Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 579: Captive star (4)

Chu Zheng sat in the conference room with his legs resting on the chair next to him, without any dignity and restraint that a girl should have.

Be casual and domineering.

She had a document in front of her, and it was written in three large characters: "Cancellation Letter".

Opposite is the person from the company.

At this moment, he was fidgeting, and he didn't know where to put his eyes.

In the past, this was the person in the heart of President Chu. When he saw him in the company, they all had to respectfully call Miss Chi.

However, in the past two days, Miss Chi was hospitalized first, and then broke up. President Chu asked all Miss Chi's resources to be removed with the intention of blocking, and now Miss Chi has come to terminate the contract...

Everyone in the company can see that Miss Chi likes President Chu very much.

But now...

Miss Chi looked indifferent, but she didn't look like she was trapped by love.

Chu Zheng tapped on the file with his fingertips: "Do you always need someone to lift it?"

"Miss Chi... President Chu... President Chu is a bit busy."

"Oh, then you ask someone else to do it. You don't need to make a fuss about this little thing." Chu Zheng said casually.

There is a special person responsible for the termination of the contract, where is Chu Anyang needed.

Not enough because the person who terminated the contract was Chuzheng.

"Or do you think you can't handle this thing well, and earn a salary to cultivate immortals?"

Chuzheng waited impatiently and began to attack indiscriminately.

staff member:"……"

Oh oh oh!

Why is President Chu still not coming down.

Miss Chi became so terrible.

Not only the tone of her speech, but also the momentum of her body.

The former Miss Chi was always gentle and gentle, smiling kindly when she saw everyone.

But now, Miss Chi doesn't have the slightest temperature on her body. In just a few days, she seems to have gone back to Antarctica with a layer of ice and snow.

Click ——

The door of the meeting room opened.

Chu Anyang was crowded in.

The suit and leather shoes are still handsome.

The sharp line of sight swept into the meeting room, and the line of sight came into contact with Chu Zheng, and he paused slightly.

The temperature of the entire conference room began to drop, everyone kept quiet, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

"You go out first."

Chu Anyang's words made everyone relieved and quickly left the scene.

Chu Anyang pulled out the chair and sat down, posing as the president: "What are you going to do?"

In that tone, he was still sure that Chuzheng was making trouble.

Chu Zheng elbows the back of the chair: "I'm here to cancel the contract."

"Heh." Chu Anyang sneered, "Chi Chuzheng, do you know what you are talking about?"

"What I said is that everyone can understand it. It seems that President Chu has not enough time to be a human being." Chu Zheng's tone was flat, but what he said made people angry.

This is cursing him around the corner!

Chu Anyang took a deep breath.

"Are you really willing to leave me?"

He needs resources, resources, and fame. He has given her so many things. Why is she not satisfied?

Chu Zheng's finger pressed the contract cancellation letter on the table and pushed it towards Chu Anyang.

The posture is very upright.

Chu Anyang looked at the cancellation letter with an unpredictable expression.

"Chi Chuzheng, you leave Oriental Entertainment and you are nothing. When I hold you, you are a human being, but if you want to fight me, I can also make you disappear."

"Do you sign or not?" So much nonsense.

Just sign a cancellation letter.

It's not for you to have a baby!

Is it me who will lose money? !

What are you worried about!

"Did you read the penalty?" Chu Anyang endured his anger.

"I can afford it, and you don't need to care about it." What I have is money! I can afford to breach ten more times!

"Okay." Chu Anyang opened the contract cancellation letter with a blue face, drew out his pen, and wrote down his name: "Since you want to destroy your future, I hope you don't come to me in the future."

Chu Anyang closed the cancellation letter and threw it directly to Chu Zheng.

Chuzheng paid the penalty on the spot.

Chu Anyang was so angry that he wanted to eat people.

[Congratulations, Miss Sister for completing the task, 35 million rewards have been paid. 】

Chu Zheng took the cancellation letter that belonged to her, and left unhurriedly in Chu Anyang's fire-breathing sight.


Chuzheng walked out of the door of Oriental Entertainment and was almost blinded by the flash.

Media reporters surrounded her, the microphone slammed in front of her, and all kinds of questions came overwhelmingly.

"Miss Chi, did you come to Oriental Entertainment today to find Mr. Chu to get back together?"

"Miss Chi, did you really break up with Mr. Chu? Just because Mr. Chu didn't go to the hospital to see you in time?"

"Miss Chi, did you break up because of a discord, or something else?"

Chuzheng got a headache because of the noise.

A bunch of reporters blocked her way.

"be quiet."

She scowled with a cold face.

"Miss Chi..." The reporter didn't buy it very much.

They are like seeing flies with cracked eggs.

Where would such a good opportunity be missed.

Chu Zheng's icy eyes swept over, and the questions the reporters wanted to ask suddenly seemed stuck.

The scene quieted strangely.

The reporters involuntarily stepped back.

The woman standing in the middle had only a cold chill on her delicate face.

Those dark eyes seemed to be covered with glaciers, cold and quiet.

Chuzheng showed the contract cancellation letter: "Since you are all here, then I will announce one thing by the way. Dongfang Entertainment and I have terminated the contract. I don't want my name to appear with Chu Anyang in the future."


#迟初筝Cancel Contract#



#迟初筝楚安阳Party real hammer#

Chuzheng's cancellation of the contract instantly hit hot searches.

What Chu Zheng said to reporters outside Oriental Entertainment was also posted.

[Simple happiness: These words are domineering! But it is a bit difficult to want the names not to appear together. ]

[Chuzheng Fan Club: Little cutie suddenly domineering, hahaha, cutie is dead! Want to kiss! ]

[Calling for Chuzheng: I said that our little cutie will definitely not go back to the grass, and we will break up if we break up. Does the face hurt for those who say jokes? ]

[Chu Qing Ye Yu: This not only breaks up, but also terminates the contract, cow! ]

[Lazy wind on the swing: I said that these two people are not good at CP. I think she was dumped by the president. What are you talking about? I don’t want my name to appear with Chu Anyang in the future. Tsk tsk, what about it? ]

[Luye: Chi Chuzheng was held by Dongfang Entertainment with one hand, and with the backstage of President Chu, she and Dongfang Entertainment have terminated the contract. Isn't this a self-destructive future? ]

[Chuzheng cutie is the cutest: Our little cutie relies on strength, gold shines everywhere! ]

Chi Chuzheng's acting skills have no black spots.

So in the comments, no one attacked her acting skills.

At most, I feel that the roles she received must have been given to her by Chu Anyang walking backstage.

[Xia Fengruge: Why do you want to break up? Oh, I really like this pair of CPs. ]

[Lemon Hug: Only I think they look awkward every time they are in the same frame? ]