Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 288: Minister under the skirt (11)

Xie Shu is an ordinary person without profound energy-even inferior to ordinary people, because his meridians have all been cut off, basically unable to use much strength-so he is not Chu Zheng's opponent at all.

Xie Shu's heart was full of humiliation and anger, but he could only let Chu Zheng deal with the injury on his leg.

At first he strained his nerves and body.

But gradually he discovered that Chu Zheng was really just dealing with the wound, and there was nothing in his eyes, calm and cold.

"But I am Jun Chuzheng."

Xie Shu heard such a sentence abruptly, and it took a while to react. Chu Zheng answered the previous question.

Xie Shu looked away from Chu Zheng's hand.

"How can you be so sure?"

"because I am."

Xie Shu was silent and didn't speak again, he didn't believe her.

Whether she was Chu Yingyu or Jun Chuzheng, he didn't believe her.

Chuzheng took care of the wound and put on his clothes when they were dry.

"Can you untie me?" He was very uncomfortable being **** like this, and always felt very strange.

Chu Zheng sat next to him and hugged the rat in his arms: "What should you do if you run away."

This world is so big that you can't find it anywhere you go.

Let's tie it up.

Find a place to lock up when you go out!



Xie Shu bends the corner of his mouth: "With your strength, are you still afraid of me as a waste?"

"The ant can still break the dike, don't deny yourself." Chu Zheng paused: "You are not a waste."

Her good person card is not a waste!

How can it be called waste?

There seemed to be emotions in Xie Shu's eyes, and there seemed to be nothing.

The curvature of his mouth gradually calmed down, and his eyes gradually deepened.

She is really different from Chu Yingyu...

Chu Zheng lowered his head sideways: "Cold?"

Xie Shu was looked upright, a little flustered inexplicably, he looked away and nodded indiscriminately.

He felt that she was sitting over, and then his body slammed down on her side and was directly held in his arms by her.

Xie Shu is really cold, and the night in the secret realm can be frosted during the coldest time.

However, her embrace is warm.

The Tianjin Rat in Xie Shu and Chuzheng's arms stared with small eyes.

Tianjin Mouse showed sympathy again.

This woman is so sweet!

"You really don't remember anything?" Xie Shu asked.

"Yeah." Chu Zheng adjusted his posture and asked Xie Shu to lie down. She pressed against the trunk behind: "Do you know me?"

Xie Shu smiled at the corners of his mouth: "I don't know, I just know your face."


Chu Zheng closed his eyes and Xie Shu stared at the woman's chin. The leaves on the top of his head were blown by the night wind, rubbing a rustle of despair.

Xie Shu moved his lips: "Have you heard of Zhongxue Yeyue?"

Chu Zheng just shook his head without making a sound.


Chuzheng thought he was noisy, so he covered his mouth with his hand: "Don't talk."

There are so many questions.


now is our recess time.

Xie Shu: "..."

Xie Shu was uncomfortable being tied up, and Chu Zheng finally put his hands in front of him and tied them.


Xie Shu was awakened by something fluffy.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the golden mouse, squatting on his chest, scratching it with his paw.

"you're awake."

There was sunshine from the lush canopy, and Xie Shu raised his hand to block it.

"You can talk?"

"Hmm, I'm a sacred beast." Tianjin Mouse proudly held its small chest.

Mythical beast?

Xie Shu sat up, Tianjin Mouse slid off him and squatted aside, Xie Shu looked at it with interest: "I didn't see it."

He looked down at his hands and was still tied...

Tianjin Rat was so angry that his cheeks bulged.

Xie Shu looked around: "Where is your master?"

"Bah, she is not my master." Tianjin Mouse said angrily: "What are you talking nonsense!"

"Not your master?" He thought it was her contract beast, didn't he...

"Of course not, I don't have such a master!" Tianjin Mouse was very angry: "I don't have a master!"

It is now a divine beast, it will not have a master, shame!

The man raised his eyebrows slightly, the dappled sunlight fell on his eyelashes, and the dark and deep eyes were faintly bright, and he was so beautiful that he couldn't describe it in words.

"What about her?"

"Who knows." Tian Jinshu squatted aside and drew a circle: "You run quickly, before she comes back."

It can't run away.

For the sake of her fire crystal... it can barely stay.

"Run?" The man laughed: "What should I do if she is caught? Are you trying to harm me?"

"She shouldn't come back so quickly. You run east from here, there is a big guy over there, and she can't catch up with you." Tianjinshu felt very sympathetic to this good-looking human and gave him advice.

Xie Shu guessed that the big guy in the little mouse's mouth should be a beast.

After all, it is a divine beast, and it is said that the big guy is definitely more powerful than it.

"You said it was a big guy, and you told me to run over there. Am I going to die?"

Xie Shu didn't know if this little guy was intentional or unintentional, but he didn't dare to agree casually.

What if that woman tempted herself?

It's not that Xie Shu has delusional delusions of persecution, it's that he was not vigilant and didn't know how he died.

"Yes too."

Tianjinshu has forgotten the fact that this beautiful human being is a waste.


It sighed like an old man.

Xie Shu: "..."

Chu Zheng came back for a while, holding clothes and food in his hands.

She handed the clothes to Xie Shu. Xie Shu obviously didn't like it, and all over his face was written in large characters, "Let me wear this".

"It will be just a moment." Chu Zheng said: "Go out and buy it for you."

In the secret realm, they are all looking for treasures, experience, who can bring good-looking clothes.

"I will wear this." Xie Shu returned the clothes to Chu Zheng.

The clothes on his body are just a bit torn, which does not affect the wear.

Chu Zheng's indifferent face: "I'll change it for you, you change it yourself."

Xie Shu showed her his hand: "You tied me, how can I change it."

Chuzheng understood: "I will help you."

Xie Shu frustrated: "You let me go, I will change it myself." Who wants you to change it for me!

"...If you dare to run, I will interrupt your leg." Chu Zheng released him after threatening.

Xie Shu held back his anger, took his clothes and went behind the tree to change them.

The purple clothes are not as coquettish as the red ones, but they also make the men a little more expensive, with the style of a noble family.

"eat something."

"What's this?" Xie Shu looked suspiciously at the fruit in Chu Zheng's hand.

"I don't know." Chu Zheng is very open. She doesn't know him, but she should be able to eat it. She had seen this kind of fruit from the Jingyuan group before.

"I don't know if you let me eat it?" Xie Shu's mouth twitched a little playfully: "Are you afraid of poisoning me?"

"It's okay, don't be afraid." There is still a chance anyway.

"..." She just wanted to poison herself!

Xie Shu didn't know how to express his inner thoughts.

"Since you are not Chu Yingyu, why do you want to save me?" Xie Shu thought of the point.

"Because I want to be a good person." Chu Zheng handed the fruit to him with a serious face, "Am I a good person?"

Xie Shu smiled a little weirdly: "Good guy? You?"

He didn't go on, but the meaning was obvious.

In this world, where the weak and the strong eat, there are good people, and some are just charities and plunder from the strong to the weak.

Even if she saved herself...


Xie Shu: "..."

I will not eat!

Xie Shu turned and walked aside.