Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 364: Heavenly Fubao (7)

Chu Zheng was still mad at the thing about cutting her wings, but suddenly he was kissed by a good person, and the anger in his heart suddenly calmed down.

The streamer of Yuehua crossed the water and turned to the man's profile, drawing a beautiful outline.

The slender eyelashes cast small shadows under the eyelids, like fluttering butterfly wings.

Chu Zheng lowered his head, caught the man's lips, wrapped his hand around the man's waist, and pulled him down in front of him.

Chu Wu was stunned by Chu Zheng's kiss, and was so pulled, he leaned toward her directly.

The gap between the two of them was squeezed so that there was nothing left.

Familiar and unfamiliar emotions swept from the depths of his soul, and Chu Wu couldn't help trembling at the tip of his heart, and the tremor slowly spread from his heart to his limbs.

The girl's cold scent lingered, and the warmth and softness of the lips made Chu Wu suddenly regain his senses.

He jerked away Chuzheng.

Chuzheng took two steps back.

Chu Wu raised his hand and wiped his lips, and Yuehua spread a cold frost under his eyes: "Chu Wu asked you to do this kind of thing?"

"What kind of thing?" Chu Zheng asked: "You kissed me first!"

Your first hand!

It's you!

I haven't kissed enough yet!

What am I suddenly pushing away!

Chu Wu couldn't refute it, what Chu Zheng said was the fact that he kissed her first...

Chu Wu felt that she was not an angel.

She is a tempting ghost.

And he couldn't stand the temptation.

"Ah hum."

Chu Wu sneezed suddenly, and his body couldn't help but shiver. He felt dizzy and very uncomfortable.

Before Chu Zheng made a sound, Chu Wu turned and left first.

Can't stay with her anymore.


"What are you doing with me?"

Chu Wu held the room card and looked at the girl standing behind him with an impatient and cold tone.

"The room I lived in was broken after a fight." Chu Zheng was confident.

Of course I want to kiss you!

Good guys feel comfortable when they kiss. How can I be worthy of myself if I don’t kiss a few more times? !


Chu Wu couldn't understand why the fight broke the room?

But he is very uncomfortable now, his head is dizzy, and he just wants to go back to the room and change his clothes.

Chu Wu swiped his card into the room.

Chu Zheng followed him in. When Chu Wu wanted to close the door, it was too late.


Yomo has never seen such a shameless girl.

Just follow the man back to the room in the middle of the night, and now I have to break in.

But Chu Wu thought that she was not a normal person, so he felt relieved, too lazy to pay attention to her, and went to find a change of clothes.

If she really had been sent by Chu Wu, she would have nothing to take except this life.

When he came out after changing his clothes, his head hurts even more. Instinctively he walked to the bed and opened the quilt to go to bed.

Chu Wu felt a little cold and put his hand on his forehead.

It took a long time to move away.

"You are sick." The girl's clear voice rang in her ears.


This is no nonsense.

If you didn't kick me in the water and tell me what guardian angel was in the wind, would he be like this?

Chu Wu's consciousness gradually sank.

Just when he was about to fall into a deep sleep, there was a sudden heat on his lips.

Then the opponent pried open his lips and teeth arrogantly.


Chu Wu struggled.

The body is really weak, so I can only indulge Chu Zheng and kiss him.

I... don't hate her kisses.


Chu Wu fell into the water, and was blown by the cold wind again, and the fever remained high.

Chuzheng fed him anti-fever medicine, which didn't work much.

Chu Wu's forehead was hot, a bit scary.

Will it burn out if it continues to burn?

So when Chu Wu woke up, he found that he was being held by someone, and the other party was about to throw himself into the bathtub.

"What are you doing?" Chu Wu's voice was hoarse.

"You have a fever."

"and so?"

Chu Zheng's face was serious: "Cool you down."


Chu Wu felt that she didn't want to cool herself down, she wanted to kill herself.

"Let me down."

"I think you need cold water now." He's really hot, and it's a bit scary. He must be just fine with water!

Men, how can they be so squeamish.

"...Am I a doctor or are you a doctor?" Chu Wu's throat was uncomfortable, his throat was itchy, and he wanted to cough, but he held it back.


Chuzheng felt that he was right, but Goodman Ka seemed reluctant, so he had to let him down.

Chu Wu didn't have much strength, he sat on the edge of the bathtub.

He was wearing a shirt, sweating from a fever, soaked, tightly pressed against his body, showing a translucent state, unreasonably attractive.

The ambiguous light followed his outline, drawing a perfect profile.

The man held the bathtub with his hands, his handsome cheeks were crimson, and his lips were blushing like rouge.

His eyelashes were drooping, and he quivered slightly when he breathed.

Chuzheng thought silently: How could a good-man card look so beautiful.

Chu Wu stabilized his body before asking aloud, "What did you eat for me?"

"Fever reducing medicine."

"let me see."

"Go and see for yourself."


Chu Zheng glanced at Chu Wu, finally turned around and took the medicine in.

Chu Wu looked at the medicine that Chu Zheng had brought in: "You buy so much?"

"I'm afraid you don't have enough food." Buy more, just in case.


Thank you so much!

Chu Wu asked Chu Zheng what he was feeding him, Chu Zheng pulled down, picked out a box, and handed it to him.

Chu Wu took a look, there should be no problem.

It's because of his body.

"Why don't you go in Bubble?" Chuzheng still didn't give up: "Maybe it's just fine."

"..." Maybe I'm dead.

She is definitely a spy sent by Chu Wu.

Chu Wu had a terrible headache and didn't have the energy to talk to her.

He stood up next to him, staggered out of the bathroom, poured water and took medicine, and then lay back on the bed.

He just lay down, and he sank beside him.

Chu Wu really lost energy, turned over and fell asleep deeply.

When he woke up again, it was already night.

The room was very quiet. Chu Wu first looked around, but he didn't see that figure. He should have been relieved in his heart, but he was inexplicably panicked.

It must be because of illness.

He raised his hand and tried his forehead, the fever was gone.

Chu Wu sat up with his body supported and found his mobile phone.

Chu Wu thought that the phone fell into the water and couldn't turn on the phone, but he didn't expect it to be usable.

As soon as the phone is turned on, the SMS alert tone keeps ringing.

After reading the text message, Chu Wu returned the missed call. After finishing this, he leaned on the bed and didn't know what to do.

News jumped quickly in the hospital crowd.

Chu Wu took a boring look and found that they were discussing someone who saw someone with wings outside the hotel last night...

Isn't this hotel where he lives?

Chu Wu flipped up and found the first link.

That is a video.

Because of the night, the video clarity is touching.

But you can still see the shadows flying in the sky, with huge wings spreading out, just like the angels in the TV series.

Chu Wu didn't believe what Chu Zheng said.

He prefers to characterize her as a ghost.
