.


Wow wow wow! ! Vote for your Zheng Ye to call CALL! Master Zheng is still very fragrant~~