Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 402: The Supreme Way (6)

"Chu Zheng, Chu Zheng..."

The woman in the inn also chased it out.

"You...you are okay, why don't you go back? We are all worried..."

This person is not someone else.

It is Xilan.

Qingxiao's companion.

"What are you worried about?" Chuzheng asked back: "Worry about my inability?"

"Chuzheng, what are you talking about?" The woman was surprised, and there was a trace of injury across her face: "I am really worried about you."


Why did the original owner take the initiative to ask Ying to go to the seal?

In the final analysis, it is also because of her.

Xi Lan was extremely smart, and she didn't let her go directly.

Instead, she told her with a frown that only the power of God can strengthen the seal.

In the **** realm, no one can do it.

That worried look made the original owner feel distressed.

So the original owner was thinking about it, she was also considered a god, and she wanted to contribute to the gods.

So the original owner went...

I just don't know what the purpose of this Xilan is.

Xilan was a little uneasy, observing the cold expression on Chu Zheng's face, her doubts gradually spread.

When did she have such an expression?

It made her feel very uncomfortable.

Xilan asked cautiously, "Chuzheng, what happened inside the seal? Why hasn't there been any movement recently?"

She seemed to be afraid of Chuzheng's misunderstanding, she added.

"We wanted to go in to find you, but the entrance was suddenly closed. Why can't we get in? Nothing happened to you, right?"

Chuzheng's indifferent face.

Can’t you be quiet when you look so good?

There are so many questions.

Forget it.

[Miss sister, prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious, is it okay to be a positive and good person? 】What do you do, will it not match us? !

Wangzhe was afraid that Chuzheng would not go well, so he would do away with others.

They are really a serious prodigal system.

Why can the young lady next door be positive, but not her family.

Cry blind.

Xilan gently called her: "Chuzheng?"

What's wrong with her?

Xilan's heart became more and more strange.

What happened to her in that sealed place?

How did she come out?

Why is the seal silent?

Is it true that she was sealed?

"I am the God," Chu Zheng said suddenly.

"...Yes...Yes." Xilan was a little dazed, not knowing what Chu Zheng suddenly asked about.

"You see God, is it so impolite?" Even if you look good, you can't be impolite!


Xilan did not expect that Chuzheng would suddenly raise this.

She had never cared about getting along with her before.

"Xilan." The tall and handsome man walked from a distance with a worried expression on his face: "I didn't let you wait for me, why are you..."

When Qing Xiao saw Chu Zheng, her expression went blank for a moment.

"Chuzheng Shangshen..."

"Xilan has seen God." Xilan suddenly blessed herself and bowed her grievances, as if Chuzheng had forced her.

"Xilan." Qing Xiao quickly helped her up, her face distressed: "What are you doing?"

Chuzheng swept his icy gaze: "Israel Qingxiao feels wronged by giving me a salute?"

The original owner likes Qingxiao, does he know?

He must know it.

Or from the beginning, Qing Xiao wanted the original owner to like him, deliberately deceiving the original owner's soul-gathering lock, and finally coaxed the original owner to save the person he liked.

too frightening.

Qing Xiao's tone worsened: "Xilan was injured before, but it was not good. She worried about you all day, how can you make her salute?"

"Why not?"

She was injured and didn't save me.

Why should I take responsibility for her injury?

Chu Zheng's righteous tone made Qing Xiao angrily rise up: "Chu Zheng!"

"God." Chu Zheng reminded him: "Pay attention to your identity." How did you talk to me!

Qing Xiao: "..."

When did Chuzheng talk to him like this?

She has never put on the airs of God.

Even if her strength has increased greatly recently, she has never experienced it.

Not even in front of him.

Now she reminded herself that she is a god, reminding him that she is more noble than him and cannot be presumptuous.

She no longer had the secret joy of seeing him in her eyes.

Only a piece of coldness remained.

It is like a cold pool that has accumulated for thousands of years.

The chill was exuding silently.

The sense of gap in Qing Xiao's heart made him very uncomfortable.

"Husband." Xilan pulled Qing Xiao: "God Xu encountered something wrong in the seal. Don't run into God."

Xilan's tone changed very quickly.

The God called out to be familiar and submissive, with a little grievance vaguely.

"Cough cough cough..."

Xilan coughed suddenly.

Qing Xiao couldn't take care of Chuzheng and cared about Xilan nervously.

"Are you okay?"

"Husband, I'm okay." Xilan said as she shed tears, there was nothing wrong with her appearance, it was obviously something.

She glanced at Chu Zheng as if there was nothing.

Chu Zheng: "..."

See what I do!

I didn't make you cry! !

But to Qing Xiao, it was because of Chuzheng's sudden change that Xilan was sad.

Qing Xiao's heart is more angry,

It seemed as if Xi Lan was bullied.

Chuzheng thinks that people who look good are different.

This aggrieved little expression.

This poor little tone.

It made me... I really want to kill her.

From the bottom of Chu Zheng's heart, he had already figured out how to get rid of them and was eager to try.


Just before she did it, the Wanwu Inn suddenly flew out of two goblins and smashed them to the ground.

I just got the fairy armor of the fairy leaf, and was chased by the fairy and flew out of the Wanwu Inn, cursing and fighting back.

Chuzheng was standing outside the inn, and the fairies inside were fighting, and she was also affected.

The fairy separated Chuzheng from Xilan and Qingxiao. Among the shaking figures, Chuzheng craned his neck to find someone.

However, this group of fairies played happily.

When Chu Zheng went to the opposite side, Xilan and Qingxiao disappeared.

What do you mean?

what does it mean! !

"You fat pig, I will kill you..."

"Who are you scolding for fat?"

"Who is fat if you are not fat!"

"You curse again!"

"Dead fat pig! Dead fat pig! Dead fat pig!"


The two fairies crashed into Chuzheng.

Chu Zheng: "..."


Chuzheng fiddled with the things next to him and smashed it directly on the head of the nearest fairy.

The goblin cast his eyes and fell straight down.

The fairy who scolded the fat pig: "!!!"

His expression changed, then he turned and ran.


The goblin groaned with a swollen nose and blue nose.

Chuzheng walked ahead, followed by Hensheng.

Fairy Jia glanced at Chuzheng, speeding up to catch up.

"My lord, where are you going? I know this well and I can show you the way."

As soon as Chu Zheng turned his head, he saw the face with a swollen nose and swollen nose. He withdrew his gaze and looked straight ahead seriously.

Seeing that Chuzheng did not speak, Fairy A tightened his face.

Adults must not like to talk.

Leprechaun Armor turned his attention to Hensheng.

"Little Lamb……"

Hensheng's expression changed, speeding up, ran to the side of Chu Zheng, and looked at the fairy armor vigilantly.

Fairy A felt his face hurt even more.