Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 668: Yu Jin Chengxiang (4)

When Chuzheng walked out of the company after get off work, Xiao Ze greeted him.

"Chuzheng, where have you been in the past two days?" Xiao Ze's expression was bad: "Do you know how much I worry about you? If you have something, you can't say it properly. You have to worry about me. You go back with me first."

On the Friday that Chuzheng left, it happened to have two days off on the weekend.

Xiao Ze estimated that he had been to the company and had not seen anyone, so he came again today Monday.

"Xiao Ze, we broke up." Chu Zheng and Xiao Ze separated, and said very politely: "Please move out of my house as soon as possible."

Break up?

Xiao Ze was obviously stunned by these two words.

At best, he thought that Chuzheng was at odds with his mother and ran away from home. He never thought it was so serious.

"Chu Zheng, you..." Xiao Ze tried to pull Chu Zheng.

Chu Zheng avoided him.

Xiao Ze lost his hand. He curled his eyebrows and asked: "Why break up? I don't agree to break up. We said we would get married when you graduate."

Chuzheng's indifferent face: "It's your business to agree or disagree, I just inform you."

What I told you was the original owner, not me.

Besides, marrying you and waiting to be abused by you?

"Let's go back first." At the peak of the off-duty period, there are many companies in this building. At this time, they are standing at the door and attracting attention. Xiao Ze coaxed her: "Observe, let's go back and say, OK?"

"Impossible." It's impossible to go back, it's impossible in this life.

Xiao Ze lowered his voice: "I know there is something wrong with my mother, don't be angry, can I let my mother go back when I go back?"

Xiao Ze now only wants to coax Chuzheng back.

As to whether Xiao's mother will be sent back then, we will make other plans.

Xiao Ze stepped forward again, trying to hold Chu Zheng.

Chu Zheng didn't avoid it this time, but kicked it directly.

Xiao Ze didn't expect that Chuzheng would do something...No, he moved his feet, touched firmly, fell to the ground, and looked at Chuzheng who left without hesitation in disbelief.

"Wow, that little girl is pretty tough."

"I'm going, I want to record it."

"What's the situation?"

The noise of passers-by gradually increased. Xiao Ze stood up while clutching his abdomen, sweeping his face gingerly around, and quickly caught up with Chu Zheng.

"That boy seems to be Chuzheng's boyfriend just now." A colleague from Chuzheng Company was also there, and started gossiping with people around him: "Last time I saw the two of them watching a movie together."

"What was it just now?"

"I didn't hear clearly, the man looked like he was telling her to go back... Couldn't it be Chuzheng who found a rich man and kicked her boyfriend?"

"Don't talk nonsense."

"Hey, otherwise you said where did her two hundred thousand bracelets come from."



When Chuzheng arrived at the company the next day, all he heard were these rumors.

Seeing her come in, I looked at her, unable to tell whether it was a joke or a satire, or something else.

One of them yin and yang made a weird voice: "Chu Zheng, your boyfriend gave you flowers."

Chu Zheng looked at his seat, and there was indeed a bunch of red roses in it.

Chu Zheng directly took the flowers to the trash can and threw them away.

She turned and looked at the few people who were just discussing, her clear eyes did not make waves, and her words were clear but with a cold meaning: "Slander, I can sue you."

Everyone: "???"

Everyone often gathers together to compose gossip. When have people been warned so seriously?

The most important thing is that this girl who usually looks very well-behaved can put on such an expression and say such things to them.

Such a contrast made the back of this group of people chill slightly.

"It's just an intern, drag something. I don't know if you can stay."

"Take the wrong medicine."

The few people suddenly dispersed.

[Main task: Please buy a luxury car within two hours. 】

Chu Zheng: "..."

The **** is now at work!

I am a dedicated employee. How can I leave my job during working hours? This is wrong!

[Do you want to buy a company? 】The King’s sincere advice.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Just work, nothing can stump me!

Chuzheng slipped out to buy a car. The luxury car has no specificity and no amount. Chuzheng is not sure what it takes to complete the task.

This kind of task is completely reliant on one's own exploration, which is simply cheating.

After finally completing the task and returning to the company, the short-haired girl next to her rushed over as soon as she entered: "Where have you been? The director is looking for you!"

"Why are you looking for me?" She is an intern, who usually serves tea and delivers a document. What is the director looking for if she is fine?

"I don't know." The short-haired girl shook her head: "But I think the director is very angry, you... be careful."

The eyes of the employees around her were gloating.

Chuzheng thought about it and entered the office.

There is only the director in the office. He is sitting behind his desk with a bad face.


The director threw a document on the table: "Did you do this?"

Chuzheng turned through the document with the document, it was a document made last week, but it has nothing to do with the original owner.


The director narrowed his eyes slightly: "No? Who did that?"

"The signature is clearly written." Is the director blind or something? Is the obvious signature invisible?

The director was sneered by Chu Zheng and sneered: "Yes, little girl, I didn't see that you are so capable. How can you talk to your boss?"

Chu Zheng: "..."

Am I not talking to you?

How to talk to you?

Are you sitting?

"Liu Qin said that the final part of the data is for you to do, so you will make mistakes with such simple data? You know if this is seen by others, maybe our list will be stale!"

Liu Qin?

A person flashed in Chu Zheng's mind, the old employee who had instructed her to send documents to the director.

The data is indeed filled by the original owner.

But the original documents of those data were passed to her by Liu Qin, and she had already left work at that time, and it was the job Liu Qin temporarily gave to the original owner.

It stands to reason that this is Liu Qin's own business...

But now it is obviously not about whose job it is, but who is responsible for the mistake.

"You made such a mistake, I have every reason to fire you!"

The director glanced at Zheng for the first time, thinking that the little girl would be frightened and eclipsed. After all, it is too difficult to find a better job now.

However, the little girl opposite just looked at him blankly, as if she hadn't heard anything from him.

The director frowned and continued: "During the internship, you are not serious and responsible. If something goes wrong, you still shirk responsibility. You are young people who don’t take responsibility at all. You know how many people want such an internship opportunity. The company gives you the opportunity. I don't know how to cherish it yet."