Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 392: Heavenly Fubao (35)

Tian Shengli is dead.

According to police investigation, it should be after drunk that he drank pesticides as alcohol.

The clue seems to be broken here.

But before the police came, Chu Zheng found a feather from Tian Shengli.

Chuzheng is very familiar with the black feathers.

Sang Meng that dog thing!

Chuzheng called the person who took Sangmeng away.

"Miss Chuzheng? Sang Meng? Ah... She was taken away by our professor. I don't know... the contact information of the professor? Wait... I'll find it."


All kinds of pipes are laid on the ground, and the room is surrounded by instruments, with different data and lines beating on them.

A huge transparent glass jar stands in the middle of the room.

There was a person curled up in the glass jar.

Limbs and head, with various tubes inserted, staring palely at somewhere.

This person is Sang Meng.

After she was taken to the laboratory, she experienced various tortures.

Now he was brought here by the so-called professor.

In the room, there is another person with his back facing Sang Meng, operating something on the computer.

Sang Meng sat up with his body supported, and the equipment in the room suddenly sounded an alarm.

The professor turned around and warned her: "Don't move."

The professor walked to the glass jar and looked at her up and down as if looking at a commodity.

"When can you tell me what I want to know?"

Sang Meng's pale face pulled out a sneer.

"How did you do what I asked you to do?"

"Don't worry, I have done everything according to your requirements."

"I won't tell you until the result." Sangmeng said: "Otherwise, even if you kill me, I won't tell you."

The professor's face is a bit bad.

"Okay, I'll wait."

The professor snorted and left his sleeve.

Sang Meng stared at the professor's back with poisonous eyes.

The professor walked to the door and suddenly backed back, his hands slowly raised.

Sang Meng was blocked by the professor and couldn't see over there.

But instinct told her that someone is coming...

"Chu...Miss Chu Zheng." The professor looked at the gun in Chu Zheng's hand nervously: "If you have something to say, be careful of fire."



The professor fell to the ground, clutching his legs and wailing.

Sang Meng saw the girl standing at the door.

Her face was as cold as a thousand-year-old cold pool, and she walked in step by step, like a king returning from the abyss.

"What did I warn you about?" Chu Zheng walked up to the professor and looked down at him condescendingly.

You dare to get stuck on good people. Dogs are too long-lived, right?

The professor held his leg and shrank back in horror.

The girl's warning is still vivid.

At first he did abide by the agreement with her, but with his research and Sang Meng's bewitching, he forgot the agreement.

He wanted to get more information from Sang Meng.

So I agree with Sang Meng's proposal...

"Chuzheng!" Sang Meng slammed into the glass jar without knowing where she was, and the glass jar made a dull sound.

She clenched fists with both hands, her face against the glass was slightly distorted, and her eyes were full of bitterness and hatred.

"How do you know it was me?"

"I don't know." Chu Zheng looked at her with a calm tone like saying the weather today: "I'm just here to try my luck."

After all, the black mist she saw was only seen here in Sang Meng.

It turns out that her luck is pretty good.

I heard the dialogue between Sang Meng and the professor.

Although there is no explanation, it is not difficult to guess.

Sang Meng suddenly calmed down, and she sat back in the glass jar.

"Let me guess, you found this place... Is it your Chu Wu that had an accident?"

"Haha, I won't let him die, don't worry, I want him to torture you."

Without Chuzheng's question, Sang Meng said it happily.

"The darkness in his heart will be infinitely magnified, and no one can save him, unless...you kill him."

"But are you willing to kill him?"

Sang Meng smiled viciously.

"You can't bear it? So...you can only torture each other."

"Even if you don't kill him, he will fall into a more terrifying situation because of those negative emotions, and finally..."

Sang Meng opened her hands and silently made a ‘bang’ mouth.

She laughed frantically.

She is a fallen angel, and what she is best at is how to completely release the darkness and desires in human beings.

"I'm sorry, don't think about it, hahaha!"

There was only Sang Meng's sudden laughter, sharp and ear-piercing.

After a long while, the laughter stopped, Sang Meng clenched his fists and thumped the glass, roaring.

"Why are you not afraid? What are you looking at me doing? You should be afraid! You should beg me!!"

Sang Meng seemed to see the scene of Chu Zheng kneeling on the ground begging for her, and she felt refreshed.

"You dream." Chu Zheng interrupted Sang Meng's fantasy indifferently.

Sang Meng beat the glass angrily, the tube on her body was shaken open by her, blood splashed on the glass, and her hand patted blood handprints one after another.

"Then you just watch him go to death! Hahaha!!"


Chuzheng walked out of the building, the sky was drizzling, and it was foggy and could not be far away.

Someone came over with an umbrella to block the rain.

"Miss Chuzheng..."

Chu Zheng wiped the blood from her fingers with a clean handkerchief. She took the umbrella, and the handkerchief slipped from her fingers. In the rain, she fell to the ground and was stepped on by someone.

The man who handed the umbrella couldn't help shivering while looking at Chu Zheng's back.

This girl...

too frightening.

When Chuzheng returned home, the room was pitch black. Chuzheng walked directly to the bedroom without turning on the lights.


Chu Wu's hoarse voice sounded.


The light in the bedroom turned on and the person on the bed was revealed.

Chu Wu's eyes were red, and he looked at her pale.

"Baby, what did you tie me up for?"

When he woke up he found himself tied up.

No matter what he called, no one responded to him.

If it weren't for the room he was familiar with, Chu Wu would probably feel that he was kidnapped.

"Don't you remember what you did?"

Chu Wu had a vague impression.

"I seem... Fubao is injured, I want to clean it up, but..."

Chu Wu's face became paler.

He looked at Chuzheng with some helplessness: "I..."

Seeing the blood on Fubao's body, he seemed to be bewitched.


"It's okay."

Chuzheng sat on the edge of the bed, reached out his hand and brushed his hair, and then placed it on his head and rubbed it twice.

"Don't be afraid, I am here."

Chu Zheng comforted him, Chu Wu's expression didn't improve at all.

"Baby, let me go..." Chu Wu looked at her pleadingly.

"No, you are not good." Let go of you, what should I do if I chopped me off with a knife when I fell asleep in the middle of the night?

Chu Zheng bowed his head and kissed him: "Are you hungry?"

"You... you let me go first."

"No." Chuzheng covered him with a quilt: "I'll get you some food."

Chu Wu: "!!!"

Chu Wu must be hungry, Chu Zheng hasn't come back for so long outside.

With his hands and feet tied, Chu Zheng took something to feed him.

Chu Wu didn't want to make trouble with his stomach, and ate obediently.