Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 370: Heavenly Fubao (13)

He wants you to die.

These four words fell in Chu Wu's ears, especially clear.

Chu Wu...

It's him again.


The hospital asked for an examination of the body, but the family was unwilling to live or die.

If the family members disagree, there is no way to investigate the matter. The police are working with the family members.

If you want to investigate the cause of death, you have to start with the dead.

But the family members disagreed on the grounds that ‘everyone is dead, you still don’t let him go’.

Family members gathered more people to make trouble in the hospital.

He said that the doctors in the hospital were quacks, healed the dead, and even condoned the beatings.

This matter is very troublesome.

After hearing the news, various media came and surrounded the hospital with the family members.

Information about Chu Wu on the Internet began to spread randomly.

Especially with regard to the fact that he has not practiced medicine for several years.

This matter is undoubtedly the point.

Even if you graduate with excellent grades, but you have not been in this industry for several years, how can you guarantee your level?

In the end, public opinion rose to hospitals, and they hired such people.

There is a kind of person on the Internet.

They don't understand the truth, but they speak as if they were on the spot, and they knew better than the parties involved.

Chu Wu, the person involved, was trapped in the hospital.

The people in the hospital had a lot of opinions on him.

"Brother, is this really all right?"

"What can happen, as long as we don't let them perform an autopsy, there will be no problem. Don't worry, they dare not force an autopsy. I have asked."

Family members disagree, they have no right to do what to the body.

"I'm still a bit..."

"Don't worry, there is me. Okay, you go back first."

"OK then."

The woman stepped out from the corner, looked around to make sure there was no one, and left her head down quickly.

Chuzheng stood in the corner with green plants blocking her.

After the woman left and disappeared, she paced out.

The man opened the door of the safe passage, and when he looked up, he saw the girl standing outside the door.

The delicate-looking girl stared at her blankly.

In the clear eyes, it seemed to be filled with winter ice and snow, and it was chilly.

The man took a step back subconsciously.

This girl again...

Chu Zheng walked towards him.

"What are you doing?" the man snapped.

"Don't do anything." Chu Zheng's tone was flat: "I want to talk to you."

The door of the safe passage closed slowly, blocking the two figures inside.

ten minutes later.

Hospital rooftop.

The man was tied to the railing of the roof by Chuzheng. She leaned against her side with her legs folded, casually carrying loose.

The man's face was muddy with tears and nose, where he was still a bit arrogant, and he wanted to find a place to get in.

He wants to stay away from this devil.

"Give you another chance. Either go down and surrender or I will send you down to see your brother."

The girl's voice was a little scattered by the wind on the rooftop.

Go down to see his brother...

Isn't that death?

The man glanced outside the rooftop, and his legs were suddenly frightened.

"I... I turned myself in, I turned myself in." The man quickly said.

Chu Zheng glanced at him: "Did someone instruct you?"

"No...no, it's me...I want to ruin the hospital."

"Really do not have?"

"No, really not."

The man doesn't seem to be lying.

Chu Zheng thought of the influence she had brought to herself the last time she saw Sang Meng...

That seems to be able to awaken the evil side of people's heart.

It can even hypnotize people.

This is the power of fallen angels.

There is no need for them to come forward in person.

It's kind of awesome.

I don’t know if I cut off my wings, if I can do it...

It's quite exciting to think about it.

[...] The King number silently recites the smile service guidelines several times, [Miss Sister, please don’t blacken it, please? 】

The good guy card hasn't been blackened yet, so you blackened it first!

"Where am I getting black?" Chu Zheng was very innocent.

[You all want to cut off the wings of others and claim it for yourself, haven't you blackened yet? ] You have been blackening! Never surpassed!

"She chopped off my wings first, what's wrong with me cutting back?" Lishang exchanges, how can I be worthy of my cut off wings if I don't respond?

Chuzheng is right and confident.


It seems... that's right.


[But we are the prodigal system. 】The king struggles, 【Miss Sister, let’s come to prodigal. 】

Send a task to let the young lady calm down.

[Main task: Please be a shareholder of Xinnan Hospital within 72 hours. 】

Chu Zheng: "..."

You bastard!

[...] Get used to it, calm down.

Chu Zheng kicked the scared man next to him: "Go!"

The man only thinks that the girl in front of him is fierce and daring to delay.

"Don't want to run. When I go down, if you haven't surrendered, I promise that even if you run to the end of the world, I will catch you back..."

Chu Zheng threatened the man in a cold tone.

She didn't finish talking later, but the man didn't want to know at all.

He really wanted to run just now...

However, at this moment, Chu Zheng's eyes showed a sense of fear that his scalp numb.

"No... I dare not."

The man swallowed, stumbled downstairs, grabbed the policeman and shouted to surrender.


The man is the elder brother of the deceased, and the deceased was diagnosed with terminal cancer six months ago.

In the past six months, all the money that the family could spend was spent to treat him.

The deceased also had a bad temper because of illness, and the family members were tortured.

So the man planned an accident and seriously injured the dead.

I wanted to touch porcelain, but I wasted a sum of money.

However, the person who hit the person ran away.

I was sent to the hospital for rescue, but I didn't expect it to be a major event.

However, within a few hours, the deceased died suddenly.

So the man made a plan to blackmail the hospital.

He quickly called relatives and friends and told them that the deceased had been treated by the hospital.

So there is the next one.

But how exactly the deceased died, the man didn't know.

With the consent of the family members, the police conducted an autopsy on the deceased.

It was found that the deceased died of myocardial infarction.

But according to their confession, everything was normal except for cancer.

The nurse at the nurse station also said that there was nothing unusual about the patient at the time.

It was fine when I watched it five minutes ago, but after five minutes I'm out of breath.

Although I don’t know why the deceased had a heart attack, it certainly has nothing to do with the doctor.

Chu Wu's suspicion was cleared.

But this also couldn't stop people on the Internet. The hospital was forced to fire Chu Wu under pressure.

"Chu Wu..."

The young doctor looked at him hesitantly.

"It's okay."

On the contrary, Chu Wu was extremely calm.

He put his things in the box.

In fact, there are not many things...He is in this world, and there are not many things left.

The young doctor persuaded: "You don't need to pay attention to the remarks on the Internet, they don't know anything at all and they talk nonsense on the Internet."


The young doctor was very worried: "Why don't you come to my house first? Although it is a bit simple, it is also spacious. You live first. If you find a suitable house, how about you move?"

"No." Chu Wu shook his head: "I have a place to live."