Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 623: The priest Duo Jiao (1)

Chu Zheng never expected that the **** really had the ability to get her here again.

No preparation at all! !

damn thing! !


At this moment, Chu Zheng was sitting in a pile of corpses. He cast his eyes down and met his wide-eyed eyes, and Chu Zheng closed his face blankly.

She pulled out a knife on the corpse next to her and swiped it directly on her wrist.

The blood dripped down the wrist.


[Congratulations to my sister for completing the first rewind of the plane, reading files...]

Familiar formula, familiar taste.

damn thing!


Chuzheng was sure that he was still the same as before, unable to leave this world. He cursed the title of King blood in his heart, but his behavior was very calm.

She got up from the pile of corpses first. She was standing in a... mass grave? ?

Is it so horrible to come up?

Do you want to scare me to death the weak and helpless little poor?

Should I thank the original owner for not being buried below?

Chu Zheng climbed up from the side, stood on it, and looked down. The scene was **** and shocking.


Go quickly.

What if someone comes to throw a corpse in a while!


This is a magical world.

There are seven magical elements in the world.

Light element, wind element, fire element, water element, earth element, thunder element, dark element.

Those who possess magic are called magicians.

Of course, most people in this world are ordinary people.

Only a small number of people can become magicians, but powerful magicians are very few.

This type of person is the object of great admiration and respect.

But there are some magicians who are not liked.

That is the Dark Mage.

The dark element is judged by the world as an evil force.

Because the dark element is powerful and evil, it can make people fall into fear.

About a hundred years ago, an organization appeared in the dark magicians. This organization brought all the dark magicians together. They indiscriminately killed human beings and used evil power to satisfy selfish desires.

The magicians united with the magic union to wipe out the dark magicians who were ravaged at that time, and the dark magicians have since disappeared.

And now it is a hundred years later.

The original owner is a dark magician.

She was born in a remote village. When she was born, her mother died due to childbirth, and her father married again within two years.

The stepmother was not good to her, it was a problem to eat and wear warmth, not to mention that the stepmother gave birth to a boy soon.

With a boy, his father pays less attention to her.

When the children in the village all learn magic from the village chief, the original owner can only work at home.

She also wants to learn magic.

But the stepmother forbid her to go.

One day there was a man in the village who was very magical, and the original owner looked at him timidly.

The man noticed her, called her up to him, and asked her if she wanted to learn magic.

The original owner nodded.

The man took out the magic ball that the village chief had and asked her to put her hand on it.

But when she put her hand on it, the person suddenly changed his face and walked away.

The original owner was very sad.

However, one night, that person reappeared at her door and talked with her father for a while, and then his father asked her to follow that person.

The man said that if you follow him, you can learn magic.

The original owner just followed him away.

Ye Shuliang was the lord of a magic city, and the original lord was brought back to the mansion by him.

Ye Shuliang treated her very well, taught her magic and taught her knowledge of the world.

But the original owner had never left this mansion. Ye Shuliang told her that it was dangerous outside.

Her only peer is Ye Shuliang's son, Ye Kaiying.

But Ye Kaiying didn't like her.

Ye Kaiying always scolded her for monsters. The original owner didn't know where he was a monster. He ran to ask Ye Shuliang, and Ye Shuliang would teach Ye Kaiying straightforwardly.

Ye Kaiying hated her even more.

The original owner gradually grew up, and she still has not been out of the house.

But Ye Kaiying can, he can always bring back strange things.

The original owner can only look at it eagerly.

The original owner asked Ye Shuliang why she couldn't go out of the house. Ye Shuliang said that when she grows up, she can go out. What she has to do now is to practice magic hard so that she won't be bullied by bad people when she goes out.

The original owner worked hard to cultivate and grow up.

She finally reached adulthood.

Ye Shuliang took her out, and the original owner looked at the outside world, no matter what was new.

They stopped outside a city.

Ye Shuliang told her that the people in this city were very bad, and let her break the magic circle on the city.

The original owner was Ye Shuliang, who shaped the world, and he didn't have any doubts about what he said.

Ye Shuliang said that there are bad people in it, and they must all be bad people.

She broke the magic circle on the city, Ye Shuliang led people into the city, and the massacre suddenly began.

Ye Shuliang told her that if these people wanted to kill them, they were all bad guys. If they didn't kill them, they would die.

When the original owner discovered that Ye Kaiying, who had sneaked in at no time, was besieged by others, he rushed over without thinking and rescued Ye Kaiying.

But she was also seriously injured.

The people in the city looked at her with the eyes of a monster, and the magic hit her fiercely, and she lost the ability to resist.

When she looked at Ye Shuliang for help, she found that Ye Shuliang was leaving with Ye Kaiying, leaving her only a back.

The original owner never expected that Ye Shuliang lied to her from the beginning.

Ye Shuliang trained her for so many years just for today.

The original owner left his breath and crawled out of the mass grave.

When she found it, Ye Shuliang did not explain, but said that she was a dark magician and that she slaughtered the city.

She was caught, tied to the square, and burned alive.

The current timeline is exactly when the original owner was thrown into a mass grave.

Chu Zheng leaned on the tree trunk and checked his body again. There were many wounds, but the bleeding had stopped and he was recovering.

Dark Mage...

According to the memory of the original owner, Chuzheng made a seal in his hand, and the dark element quickly condensed an orange in front of her...Why an orange?

So hungry!

[Main task: Please spend 100 gold coins within an hour. 】

Chuzheng let go, and the orange fell on the ground, exploding a small hole.

Chu Zheng: "..."

This dark element... is too weak, right?

[Miss sister, you are still injured. 】The sick number must have the consciousness of the sick number. It’s good to be able to use dark magic, but if you want to do it, the sky will blow the moon!

"Well, yes, I am a sick number." Chu Zheng recognized this point: "I am a sick number, you are embarrassed to send a mission!?"

[...] The King flees instantly.

Chu Zheng felt his chin and pondered.

"So on this plane, I only need to kill all the magicians of the other factions, right?" It's not my secret system, although it is far away!

[...No! Not really! ! Miss sister, please don't mess around! ] The King roars.