Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 666: Yu Jin Chengxiang (2)

The woman just now should be a scumbag.


Some people are so fresh and refined, and they can live in other people's homes with the aura of their masters.

Chu Zheng pulled the two super long ears on his hat and looked at the person in the mirror indifferently.

rest assured!

I will go out and do these two dog things!


The original owner works as an intern assistant in a company. The interns are already oppressed by the old employees. The internship is finished every day, physically and mentally.

Today, the original owner arrived home from get off work, and before she had a sip of water, she was pushed to the bathroom by Xiao's mother and asked her to wash her clothes.

The reason is that no one has washed clothes for so many days, and his son has no clothes to wear.

In the plot, the original owner fainted in the bathroom directly after catching a cold and fever.

When Xiao Ze came back, he found that he was kneeling and confessing her mistake. The original owner couldn't bear it, so he forgave Xiao mother.

Chu Zheng really didn't want to think about the days the original owner lived here.

That's horrible!

The heroine of human tragedies.

The listener was sad and the listener shed tears.

Chuzheng threw away two rabbit ears, sorted out his clothes, and opened the door to go out.

On the TV, the hostess was screaming and asking: "Why are you treating me this way, why!!"

Xiao mother sat cross-legged on the sofa.

Eating potato chips bought by the original owner and drinking yogurt is a pleasant experience.

Hearing the bathroom door open, Xiao's mother looked up and looked over, with a bitter expression on her face: "Have you washed your clothes? Go and cook after you wash them. Aze will come back to eat later."

Chu Zheng stood still at the door.

The dog turned me on.

The fool who treats me as the original owner is so easy to bully.

Xiao's mother suddenly became unhappy: "Speaking to you, didn't you hear? Is there any tutoring!"

Chu Zheng: "..."

I drop a good boy!

A person who occupies someone else's home has the face to teach her a tutor.

Who gave her face?


Chuzheng raised his sleeves and wanted to get rid of her.

If this kind of person doesn't get rid of, how can he restore the Lord's grievance!

It must be done!

bring it on!

I have already figured out a hundred ways to get rid of her.

[Miss sister, calm down, can't kill her! ! 】Prosperity, democracy, civilization and harmony! ! Are we not that kind of violent system? Please calm down!

The King roared to stop Chu Zheng.

Seeing Chuzheng still motionless, Xiao's face sank: "What are you doing, let you cook, didn't you hear?"

She got off the sofa and walked to the bathroom to look inside.

The clothes were still piled in it, and they didn't move.

"You haven't washed any of your clothes, what are you doing in there?" Xiao's mother suddenly raised her voice. It was the noise level. Has the original owner been complained by neighbors before?

"Talking to you, dumb?"

"What's your face?"

"Waiting for you to wash it."

Mother Xiao's eyes widened: "What did you say..."

Chu Zheng pushed Xiao mother into the bathroom and slammed the door.

Chuzheng wrapped the silver thread twice, then went to find out the bathroom key and directly locked the door.

Bang bang bang!

"Smelly girl, open the door for me."

"You dared to shut me in. My son came back and you looked good. You opened the door for me!!"

Xiao's mother couldn't open the door from the inside, and kicked the door bang.

Chuzheng threw the key out of the window and let Xiao mother swear and kick the door.

Chu Zheng returned to the original main room.

Although the original owner had a relationship with Xiao Ze, he did not have a relationship with Xiao Ze. Xiao Ze thought, but the original owner refused to give him to him when he got married.

Therefore the room for the two is separated.

According to the memory of the original owner, Chuzheng found the house book and bank card.

It seems that there is still a passbook with Xiao Ze...

There were hundreds of thousands in that passbook, all left to her by the original owner's mother.

Xiao Ze was deceived by his sweet words.

Chu Zheng went to Xiao Ze's room to find the passbook. The room was not big, so Chu Zheng quickly turned over the passbook.

Some of the above money was taken, but not much, most of which are still there.

Chu Zheng packed up and left directly.


One o'clock.

When Xiao Ze came back, the TV was still on in the living room. The doors of several rooms were wide open, and there was no one.

He was a little strange and yelled twice.

"Son... son, come back... son, mom is here!"

Xiao's mother's voice came from the bathroom.

"Mom? You're in the bathroom." Xiao Ze didn't think much yet: "Has Chuzheng not come back? She is working overtime today..."

Mother Xiao interrupted him: "The movie of that dead girl locked your mother here, please open the door for me!"

Xiao Ze was surprised and quickly got Xiao's mother out.

Xiao's mother cried and made a fuss about what happened just now and complained to Xiao Ze.

"Mom, Chuzheng is not such a person..."

Xiao's mother immediately hit Xiao Ze with anger: "If it weren't for her, I could still shut myself in the bathroom? Are you facing her now? I'm pulling you up with **** and piss, you haven't married in yet. , I knew that towards her..."

"Mom, don't be angry, I didn't mean that." Xiao Ze felt his mother calm down.

In his impression, this is not something that cute and well-behaved girl can do, but his mother is indeed locked in the bathroom.

Xiao Ze settled Xiao mother first, and then called Chu Zheng.

However, the phone prompts that the other party is on a call.

Xiao Ze faintly felt that something was wrong in his heart, and immediately went to Chuzheng's room to see. The clothes in the closet were a little less, the suitcase was gone, and there were obvious signs of turning in the room.

Xiao Ze thumped in his heart and started to call Chuzheng continuously.

The notification tone is that the other party is in a call.

"Hmph, I also learned to run away from home. You are worried about what she will do and come back so late all day long. Who knows what she is doing outside!" Seeing her son's anxiety, Xiao mother came out dissatisfied.

"Mom, her luggage is gone." Xiao Ze frowned: "Have you quarreled?"

Mother Xiao was visibly stunned. After hearing the next sentence from Xiao Ze, she said angrily: "Whoever has time to quarrel with her, if I ask her to cook you a meal, she will shake my face and put me in the bathroom with a little tutoring. nor."

"She is now doing an internship and is very busy every day." Xiao Ze said.

"What's the use of an internship? If you don't want to bring children at home in the future, women's homes should be safe, and don't go home at night. What do neighbors in the neighborhood think?" Xiao's mother brought out the theory in the village.

Xiao Ze didn't have time to argue with Xiao's mother, so he went directly into the room.

When I entered the room, I found something was wrong.

"Mom, have you been in my room?"

"What am I doing in your room?" Xiao mother walked over angrily.

Xiao Ze went to the place where he put the passbook, and the passbook there was missing.

"What's the matter? Lost something?" Seeing Xiao Ze's complexion, Xiao mother couldn't help feeling nervous.

"She took the passbook away." Xiao Ze said.

"What?" Mother Xiao's voice was suddenly raised: "It's amazing! Is she going to shake the sky!?"

Mother Xiao started cursing regardless.

Xiao Ze frowned, listening to Xiao's mother's voice, only felt more headache.