Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 287: Minister under the skirt (10)

Murongce did not stop Chu Zheng and Xie Shu from leaving at all.

Xie Shu walked slowly, his body swayed, and he seemed to fall down at any time.

Chu Zheng stopped and went, looking back at him.

The good guy card is too weak!

I can walk so fast when I am sick!

The Tianjinshu was held by Chuzheng in his arms. At this time, he stood his head and followed Chuzheng to see Xie Shu.

Xie Shu only felt that the little thing's eyes were full of sympathy.

Tianjin Mouse: "..." Pity the same disease!

Chuzheng really couldn't stand it any longer, so he strode back, took his hand, and pulled the person back.

Xie Shu was picked up by Chu Zheng, his expression was blank for a few seconds.

"His Royal Highness, what are you doing?"

Chuzheng: "Hold well and take responsibility for the fall."

Before she wanted to touch herself, she would always observe his reaction carefully, most of which he could find and avoid her contact.


Now she almost didn't give herself a chance to react at all, and did it directly.

She said she was not Chu Yingyu...

Xie Shu wrapped his hands around Chuzheng's neck: "His Royal Highness, you said you are not Chu Yingyu, then who are you?"

Xie Shu looked at the neck surrounded by him, beautiful and slender, just a little bit of effort can make her die.

She was so defenseless about herself...

Still not afraid of killing her yourself?

"Jun Chuzheng."

"What did you say?" Xie Shu's voice was a little hoarse.

"You heard." Chu Zheng was very sure.

Xie Shu felt his heart beating faster, he had goose bumps all over his body, and his scalp was numb.

There is no king in the four kingdoms.

Because this surname... is not allowed in this place.

Chu Zheng felt Xie Shu's body stiff, and turned his eyes slightly: "What's the problem?"

Is this surname strange?

The four people heard that they behaved strangely before, and the good guys looked like this.

"No..." Xie Shu raised a smile: "I just think this surname is quite rare."

Chu Zheng turned his head and continued on.

Xie Shu looked at Chu Zheng's neck with deep eyes, his arms gradually tightened.

"You want to kill me." Chu Zheng said suddenly.

Xie Shu's innocent voice came: "No, I'm just a little cold."

Chu Zheng put him down, Xie Shu still had that bewitching smile, looking coquettish and weird in the forest where only a little moonlight could fall.

Chuzheng took off his coat and put it on him.

She pulled down the skirt, and said calmly, "Xie Shu, rest assured."


Chu Zheng chose a place to rest. There was a pool of spring water next to him. Xie Shu sat there to clean his wounds.

But the movement was slow, as if a little absent-minded.

With a slightly warm hand taking the kerchief in his hand, Xie Shu suddenly woke up.

The moon cast into the pool water, shimmering with cold light.

The woman squatted down and pulled away the clothes that fell on his shoulders, revealing his upper body.

The burn on the shoulder was the most serious, and it looked shocking.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Murongce that dog thing!

Kill him when he is alone.

Except for the shoulders, Xie Shu still has many bruises and bruises on his body.

Chu Yingyu protected him very well. He couldn't bear to touch a finger. These injuries must have been caused after he left.

It only took a few days to make myself like this.

Xie Shu quickly reached out his hand to block it and pulled up his clothes.

"I will do it myself."

Chu Zheng forcibly broke his hand apart, Xie Shu stubbornly refused to let go, Chu Zheng had to tie his hand behind.

Chuzheng threatened him fiercely: "If you move around, I will throw you in."

Xie Shu glanced at the cold pool water. His shadow was reflected in the pool water. His hands were tied behind his back and his clothes were half open. This picture was ashamed.

Chu Zheng didn't care what Xie Shu was thinking.

Pulling his clothes apart, the snowflake-like pattern was suddenly exposed under her sight.

It looks like a tattoo, but also like a birthmark, it's very beautiful.

Chu Zheng only looked at two eyes and started to clean his wounds.

They are all small wounds, not fatal, and many wounds should have been punched out.

"That Murong Ce fought?"

Xie Shu cocked the corners of his mouth, and the corners of his eyebrows and eyes were ironic: "If I fall into his hands, I can live. Shouldn't I be thankful that he likes you so much and want to torture me longer?"

Chu Zheng raised his eyes: "I'll say it one last time, I'm not Chu Yingyu."

Xie Shu glanced into her eyes suddenly.

It was like falling into the ice and snow for an instant, and it was so cold.

Xie Shu first looked away: "Since you are not Chu Yingyu, why do you look the same as her?"

Chu Zheng's indifferent face: "Who knows."

Xie Shu asked again: "Then why are you here?"

"……I do not remember."

Xie Shu was suspicious: "What do you mean?"

Chu Zheng pulled up his clothes: "Amnesia."

"Amnesia?" Xie Shu is more suspicious: "You said you don't remember the past, and you don't know why you are here, but you remember your name is Jun Chuzheng?"

Chu Zheng nodded.

Xie Shu chuckled: "Then why don't you think it's a name you came up with out of thin air after losing your memory?"

"You have a point." Chu Zheng agreed.

"Do you think..." Xie Shu said in a voice, and then suddenly raised the volume: "What are you doing!"

"Let's see if you still have any injuries." Chu Zheng said that he was righteous.

"No." Xie Shu gritted his teeth and said: "Don't touch my pants."


Chuzheng unbuttoned his pants.

Xie Shu: "..."


Xie Shu was so embarrassed that he suddenly fell into the pool of water in a hurry.


Chu Zheng: "..."

What are you doing! Isn't it just taking off your pants and committing suicide? Do you think I would take off your pants?

Others can be on TV with underpants, what are you!

Xie Shu sank to the bottom of the water, bubbling in the pool water.

Chuzheng: "..." The ball is over. Does a good guy know how to play water?

Chu Zheng went into the water to get Xie Shu up.

"Cough cough cough..."

Xie Shu was soaked, leaning against the side breathlessly, Chu Zheng took the opportunity to take his pants off.

Xie Shu: "..."

Son of a bitch!

Under the moonlight, the man's eyes were red, and he stared at the woman in anger and shame.

Chuzheng swept toward his legs with a flat expression. His legs were long and slender. There were a lot of wounds on his legs, and some were still bleeding.

It's worse than the body.

Chu Zheng's eyes became more and more condensed.

She picked Xie Shu up and put it aside.

Xie Shu's hands were still tied, and he had to bend his body to block it.

There was the little golden thing squatting next to him, and Xie Shu could see that it was a mouse.

It looked at him sympathetically.

Also jumped.

The Celestial King Mouse didn't jump too high, as if it was pulled off by something, and fell to the ground with a snap.

Tianjin Mouse: "..." Look, we have the same disease! We are in a group! !

Xie Shu: "..." This mouse is sick!

Chuzheng raised the fire, stripped off his wet clothes and put on her coat.


There was a big temperature difference between day and night in the secret realm. Xie Shu was still soaked in water and there was no profound energy protection. At this time, the whole person was shivering with cold.

He didn't say a word, staring at Chu Zheng warily.

Chuzheng pulled his ankle.

Xie Shu wanted to retract his foot: "Let go!"

Chu Zheng pressed him: "I see your injury."

"You don't need to look at it."

"I don't want to carry you tomorrow." Chu Zheng said: "You are very heavy."