Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 449: Gold medalist (15)

"Little fairy, why are you in my brother's house?"

Naturally, Jin Chen rushed to Chu Zheng next to him, and ignored his own brother.

"Take care of him." Chu Zheng gestured to Jinning with his chin.


Jin Chen's eyes wandered in front of Chu Zheng and his brother, like unwillingness, anger, and a little bit of resentment.

What did his brother do when he was away! !

Why did the little fairy take care of him? !

Beasts! !

"Brother, what do you mean?" Jin Chen pushed Jinning into the room, like a child who couldn't get sugar: "Why do you want her to take care of you?"

How did you hook up with the little fairy!

"I'm not as boring as you."

"Then why is she here?" Jin Chen was dissatisfied: "You said she is not suitable for me, is it suitable for you? Do you like her?"

"I haven't said it." Jin Ning said, "She came to the door by herself."

Jin Chen was taken aback.

Opening her mouth, she asked suspiciously, "What does she want to do?"

Jin Chen liked Chuzheng a lot, but that didn't mean that this would allow him to ignore Jinning's safety.

Thinking about it, she did appear a little weird.

How did she meet his brother?

"Are you the memory of a fish?" Jin Ning's mouth bends slightly, and he picks up his brother without mercy.

"..." This is turning around and scolding him for his poor memory!

Chuzheng answered the first time he asked and came to take care of him.

"Am I your biological brother?"

"No." Jin Ning said, "You picked it up."


Jin Chen pointed at Jinning, but didn't speak for a long time.

"If I were not your brother, I would have strangled you a long time ago."

Jin Ning's eyebrows seemed to be dyed with a simple smile: "Your honor."



Jin Chen held his broken heart and hummed and ran to talk to Chu Zheng.

Although Chuzheng doesn't talk very much, she can still speak out if she can answer.

Jin Chen had a lot of topics, and he didn't even stand up for a while.

Jin Ning was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at Jin Chen and Chu Zheng in silence. The sunlight outside the window fell in and shone on the two of them, and he suddenly felt a little eye-catching.

"Jin Chen, what are you doing here?" Jin Ning interrupted the chattering Jin Chen.

"My mother is afraid that you are starving to death." Jin Chen muttered dissatisfiedly: "How can you starve to death if you are such a big person? She is just worrying."

Let him send here and there every day.

Is he a courier? !

"It's finished, you can go." Jinning pushes people out.

"I do not!"

"Last time you lent me..."

"Brother, I'm leaving now." Jin Chen got up and waved to Chuzheng with a smile: "Little fairy, I'm leaving."

Jin Chen came over to deliver things and left an invitation by the way.

Chuzheng saw that the inscription was the old house of the Jin family.

The red happy character.

It's a wedding invitation.

"Your brother test me." Chu Zheng said suddenly.

Jinning looked away from the invitation and answered calmly: "He is just bored, don't care."

Jin Chen cares about him, Jinning knows.

"Do you also think I have nothing to do with you?" Chu Zheng did not borrow a donkey to end the topic, but went straight to the topic.

Jinning put his fingertips in his palms, and when Chu Zheng asked these words, he tightened slightly.

"I have no plans for you." Chu Zheng said without waiting for him to answer, "So you don't have to be afraid, you can't run away anyway."

So you don't have to be afraid, you can't run away anyway.

Listen to this.

The **** can't wait to kill his little sister.

Is this something a good person can say?

This is a bandit!

Jinning's surprise did not show up: "I don't know what you picture me?"

The girl sitting on the sofa raised her head in the sun, her clear eyes reflected him, as if in a moment, beautiful and beautiful.



Ding Dong——

The doorbell broke the slightly strange atmosphere in the room, and Jinning went over to open the door.

Jinning knew all the people standing outside the door.

Among them, the man with a little hesitation yelled, "Team Jin..."

Jinning: "Don't call me that, I am no longer your captain."

The inch-length man opened his lips. A big man couldn't say anything particularly emotional.

"What's up with me." Polite and estranged.

As if they had never been colleagues.

Jinning didn't mean to let them in, but the inch-headed man was used to it.

When in the bureau, he was such a person.

"Yes..." The inch-headed man sighed, "It's Gao Desheng's case. When our brother checked the surveillance, we found that the team... Ning Brother, you were also at the scene, so I came to ask and see you by the way."

Jinning frowned lightly.

"come in."

Jinning was relieved.

The inch-headed man laughed in relief and stretched out his hand to push Jinning.

Jinning refused politely and pushed the wheelchair to the living room by herself.

Chu Zheng had already stood up from the sofa. When the Cuntou man saw Chu Zheng, his surprise was written directly on his face.

There is a girl in the family like Jin team?

The Cinchou man was shocked and shocked, but he dared not ask Jinning who this was.

Chu Zheng stepped forward and held Jinning's wheelchair grip. Jinning, who had refused to be pushed by others just now, sat quietly.

Chu Zheng pushed him to the side of the sofa and leaned over to talk to him: "Sit on the sofa, make it more comfortable."

Jinning has no right to refuse.

There were people watching, Jinning did not dare to struggle, and moved to the sofa to sit with Chu Zheng's support.

Chu Zheng put a blanket on his legs and left the living room.

Inch male: "..."

This little girl is so sensible.

But this attitude...

The inch-headed man can't tell what it feels like, but something is wrong.

"sit down."

Jinning interrupted the man's cranky thinking.

"Oh, okay Brother Ning." The Cuntou man and another colleague sat down, briefly recounted the old situation, asked about Jinning's situation, and got to the point.

"At the time of Gao Desheng's death, Brother Ning, you were also at the scene. I want to ask, did you find anything unusual?"

Jinning: "Did Gao Desheng die of a heart attack?"

"Yeah." The inch-headed man scratched his head: "But the Gao family has been making trouble, saying that someone is making money and killing him and blocking our police station all day. It is quite a big noise."

Gao Desheng's Hongguang Real Estate has done a lot in recent years.

Even in the real estate industry, Hongguang Real Estate is still climbing.

Gao Desheng cleans himself up to the outside world, does not touch pornography, gambling, drugs, and women will be bombed away when they are sent to bed.

A well-known good man from the Gu family.

However, after Gao Desheng's death, they investigated and discovered that this man was so good on the surface.

Pornography, gambling, and drugs are non-stick.

But he has pedophilia, the smaller the better.

Those materials were kept in the police station, and they all wanted to promote Gothe's body.

But apart from this, Gao Desheng had nothing else to do.

Gao Desheng has two brothers. These two brothers were a little indifferent to his death and were more concerned about the distribution of Hongguang Real Estate.

It is Gao Desheng's wife who is making a lot of trouble.

It does not mean that Gao Desheng was killed.