Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 574: Sunken extra (31)

"Yo, what are you holding?"

Xie Yuepei's car stopped in front of Shen Min, and Shen Min put the things in his hand in the back seat and got into the co-pilot.

Xie Yuepei is funny: "Who in your family buys things randomly?"


"Are you not afraid that she will defeat you all?" Xie Yuepei joked: "Now I guess how long she can defeat you all outside."

"I would be happy if she was like this." She didn't spend her own money at all, which was very urgent.


Xieyuepei looked at her brother weirdly. Isn't she ill?

"By the way, I want to do the wedding with you."

Shen Min looked at him: "It's done?"

"That must be!" Xie Yuepei smiled sulkingly: "Who am I."

"I haven't had a successful marriage proposal in three years." Shen Min took the stage very rudely.

"..." Can you be a brother!

Xie Yuepei met Yu Niannian, and that was the nemesis.

Playboy was so tamed that he didn't dare to look at the beauty now.

What happens if I take a closer look?


She will look back!

"Are you really letting go?"

Xieyue Pei looked straight.

Shen Min lowered his head and put his fingertips on his knees, and he hummed for a long while.

It was said outside that Father Shen liked him very much and he was the future of the Shen Group.

But only Shen Min knew about it.

it's not like that.

As far as he can remember, he was in Shen's house, and Shen's father was extremely strict with him.

Mother Shen was good to him at first, but it was only good.

At home, he could hardly see a smile on Father Shen's face.

Only when he is outside, Father Shen will be very kind to himself, and even hug him when he gets an award.

In order to be 100% good outside and get a compliment from Father Shen, he has to put in 200% effort.

At that time he thought that as long as he worked hard, as long as he was good, he would be liked by his father.

So he has been doing what Father Shen said.

At the age of eight...

He has a younger sister.

The arrival of this sister made him see a different father Shen.

Even at home, he is very patient and loving.

That was something he never got at home.

Only then did he know that it turned out that his father treated him so much at home because of him.

Not because he is such a person.

The birth of the younger sister made the family pay less attention to him.

Of course, Father Shen didn't allow him to approach his sister.

Father Shen hadn't asked him about his study for a month. Sometimes he would secretly look at the snow-white villain.

She always turns with her dark eyes open.

That was his most impressive picture.

But it didn't take long before this sister was lost.

At that time, the family situation was very depressing, and this situation lasted for nearly a year.

Shen Min's grades dropped sharply this year, and Shen's father was furious about this.

Although Father Shen was very strict with him, he never hit him. Every time he made a mistake, Father Shen just scolded him coldly.

Sometimes Shen Min wished Shen's father beat him.

Like other fathers.

At a young age, Shen Min couldn't understand why his father had such a contradictory attitude towards him.

At that time, his only friend was Xie Yuepei.

Not the same as him.

Xie Yuepei was raised in the palm of her parents' hands. He wanted the stars not to be given to the moon. For him, his parents could put down their work and fly back immediately.

For Xie Yuepei, Shen Min is someone else's child.

Once you meet with his parents, you have to compare him with Shen Min.

Therefore, Shen Min felt that Xie Yuepei hadn't broken off with him, this was definitely a real brother.

Two people in completely different situations just did this and became brothers.

Xie Yuepei understood a lot, and naturally found that Father Shen's attitude towards Shen Min.

At the age of eighteen, Shen Min entered the company as per Shen's father's request.

Father Shen asked him to make achievements within one year.

Shen Min didn't know if he could do it, but he had no retreat, he had to bite the bullet.

The first time he entered the company, he didn't know whether it was Father Shen's order, or whether these people just couldn't understand him and did nothing smoothly.

He was locked up at the company in the middle of the night, there were errors in the documents, and no one notified him of the agenda change.

But for Shen Min, this is not the most difficult.

He overcame numerous difficulties and fulfilled Father Shen's requirements within the stipulated time.

Later he was transferred to a higher department.

His youth is arranged clearly, unlike Xie Yuepei, who can just play.

But as time passed, his achievements became greater and greater, but Father Shen didn't wait to see him more and more.

Of course this is in private.

On the surface, he is still Father Shen's best son, his father is kind and filial, and he is envious of others.

But this is all fake.

Everything is fake.

Shen Min has been wondering why.

Why Xie Yuepei's parents can indulge him so much.

Why is Father Shen's attitude towards himself so weird?

Until one day when he talked about a business, went home early in the morning and passed by Shen's father and Shen's mother's room, he heard them talking about himself.

At that time, there was a voice in Shen Min's heart that told him to leave quickly.

But he didn't.

He finished listening to their conversation.

He is not father Shen's biological son.

When he first heard the news, Shen Min felt that the sky was dim, as if the sky had fallen.

The result of his hard work is such an unacceptable situation.

But this is the fact.

He is not the son of Father Shen.

Shen Min walked back to the room without disturbing anyone.

It took him more than half a month to adjust his mentality. During that time, Father Shen was busy with other things and did not notice his abnormality.

It was just because of negligence at work that he scolded him several times.

It didn't take long for him to know about it, and Father Shen knew that he already knew about it, but no one said it.

The external relationship between him and Shen's father began to become weird.

Shen Min once ran to question Father Shen when he drank too much.

Ask him for so many years, he listens to him, why should he be so to himself, what did he do wrong?

Father Shen only gave him a sneer, saying that he had asked himself to pay off his father's debt.

At that time, Shen Min saw more complicated feelings from the bottom of Shen's eyes.

Like hate.

It's like guilt again.

Xu was because he was gradually gaining prestige in the group, perhaps for other reasons. When others framed him, Shen's father took advantage of the trend to destroy his relatives and expelled him from the Shen family.

Father Shen threw him a ticket and passport.

He didn't have any money at that time.

Had it not been for Xie Yuepei to give a sum of money, he estimated that he would face the danger of starving to death when he got off the plane.

Just leave, does Shen Min hate Shen Father?

Hate it.

Regardless of whether he was born by Shen's father or not, for so many years, he has no feelings for himself at all.

His previous efforts seemed to be a joke.

While he was working hard, Father Shen was mocking him mercilessly.

How can he not hate.

With this hatred and infamy on his back, Shen Ming left the scene in a panic.

The first time I found something was wrong was in the third month abroad.

As a Chinese, he was very marginalized abroad.

In those big companies, he doesn't even have the opportunity to interview, even if he has talent, he can't use it.

He could only find a job in a nightclub to stabilize his life temporarily.

But this job also faces various harassment.

He looks good, so there is more harassment like this.

Some people even offered to support him.