Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 298: Minister under the skirt (21)

Chu Zheng returned to the room, Xie Shu dressed neatly, sitting by the window, calmly looking at the sea.

Chuzheng took a cloak and put it on him: "Be careful in the future, don't take off your clothes casually."

Xie Shu clenched his cloak tightly.

"What does it matter? To Miss Jun, I am not just a male favorite." A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "If you let me take it off, don't I have to take it off."

"Xie Shu."

"Miss Jun, I want to be quiet for a while."

Chu Zheng gathered his cloak and turned to leave the room.

After Chu Zheng left, Xie Shu touched the position of his birthmark. The one named Yao Ye... did he tell her something?

Zhongxue Yeyue...

He had never thought that one day Heavy Snow Yeyue would become a purgatory, and karmic fires would be born in the heavy snow.

Xie Shu closed his eyes.

The picture in front of me cannot be dispelled.

"Xie Shu, leave here, don't take revenge, and live."

"Shushu, live."

"Xie Shu, you have to live... don't take revenge, don't resent, you live is hope."

Xie Shu's fingertips turned white.

He lives very hard, he really works hard...

Xie Shu looked at the sea.

He is heading to the place where he lost everything.


At the beginning of the evening, the Zheng did not come back, only the invincible jumped on the shelf, muttering something.

Xie Shu lay on the bed, listening to the sea breeze outside.

His wound is a little uncomfortable.

Xie Shu turned over.

Invincible flutter.

Xie Shu sat up: "You can talk?"

Invincible: "..."

Should I speak?

That woman said not to listen to nonsense.

"what's your name?"

Invincible: "..."

Invincible flutter down.

"How did you and her meet?"

Invincible could not help answering: "I was caught."

Xie Shu: "..."

She caught the celestial rat, and she also caught the bird.

Even myself...

Xie Shu lay back.

"She made you look at me?"

"No." Wudi denied: "She locked the door, you can't get away even if you want to."

Xie Shu: "..."

Xie Shu closed his eyes, and the wound hurt even more. The pain followed the meridians, as if spreading into his heart.

When Xie Shu was in a daze, he felt he was being hugged from behind, with a gentle profound energy covering his knees, and his pain eased.

He opened his eyes, but he was too sleepy.

There was no one beside him when he woke up.

This happened for two consecutive days.

Xie Shu put on the red clothes that Yaoye sent, and there was nothing unusual about Yaoye: "Your injury has healed quite quickly, but..."

Xie Shu put on his belt: "Young Master Yao Ye, please speak up if you have something."

Yao Ye said: "Your wound was treated with medicine. It is a very special medicine. Although I have cleaned it up for you, it has been a while since you don’t have a profound energy body protector, and it hurts the root cause. It hurts every once in a while."

The handsome young man in red raised his eyebrows and smiled, "This makes me remember deeply." He knew that Murongce would not be so kind.

Yao Ye just thinks that the person in front of him is pretty a bit too much.

How can someone grow so beautiful?

Still male.

People are more popular than others!

Yaoye coughed: "Well...when you hurt, let Miss Jun use profound energy to relieve you, it will be much better."

Xie Shu smiled: "Okay, thank you Master Yao Ye."

"Um... Don't thank you, Miss Jun is giving the money." It's not an ordinary thing, and it's hard for him not to be moved.

After leaving the room at night, Chu Zheng waited outside. Xie Shu watched them talking for a while before she pushed the door in.

"The day after tomorrow will be here." Chu Zheng's eyebrows were full of indifference: "You have a good rest."

"Miss Jun, can you help me comb my hair?"

The man is leaning against the window, his red clothes are like a raging fire, and the sea breeze is blowing his ink hair, like the charm in the picture, every move is alluring.

"Comb yourself." It's not that you don't have long hands, why should I comb it! I am too lazy to comb myself!


Xie Shu combed his hair himself, and he looked at Chu Zheng: "Miss Jun doesn't have to wait for me to come back at night after falling asleep."

Chu Zheng didn't speak yet, he continued: "I'm not that hypocritical, we are all already..."

He seemed to be unable to continue, took a deep breath, and smiled coquettishly: "You come back soon."

Chu Zheng nodded thoughtfully.

That night she did not wait for him to fall asleep before returning.

Xie Shu lay down with his back to Chuzheng, Chuzheng hugged him from behind, and kissed his neck with his lips.

Xie Shu froze slightly.

He took a deep breath from the bottom of his heart, turned around, and kissed Chu Zheng's lips. He kissed and bit awkwardly.

"Xie Shu, don't be like this." Chu Zheng pulled him away.

"Miss Jun, don't you want me?" Xie Shu said with a smile: "I can."

"Xie Shu, you don't want it from the bottom of your heart." Chu Zheng said in a calm tone: "What do you want, just tell me, don't do that."

The way Xie Shu deliberately looked during the day, Chu Zheng couldn't see it.

If he wants to take the opportunity to run, she can only lock him up.

If it's for something else, he just said so.

After all, the requirements of the good guy Khati must be fulfilled if it cannot be fulfilled.

"I want the people of the Jun family to get the retribution they deserve." Xie Shu said with a smile: "Miss Jun, can you help me?"

"Jun's family?"

"Yeah, I just want them to pay the price, you should have known from the person called Yaoye? Who am I, where I come from, I have experienced..."

Chu Zheng put his arms around him and patted him on the back: "Okay."

Xie Shu's words "what" stuck in his throat.

Suddenly he felt a little sore in his heart, and he felt uncomfortable.

Why did she promise to...

Isn't she surnamed Jun?

Even if you don't remember, you should know what her last name represents.

Is it so indifferent to her being an enemy of her family?


"All you want is what I do."


It's midnight.

Xie Shu was awakened by the sound of Invincible's thumping, he did not feel the temperature of Chu Zheng, and opened his eyes to look in the direction of Invincible.

The lights outside the door were bright, illuminating the room.

The ship seems to have stopped...


It seems something is wrong again.

Xie Shu opened the window and looked outside.

The sky was still dark, the ship stopped on the sea, and there was only a faint light on the deck, not a single person.

With doubts, Xie Shu got out of bed and walked to the door of the room.

Invincible flapped its wings and flew onto his shoulder: "You want to go out?"

"What's wrong outside?"

"Go and see for yourself." Invincible's voice was filled with fear.

Xie Shu opened the door, and there were only torches for lighting in the corridor, and no one could be seen. The entire corridor was quiet.

He has not left this room in this period of time and is not very familiar with the outside.

Xie Shu found the stairs downstairs.

On the bottom floor, he saw someone standing on the stairs, seeming to be guarding the stairs.

"Master Xie." Someone called him.

The guards gave him way and signaled that he could pass.