Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 445: Gold medalist (11)

Once the box is removed, the weight of these luxury items is small. Chu Zheng carried a bag, walked back to Jinning, and hung the bag on the wheelchair handle.

Chu Zheng pushed him away. The temperature in the mall was a little hot. Chu Zheng was wearing a small strapless dress, but Jinning felt it was obvious.

Jinning's strange thing is, why would he want to follow her?

What's even stranger is that he is very patient at this time and doesn't feel annoying at all.

This is just a stranger...

"What did you hear just now?"

The wheelchair pressed over the tiles, and there was a slight noise.

"What?" Chu Zheng looked at the shop window next to him carelessly, with their reflections on it.

"In the safe passage just now, you heard something."

At the beginning of the safe passage, Zheng moved too fast, not to mention that Wei Linxuan couldn't react, even Jinning didn't react much.

"I heard it all."

Chu Zheng is very honest.

"..." Jin Ning was silent for a few seconds, polite and indifferent: "I made you laugh."

"It's quite funny." Chu Zheng nodded his head in a genuine manner.

Jin Ning was stunned.

His lips moved.

I want to ask who is funny.


Or someone else?

But in the end he swallowed the question back without asking it.

Sometimes it's better not to get to the bottom.

Leaving the mall, Jin Ning saw Jin Chen running towards this side at a glance. He looked down at the phone, bumped into several people, and moved forward while apologizing.

The corner of Jin Ning's mouth pressed down.

Jin Chen just looked up and saw Jinning's sinking face.

He swung the phone back to the back, before he had time to figure out how to deal with his brother, he turned his eyes and saw the person standing behind the wheelchair.

Jin Chen's eyes lit up suddenly.

Little fairy!

it's fate!

This is definitely the fate God gave him!

Jin Chen couldn't even take care of his own brother, his eyes stuck to Chu Zheng.

"It's you." Jin Chen seized the opportunity, but didn't want to just let it go: "Hello, that... my name is Jin Chen, can we meet?"

"Well, I asked to leave the city." Chu Zheng nodded solemnly.


"Do you know him?" Chu Zheng asked Jinning.

Jin Ning nodded.

"Then I'll go first." Get it done! withdraw! !

Chuzheng returned Jinning to Jin Chen, stopped a car, and left without nostalgia.

Jin Chen: "..."

Why is the little fairy gone again!

"Brother, she is the person I told you about, is she pretty, ahhhh, I'm going to fall in love."

Jinning stretched out his hand: "Mobile phone."

Jin Chen's excitement was instantly shattered.

"Brother, it's not me...it's mom..."

Jinning had such a big incident, the family was afraid that he would have an accident.

From time to time, Jinning could dig out the tracker in his belongings.

"Mobile phone."

Jin Chen squeezed and passed the phone with both hands.

Jinning turned on the phone and saw the location above, his face was even more ugly.

"Brother, I don't want to, but you are gone, I am worried about you..."

"Why am I missing?" Jin Ning gave him the phone back and sneered, "You don't have any points in your heart?"

Jin Chen cried and said with a mournful face: "Brother, people have three urgency, okay, I will go to the toilet, you will be gone when you come out, I am scared to death!!!"

"By the way, something went wrong inside the hotel."

Had it not been for the hotel, Jin Chen wouldn't have been so anxious.

Although his brother has been a little abnormal since the accident, overall, he is not as exaggerated as his parents thought.

Jin Ning glanced at Jin Chen, but didn't hold onto the position.

"what's up."

"Gao Desheng is dead."


"Gao Desheng..." After thinking about it, his brother didn't pay attention to these people and changed his name: "The big boss of Hongguang Real Estate."

When it comes to Hongguang Real Estate, Jinning knows it.

"The Gao family's struggle for property is another big drama, your favorite gossip."

"Yeah..." Jin Chen nodded, and reacted in an instant: "No, brother, Gao Desheng died in the hotel with a heart attack. Don't you think it's strange? It's good, how can a sudden heart attack happen?"

"Accidents can happen at any time, such as the car that is about to hit us."

Jin Chen was startled, and turned his head to see that there was a car that was backing up. He might be a novice. He didn't see them standing here. Although the speed was slow, it crashed over without any reduction.

Jin Chen quickly pushed Jinning away.

Jin Chen stared at Jinning, not knowing what to say.

He took a breath, still curious: "Brother, Gao Desheng's death, do you really have no opinion?"

He felt that Gao Desheng died hastily.

People who were okay before, how do you say that you have a heart attack?


"Brother, you are also the successor of socialism anyway, show your professional intuition and analyze with me, even if..."

Jinning interrupted him: "The socialist successor wants to go home now. Can you leave?"


Jin Chen gritted his teeth.

Jinning's thoughts seemed to return to the banquet hall just now.

The girl is cold and elegant, holding champagne, standing indifferently in the crowd, like a blooming rose, but covered with a layer of frost, dimly and alienated, making people afraid to approach.

When everyone's attention was attracted, she followed a man away...

If he remembered correctly, someone called that man Gao, it should be Gao Desheng.

"Brother, why are you with the little fairy? Do you know her? What is her name? Do you have her phone?"

Jin Chen interrupted Jinning's memory.

He shouted: "Jin Chen."

Jin Chen looked at his brother expectantly.

"She is not for you."

"Why? I think I and her are a natural match." Jin Chen was happy.

"Your illusion."

"I met her twice today, twice, what is the probability!! The proper heroes and heroines in the TV series are good!!"

"Let's watch brain damage dramas less." Jin Ning emphasized again: "She is not for you."

"Why!!" Jin Chen was not convinced.

Jinning didn't say anything, and Jin Chen remained silent.

This brother in his family has never been with a woman, but today he saw Jinning with the little fairy.

It seems that the little fairy was pushing him before...

This is rare.

Jin Chen pondered there for a long time.

Until the young master of the Jin family came home, he didn't figure out why.

"Brother, is this yours?"

Jin Chen took off the bag from the wheelchair.

Jinning took a look: "No."

"Whose is that...that little fairy?" Jin Chen immediately opened the bag, wanting to see if there was any message in it, so that he could find the little fairy.

In the end there was only one card and nothing else.

There are only two regular words on the card.

--give you

If it were not for ink, Jin Chen would think it was printed by computer.

"Send...you?" Jin Chen suspiciously raised the card in front of his brother, with a little caution: "Brother?"