Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 366: Heavenly Fubao (9)

"I know."

The person in charge suddenly heard Chu Wu say such a sentence, and the following words got stuck.

He felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, so he laughed twice: "I knew each other, then I... I'll leave first, you guys chat."

The person in charge quickly slipped away.

The villa was instantly quiet, and they could even hear the sound of the wind blowing over the trees outside the villa.

Chu Wu walked inside.

He didn't watch Chu Zheng, but went straight upstairs.

"Do you want to take back what belongs to you?"

The girl's clear voice suddenly exploded in her ears.

Chu Wu paused as he stepped on the steps.

Take back everything that belongs to him...

What else belongs to him?

Chu Wu held the escalator with his slender hands, turned sideways slightly, staring at her: "What trick do you want to play?"

"I can help you." Chu Zheng said with a cold expression, "whatever you want, you can."

"Anything?" Chu Wu released the escalator, turned around completely, and faced Chu Zheng, "Are you really a guardian angel?"


"You said you admitted the wrong person?"

"Yeah." It was the original owner who admitted the wrong person, not me.

"So..." Chu Wu's tone stretched slightly, his eyebrows raised slightly, making his eyes look more mysterious and vast, as if gazing at the stars and universe: "How do you know you have admitted the wrong person now?"

"..." I can't tell you again, I changed someone.

Chu Zheng was rightly confident: "I just know."

"You can't even tell a reason, why should I believe you? Even if what you say is true...what about your wings?"


Without mentioning the wings, you are still my good card.

"I'm special." Chu Zheng looked serious: "I don't have wings."

"Your wings were cut off, right?" Chu Wu relentlessly stepped on the minefield of Chuzheng: "Who did it? Chu Wu? Is that why you came to me? Or... it's your trick. ?"

This is combined with what he knows and can think of the reasons.

Either she and Chu Wu fell out.

Either she and Chu Wu unite and want to deal with him.

Chu Wu continued: "Before others couldn't see you, but now anyone can see you. Is it because you lost your wings?"

Wings wings wings...

Chu Wu that dog thing!

Good temper.

Chu Wu felt that the girl opposite suddenly became fierce.

Although she still has no expression on her face, her whole body has changed.

Offended her?

Chu Wu sneered from the bottom of his heart. This is what he said, turning anger into anger, right?

"Can't you believe me?"

"No." Chu Wu turned his head and continued to walk upstairs: "How do you make me believe you?"

He only knew that she had been helping Chu Wu for so many years.

How can he believe her...Is it the absurd claim that he is a guardian angel?

Chu Wu stood upstairs, looking down at her: "If it's you, after experiencing these things with me, would you believe it?"

Chu Zheng: "..."

Chuzheng thought for a moment in silence.

I believe in a big head!

If I meet that must be done!

Actually admit the wrong person! What is the use of such guardian angels if they don’t do it...

It's over.

Goodman Card doesn't believe me at all, what should I do?

Chuzheng pondered it for a while, and his eyes suddenly lit up-otherwise I would have him amnesia! perfect!

[...Miss sister, I beg you, don't take this messy crooked path, okay? We are really just a serious prodigal system, not a violent demolition system! 】

What the **** is having amnesia?

How did Miss Sister come up with it?

Even if a good person loses his memory, what if he remembers it? Good people can't hate you?

The young lady was so frantic that she couldn't bear it.

Chu Zheng is eager to try.

The King roared to stop her from such dangerous thoughts, and talked to her about the harm of amnesia.

Chu Wu hugged things down.

Chu Zheng stopped him and gave him the key: "You can continue to live in this house."

"No." Chu Wu refused.

Chu Zheng couldn't help but put the key into the thing he was holding.

"Don't just throw it away."

She didn't plan to live here anyway.


It's scary.

Chu Zheng first left Chu Wu.

Chu Wu: "..."


Chu Wu looked at the key on the table in a daze. In fact, the villa didn't need a key, so he could go in by brushing his face.

Since that day, the girl has always flashed before his eyes.

He had seen her before, but he had never felt this way before...

Very strange.

When thinking of her, the heartbeat always speeds up involuntarily.


There was a knock on the door.

Chu Wu put the key in the drawer: "In."

"Dr. Chu, there are so many patients today, there is a patient who needs you to deal with it."


Chu Wu actually didn't have any patients. At most, he could arrange for a nurse to handle patients well.

The last time I was able to deal with Chuzheng's injuries was because of food poisoning by school students. It was another big night, and many doctors hadn't rushed over, so Chu Wu was a doctor who could deal with such wounds.

It was already night when Chu Wu came out of the operating room.

He rubbed his neck a little tired, and not long after returning to the office, the nurse hurried over to tell him that the patient was suddenly dying.

The patient advanced to the operating room for rescue, but it was gone in half an hour.

His operation was very successful, this shouldn't happen...


When Chu Zheng arrived at the hospital, Chu Wu was pulled by someone, and he was bleeding on his forehead. The bright red blood ran down his cheeks, dripping from his chin, and dyed a red and white coat.

He stood in the chaos, and he couldn't fight back.

"You quack doctor, my husband is gone, woo woo woo."

"You return my son."

"My brother is so young and died in your hands, how can you make our family live?"

People watching around here point and point.


"I heard that the doctor hasn't performed surgery for many years."

"Really? Isn't this harmful?"

"is not it."

"Fortunately, I didn't run into such a doctor."

"Oh, doing evil..."

"You pay back my brother's life!" The patient's elder brother raised his hand while cursing. He was about to fall on Chu Wu's face, but was stopped by a hand.

The patient's brother was intercepted and wanted to withdraw his hand angrily, but found that the hand was extremely strong.

"You slapped him in the face, can you afford it?"

"Who are you?" The patient's brother stared angrily at the owner of the hand: "He killed my brother, what happened to my slap? That's one life, one life!!"

Chu Zheng shook off the patient's brother's hand and stood inside forcibly, protecting Chu Wu behind him.

The girl looked petite, but the indifference and alienation on her face made people afraid to approach her casually.

"He is responsible for treating the dead, and he has to pay for my brother." The patient's brother was angry and excited.

Chuzheng took out a knife from nowhere, took the blade, and handed the handle to the opponent: "Pay your life? Okay, you kill one and show it to me."

There was a sudden gasp around.