Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 365: Heavenly Fubao (8)

Chu Wu thought of the wound on her back.

That scar...

It is strange to look at it alone, what kind of situation can cause such scars?

But if combined with what she said, and this video, it seems to be able to explain...

Of course, the premise is that this video is true.

Now that the technology is advanced, real videos may be fake.

Chu Wu flipped through the comments on the Internet, and the video spread quickly, and now it has become a hot search.

Netizens discuss things like angels, demons, birds and people.

Chu Wu always involuntarily showed that **** wound...

The heart picked up inexplicably.

A little bored.

It must be the reason why the disease is still not well.

Chu Wu found himself a reason in his heart.


When Chu Zheng came back, the room was empty, and he didn't even see a ghost.

Go away again!

Sure enough, you have to lock the door when you go out!

Be sure to lock the door next time!

Be sure to lock the door!


Chuzheng kicked at the foot of the bed.

[Miss Sister...receive Chu Wu's information. 】

Kings are all worried about good people.

What kind of devil is this!

Fearing that Chuzheng would find its fault, the King hurriedly released Chu Wu's information.

Chu Wu.

There were many disasters when he was young, but he was born in a wealthy family, and Chu Wu had not suffered too much, except for a little luck.

He should have gradually grown into a successful person under the protection of the original owner.

As a result, because the original owner recognized the wrong person, Chu Wu, who was already unlucky, became even more unlucky.

The Chu family was in full swing, and various problems appeared.

In just a few years, the Chu family continued to shrink.

Chu Wu's close relatives also passed away one after another.

The Chu family finally declared bankruptcy. Some people in the Chu family felt that Chu Wu was unlucky when he was a child. The Chu family came to this point because of the disaster star of Chu Wu.

In the end, Chu Wu was alone with a huge debt after bankruptcy.

He sold the remaining real estate and some things left by his parents and paid the debts back.

He studied medicine at Chuwu University. It was because of the sudden death of Chu's father that he returned to the Chu family to take over everything from the Chu family.

After losing all of this, Chu Wu went to work in a hospital.

If this is the case, Chu Wu may not be blackened yet.

The bad is bad, and Chu Wu doesn't seem to intend to let Chu Wu go on like this.

He bought the patient, planned a medical accident, and pushed Chu Wu to the wind and waves.

Although Chu Wu has an educational background, he has not engaged in this industry for several years. This is not responsible for the patient.

The medical accident caused Chu Wu to get into lawsuit.

Chu Wu blackened after this incident...

In short, it was the original owner and Chu Wu that caused Chu Wu to turn black.

Although the original owner was deceived by Chu Wu, she did indirectly cause Chu Wu's later tragedy.

Chu Zheng never expected that the tasks given by the **** were getting harder and harder.

The good person card had nothing to do with her before.

Now it has developed into an enemy relationship.

How can she make a good person feel like a good person?

Do you take it?

Chuzheng touched his chin, the good man card actually felt very soft to kiss.

Still want to kiss...

Unfortunately ran away.

It's all about Chu Wu! ! !

[...] Why did Miss Sister think of a good person card and jumped to Chu Wu again? ! Do not understand, it is still a child.


The night is as cool as water.

The cold and frosty moon blooms on the earth, and the world is like a layer of gauze.

The villas of Fanlu Manor are lined up in lush green forests.

The patrolling security guard yawned and walked on the tree-lined trail. The wind blew from the end of the trail, and the security guard couldn't help shivering.

The security guard hugs his arms, speeds up, and prepares to go back to find someone for a drink after the patrol.

However, when he walked to Villa No. 6, there seemed to be light somewhere in the villa.

Villa No. 6 is unoccupied...

The security suddenly thought of the rumors about Villa Six.

He had only heard people say before, he had never seen it before, and he didn't expect to meet him today.

The security guard swallowed, and he was timid, did not dare to look there, turned and ran away.

Chu Zheng received a call from the person in charge of Fanlu Manor the next day, asking her to take a look at the house and go through the final procedure if there is no problem.

Chuzheng drove to Fanlu Manor, the person in charge waited outside, and followed her to Villa No. 6.

"Ms. Chuzheng, I don't know if I should say something inappropriate." When he arrived at Villa No. 6, the person in charge suddenly started to hesitate.


"This... this villa, it's haunted."


"Yes, one of our security guards saw lights flashing in Villa 6 last night, but Villa 6 has been unoccupied for almost half a year."

Chu Zheng had a serious face: "Maybe it's a thief."

However, this world even has the profession of bluffing people like guardian angels, and it seems not surprising that ghosts appear.

There are some in the sky, but the underground needs to be matched!

"It's definitely not a thief. In the past six months, security guards on patrol have seen this situation from time to time. Which thief is so bold and always stays in the same place. There can be no gold mines in that place? I also go with people during the day. I checked it and found nothing."

The houses are sold, and the person in charge is not afraid of Chuzheng going back.

But if he doesn't say it, if people know afterwards, they will be troubled instead.

"which place?"

"I will take you."

There are not as many things in the villa as Chuzheng saw last time.

I don't know if the original owner moved away.

The person in charge took Chuzheng all the way up to the end of the third floor.

"This is the room."

The room was empty and nothing special.

The person in charge said that the previous owner wanted to sell this room, but when they came to check it, it was empty.

"Ms. Chuzheng, if you live here, be careful."

The person in charge gave the key to the villa to Chuzheng, but couldn't help but exhort him that he was a girl anyway.

Chu Zheng nodded coldly, indicating that he knew it.

The person in charge crackled and said a lot, and Chuzheng sent the people away and finally calmed down.

"Mr. Chu, why are you back?"

"There are still a few things left."

Chu Wu came in against the light, as if someone had cast a halo around him, like a **** walking from the light in Greek mythology, dazzling, elegant and noble.

Slender and straight legs, stepping on the light, walked slowly.

The dazzling light faded little by little.

The man's tall and slender figure was revealed, and the facial contours gradually became clear. It was a face that a woman would be ashamed of herself when she saw it.

The dark and deep eyes glanced faintly, as if carrying the secrets of the deep space universe, mysterious and vast, but cold.

Chu Wu narrowed his eyes and stared at the girl standing in the living room.

Why is she lingering?

"Mr. Chu, let me introduce to you. This is Ms. Chu Zheng, who bought your villa."

The person in charge fell back again and consciously introduced them to them.

Chu Wu: "..."

This is the idiot who raises house prices.

In order to get close to yourself, so uncompromising means?

Chu Wu believed even more that Chu Zheng was sent by Chu Wu.