Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 448: Gold medalist (14)

Chu Zheng closed the contract, looked at Jinning, and declared solemnly: "You are at an inconvenient time now."

Chuzheng is a little annoyed about choosing clothes. Fortunately, the clothes in the closet are matched. She only needs to choose which set.

"I can come by myself." Jinning was not angry, and he couldn't get angry. He just wanted to say helplessly: "Miss Chuzheng, there are differences between men and women, you'd better avoid it."

"I do not mind."

Anyway, it’s all my good guy cards, and it’s the same morning and evening.

"I mind."

Jinning found that Chuzheng had stopped.

The girl's gaze was chilly, as if she was looking at him or not at him.

For a long time, she put her clothes by the bed and left the room without saying a word.

Jin Ning's heart palpitated and wanted to stop her, but in the end he couldn't make a sound.


Jinning changed his clothes and went out. Chu Zheng sat on the sofa, and she randomly threw the contract on the table. Seeing him come out, she only raised her eyes and swept across without any indication.

Where is this to take care of him?

This is simply to be an uncle.

Such a thought flashed through Jin Ning's mind.

Jinning asked her: "How did you come in just now?"

"Come in." Otherwise, can I still go through the wall!

"...I mean, how did you open the door?" He heard the sound in the bathroom just now, and he thought it was Jin Chen who stole his key.

Who knew it would be her.

Her voice was very special, he knew it as soon as he heard it.

"The door is open." Chu Zheng replied frankly: "You didn't close it."

Jinning glanced at the door: "Really."

Chu Zheng nodded.

That's right.

I'm not the kind of person who will pick others' locks casually.

[Yes, you kick directly. 】The King could not help but complain.

"..." Hush!

Jinning retracted his gaze and asked a little curiously: "Why are you taking care of me?"

The **** the sofa did not lift her head and said, "You deserve it."

A good person like me, but the blessing you have cultivated in your last life.

Jinning could hear it.

Deserve it?

What does he deserve?

Chuzheng's words are always concise. Jinning asked a few questions, but the answers he got were all at a loss.

"Your contract was not given to you by my father, right?"

Jinning suddenly asked such a question.

"So what." Chuzheng didn't cover up at all, and confidently said: "You have already signed the contract and want to go back?" There is no door!

Jinning's tone was indifferent: "Since it was not given to you by my father, it has no legal effect, Chuzheng girl, you should understand this."

"so what."

The girl's answer was arrogant and arrogant.

Don't care at all.

She slowly raised her head, her pale pink lips lightly opened: "If I want it to have legal effect, it will have it."


The head of the Jin family is not as mad as her.

Jin Ning was silent for a few seconds, not struggling with this topic.

after all……

He didn't really want to break the contract.

I don't know what kind of changes will happen if there is such a person in my life.

Maybe not as boring as before.

Jinning left in a wheelchair and came out a few minutes later.

"This is what you left behind."

A bag was placed on the coffee table in front of Chuzheng.

"I'm here for you." Chu Zheng paused: "I left you a card."

The corner of Jinning's mouth bends, and the fairy-like person is so beautiful that people can't move their eyes: "Chuzheng girl, such a precious thing, don't need it."

The things in this bag are worth no less than one million.

Chuzheng reached out and touched the bag.

Take out a watch and pull Jinning's hand.

Jinning carried a watch with the hands still.


"Yeah." Jin Ning wanted to withdraw his hand, and was gently clasped by Chu Zheng.

Her fingers are also very beautiful, her nails are neatly trimmed, her fingertips are bright white, and her fingertips are against his wrists, bringing a slight heat.

"Exactly, change one."

Jin Ning frowned, her expression seldom sinking in front of Chu Zheng: "We are an employment relationship. You can arrange my life, but please don't interfere with my personal belongings."

Polite and cold tone.

Obviously a little angry.

Chuzheng glanced at him, and he could not see what he meant.

Let go of your fingers, and your fingertips swept across the surface.

Jinning felt that her fingertips tapped on the surface.

Very light.

She threw the brand new watch in her hand back into the bag at will.

The posture was like throwing a coin.

Then Jinning watched her take out a necklace from the inside and leaned over.

Her face suddenly enlarged.

The girl didn't apply powder, her face was white and flawless, her eyelashes were long and dense, her eyes were clear and bright, but she was a bit cold.

Jinning's nose curled up with a wisp of cold fragrance.

Let his mind follow.

Jinning didn't wear anything on his neck.

Chu Zheng wrapped his hands around him, and there was a sudden cold on his neck.

The jade cross is attached to his chest, the jade color is very beautiful.

When Chuzheng is finished, he loosened him and sat upright: "Wear this."

I bought it for money.

Waste is not good.

The effect of the good card must be played well!

Jinning: "..."

It's all on him, doesn't it feel a bit late to say this?

"Brother, I'll bring you..." Jin Chen stepped into the door and saw Chu Zheng sitting on the sofa. He was surprised and climbed up on his cheek: "Little fairy!"


He actually saw the little fairy again!


But Jin Chen just finished his excitement, Yu Guang glanced at his own brother, as if being poured a basin of cold water on the head, it was completely cold.

——She is not for you.

Although Jinning didn't say why in the end, Jin Chen could still see it. His brother might have a different view of Little Fairy.

Seeing this in his own brother's house now, Jin Chen has taken this idea in his heart.

My brother started so quickly!

Beasts! !

He finally fell in love with a little fairy, and his brother wanted to win love!


Cut off the relationship!

Jinning leaned back slightly, leaning back in the chair, and said in a cool tone: "Have you fed the dog to your tutor now? Or is there a problem with your hand and you don’t know if you knock on the door? Also, as I said, you are not allowed to take me. spare keys."

Jin Chen, who just wanted to sever the relationship, suddenly said angrily: "I don't have it. You haven't closed the door properly. I opened it as soon as I pushed it. Don't slander me!"

Jinning didn't want to listen to his excuse, and stretched out his hand: "Where is my spare key?"

Jin Chen: "..."

Jin Chen's eyes rolled around, took off his shoes and entered the house, and went straight to Chuzheng.

"Little fairy, did you eat? Look, I brought a lot of food..."

"Jin Chen."

The man in the wheelchair gave a loud cry.

There was no threat, but Jin Chen suddenly stopped.

He turned his neck stiffly: "Hehe, brother...that...the key is my mom insists on me, not me, really."

"give me."


Jin Chen met his brother's eyes and fumbled in his pants.

He raised his eyebrows and quickly handed him the key in his pocket.


Yesterday he looked for a long time and didn't find the key. He thought he lost it when he went out to play. Why did he find it again today?

But Jin Chen would never tell his brother about this.

Afraid of being beaten.