Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 2657: Unscrupulous Senna (15)

Tiancheng Mountain was attacked by the demon clan, and no one survived.

Chuzheng hugged Chongtang and walked through the **** street, the wind was filled with the disgusting smell of blood.

Chongtang lay on her shoulders, not too afraid, as if what was shown in front of him at this time was a normal picture.

The giant dragon and the little fox followed, "This is too miserable. Boss, where did those monsters come from? It's not really the seal of the monster world that is about to be broken, right?"

"How do I know." Chu Zheng said indifferently, "I shouldn't ask you this."

The giant dragon immediately stated his position: "I am not with them!"

The monsters slaughtered the entire city and then retreated, and no trace was found at this time.

After seeing the scene in the city, Chuzheng was about to go out, and continued to walk forward to find the so-called Beizhao boundary.

Just as she was about to leave the city gate, a shadow suddenly fell from the sky, and someone came.

"Demon girl! You killed the people in Tiancheng Mountain!" Someone fell from above, seeing the tragic state of Tiancheng Mountain, and seeing Lingqiong here, and immediately took the pot down for her.

Not many people came, it is estimated that the monks who found out that Tiancheng Mountain was different and came to check.

Chuzheng: "…"

A big pot.

"You can't feel such a strong demonic aura here?" Chu Zheng said with a sullen face, "Did you practice for so many years in vain?"

Tiancheng Mountain is full of demonic energy, but Chuzheng follows a fox, it is a demon...


When the giant dragon discovered that someone appeared, he hid directly on Chuzheng.

He is a sweet pastry, but he can't be found casually.

"What did you see?" The visitor was still vigilant, "There are survivors inside."

Chu Zheng glanced at the person who asked the question, raised his leg and left without intending to answer.

However, the other party did not intend to let her go, "Stop! You can't leave!"

They came to check, and the only survivor they saw was her, how could they just let her go.

Even if this matter has nothing to do with her, she must check it out before talking about it.

Chu Zheng stroked Zhongtang's back ridge and silently looked at each other, his eyes were cold and emotionless, but he felt chills all over.

The leading man was a little afraid, and said bravely: "If something like this happened in Tiancheng Mountain, you must find out, you can't just leave."

Chuzheng: "You check yours, what does it have to do with me, and I didn't kill them."

"..." Who knows! As soon as we came, we saw you coming out of the city, without doubting who you doubted!

Chuzheng was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, tapped the ground with his toes, and jumped into the air.

"Don't let her run away!"

"Hurry up and stop her!"

The giant dragon stretched its body high in the sky, and its huge tail swept up and flew up, trying to intercept the cultivator of Chuzheng.

Those cultivators weren't very good, they were swept away by the giant dragon and smashed to the ground, and they could only watch Chuzheng leave.

"Cough cough...Is that a dragon?" The monk lying on the ground was stunned.

"A bit like?"

"Its color is so strange, why is it half black and half blue?"

"who knows…"

"Hurry up and inform the elders that Tiancheng Mountain is like this, and you are still in the mood to care about other things."

There is a Tianxin Tower nearby, and they are all disciples in the building.

Because I found the monstrous aura of Tiancheng Mountain, I felt it was wrong, so I came to check.

Who would have known to see such a scene.

This is not something they can solve, and the elders in the building must be notified.

Leaving Tiancheng Mountain and walking north, it was almost a hundred miles away. Chuzheng saw the 'Beizhao' stone monument standing in the desert.

Half of the stele was cut off, leaving only a vague 'edict'.

After the stone tablet, looking around, there are only wild grasses that grow wildly, connecting the sky with no end.

"is it here?"

Zhongtang nodded and pointed forward, "There."

"What the **** are you going to do there?"

Chongtang tilted her head, as if she didn't know how to answer her, and finally only said two words, "Go."

Chuzheng: "…"

What are you going to do!

Want to see the scenery?

This is a wasteland, what scenery is there to see!


Chu Zheng looked at this little guy and could only endure his anger.

There is a giant dragon on the move, but it is not tiring.

But Lingqiong didn't expect that this Beizhao's territory was a bit outrageous. After walking for a long time, it was still the barren land that covered the mountains and plains.

There was no green here, as if the whole world had withered.

The dragon began to complain: "When is this head? Is Beizhao so big?"

It's not slow!

Chuzheng looked around, and his intuition was a little wrong: "Find a place to rest first."

Chongtang sat on the withered grass, watching the little fox roasting meat, clusters of flames jumped in his eyes, forming one piece.

"Chongtang Chongtang, I'm ready." The little fox happily handed the barbecue to Chongtang, begging for praise.

"Thank you Honghong." Just as Chongtang was about to pick it up, a hand inserted a hand beside him and took it first.

Then he was picked up and put on his lap.

Chongtang was used to Lingqiong hugging him like this, without struggling, and tilted her head to look at the person holding him.

Chuzheng tore off the meat, waited for it to cool, and fed it to his mouth.

"I can eat it myself." There was some dissatisfaction in Chongtang's tender voice, just hug him, why do you want to feed him like this?

"I'll feed you." Chu Zheng's tone was cold, but his words were full of irresistibility.

Chongtang refused to eat.

Chuzheng was at a stalemate with him, and in the end, Chongtang was defeated first, slowly opening his mouth, biting the shredded meat, and curling the tip of his tongue slightly.

The shredded meat was rolled in by him, and the tip of the tongue could not help but touch the tip of Chuzheng's finger.

Chuzheng recited several times in his heart that he was still a child and fed him seriously.

"Big brother, look at the sky." The giant dragon coiled beside him, raised his head, and motioned Chuzheng to look at the sky.

Chuzheng looked up, the sky was so gray that he couldn't even see half a star.

"What do you feel?" Chuzheng kicked the giant dragon.

The dragon's tail patted the withered grass, "I don't know, it just feels a little wrong, here..." There is a feeling that is indescribable.

Chuzheng: "…"

I want you to say.

The surroundings were quiet, not even the sound of the wind could be heard.

But no danger was noticed.

The night was peaceful and there were no accidents.

Chuzheng called Chongtang up, and the child fell into a daze and leaned against her softly.

"Have you grown up a bit?" Chuzheng found that Zhongtang was a little heavier than yesterday, and her figure was much taller.

Zhongtang nodded: "Yes."

Chuzheng: "You grow so fast?"

In the bottom of Chongtang's eyes were the big characters "Isn't this right?".

In Chongtang's perception, it was completely normal for him to grow taller overnight.

The little fox also thought it was normal, "Zhongtang was so long before, aren't you humans so long?"

Chuzheng: "…"

Do not!

Humans don't jump up suddenly!