Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 289: Minister under the skirt (12)

Xie Shu washed his face with pool water. He looked down at his wrist. She used a cloth to pad a circle last night, so there was no trace on his wrist.

Chu Zheng called him, Xie Shu quickly put down his sleeves, got up and went over.

Xie Shu asked her where she was going, and Chu Zheng said just walk around, so he stopped asking.

Chuzheng said to go casually, really just go casually.

Let Xie Shu wonder if she did it on purpose.

"You want me to die without so much trouble!"

Xie Shu gritted his teeth and rushed to the front of humanity.

Chu Zheng stood on the chain, turned around and looked over: "Are you afraid?"

"What am I afraid of!" Standing on the edge of the cliff, Xie Shu was excited by Chu Zheng and stepped on the iron rope.

There was only one iron rope, and the wrist was thick, and he stood up and shook it straight.

Xie Shu looked down. The magma underneath was rolling, a raging fire was burning on the magma, and a heat wave rushed toward his face.

Suddenly Xie Shu didn't dare to move, only the tumbling fire waves under his eyes.

He couldn't help holding his hands tightly, the light under his eyes was swallowed by the fire wave, and his body seemed to sink.

"Xie Shu."

The clear voice cut through the heat and dullness, suddenly awakening Xie Shu's mind.

He raised his eyes and looked towards Chuzheng, as if there was still a ray of fire remaining in his eyes.

"Dare to leave?"

The voice of Chuzheng floated back faintly.

Xie Shu's tone couldn't help being a little aggressive: "Is there something I dare not dare."

Then when he raised his foot, he did not dare to fall.

The flames below exploded in his eyes, and outlines gradually condensed in the flames, and hideous faces appeared in front of him.

"Chu Yingyu!"

Profound energy cut through the air and flew over Xie Shu's side, his figure was suddenly lifted off, and his weightlessness invaded.

Xie Shu felt that he was being pulled by someone and went into the raging fire.

Just when Xie Shu thought he would fall in, his body slammed, and the flames rose from his side.

Xie Shu was hugged by someone at his waist. He raised his eyes and saw the face that disgusted him in the fire.

"Don't be afraid."

Chu Zheng pressed his head on his shoulders, leaped several times, and returned to the chain.

Chu Zheng looked opposite.

Guo Zhen and a few people stood there, and Chu Zheng rescued Xie Shu, obviously beyond Guo Zhen's expectations, and seemed a little shocked at this time.

Guo Zhen died last time, when the Celestial King Rat hit it down, he rolled to the other side and ran to save his life.

I saw Chuzheng today, and it was such a good opportunity. I almost didn't even think about it.

Guo Zhen activated his profound energy again. The orange profound energy was similar to the color of the flame, and he swept over from the cliff.

Chu Zheng led Xie Shu across the chain quickly and reached the other side.

She settled Xie Shu and returned to the chain again.

Xie Shu's whole body seemed to be fished out of the water, and he looked straight at the people walking on the chain.

The flames under the feet soared from time to time, over the iron rope, can swallow her at any time.



Screams came from across the cliff.

Xie Shu's confused thoughts were called back by the scream, and he fixedly looked over there.

On the opposite side of the cliff, the few people just now were falling one by one under the cliff.

The woman stood quietly on the iron rope, the flames that set off were like wings spreading behind her, and there was silver light flying in the air, appearing from time to time.

Xie Shu flashed a word inexplicably-the return of the king from the ashes.


Chuzheng returned to him: "It's okay..."

Xie Shu avoided subconsciously, with inexplicable emotions in his eyes.

Chuzheng retracted his hand and asked him calmly, "Fear."

Xie Shu didn't speak, but still looked at her with that inexplicable look. Chu Zheng was upset by the look, and pulled off something to cover his eyes.

Chu Zheng picked up the Tianjin Rat, picked up Xie Shu and left.

Meeting Guo Zhen is just an episode.

Chu Zheng did not ask Xie Shu why he showed such an expression, nor did he ask him why he was afraid.

Quietly and indifferently turned this matter over.

After Xie Shu recovered, he was no different from before. When his mouth was low, he would say a few words to Chuzheng. Of course, if he couldn't say a few words, he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Xie Shu thinks she must have no friends.

Whoever makes friends with her can only be **** off.

"Xie Shu."

Tianjinshu squatted beside him, calling him quietly.

Xie Shu glanced at the people not far away: "What little mouse are you doing?"

"!!!" Tianjin Mouse stared at Xie Shu: "You are a little mouse! I am Tianjin Mouse!"

Xie Shu put his hands on his knees, his face on his arms, and looked at it sideways: "That's not a little mouse, what are you looking for?"

"Do you know what I saw just now?" Tianjin Rat couldn't care about correcting it, the gossip fire was burning.

Xie Shu was curious: "What poisonous thing did she do?"

Tianjin Mouse rolled his eyes: "No, it's the gang who bullied you before."


Murong Ce?

Tian Jinshu continued, "Murong Ce seems to have been abandoned."

Xie Shu blinked his eyes: "What do you mean?"

The Celestial Rat hadn't explained yet, but suddenly he was picked up by someone. Xie Shu looked at it. Chu Zheng held the Celestial Rat and looked at him with low eyebrows.

His eyes were cold and indifferent, without ups and downs.

Xie Shu didn't know if she heard it, and didn't dare to speak out.

But Xie Shu soon saw Murongce and others.

They were at a high place at this time, and Murongce and his party passed through the valley below, looking like they were running for their lives.

Murongce was carried on his back, looking slightly embarrassed.

He remembered the time she disappeared that morning.

Tian Jinshu said that she left very early, just to find him clothes and food, it took less than that long...

Is it her?

Xie Shu's eyes floated towards Chu Zheng.


Chuzheng never expected that she would send it randomly when she left the secret realm. When she left, except for the Celestial King Rat in her arms, the good man card disappeared.

Chuzheng was so surprised!

Finally caught it!

It's gone!

Has it been saved for nothing? !

Chu Zheng's head was against the tree trunk, feeling heavy and didn't want to move.

Tianjinshu looked around curiously, this is the outside world?

The air seems to be different!

It's so fresh.

But what does this human do?

[Main task: Please spend a black profound stone within an hour. 】

Chu Zheng: "..."

You bastard, how can I be in a bad mood now! The good guy cards are gone!

[It's not the first time to run, you will catch it again...Ah! You just get it back. 】I was almost crooked by the young lady.

I finally caught Chuzheng's indifferent face! Is it easy for me to catch him? !

[...] I don't think you have taken any effort.

[Miss Sister, it’s because of a bad mood that I want to be a prodigal. Prodigal makes people happy~] The king is always good.

Chu Zheng: "..."

No, I will not!

Chu Zheng moved her head away from the tree trunk and looked curiously at the Celestial Golden Rat, her expression was solemn, and she was just rubbing it while holding it.

I feel much better.

The ravaged Tianjin Rat: "..." I X it Xianren Banban! !