Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 678: Yu Jin Chengxiang (14)

Director Luo tossed around, and finally found out that the company has changed its boss.

The new boss is the Jin Chuzheng he plans to expel.

Director Luo's legs trembled and his scalp numb.

Before Director Luo had time to remedy it, an announcement from the Human Resources Department came out.

There is no euphemism, and it is straightforward to say that Director Luo harassed female employees during work, behaved badly, and acted for personal gain...

Director Luo was fired, and was kicked out of the company with a disrepute.

The interns in the creative department became the boss of the company, and many people felt the pressure.

I thought back to whether I had offended her.

The other departments are fine, not much contact.

But the creative department is uncomfortable.

Especially those who have chewed the roots of their tongues are suffering all the time.

However, they waited for a few days and did not wait for any news, as if Chuzheng had forgotten them.

Chu Zheng wanted to open all these people.

The previous boss shook his face to stop her. The creative department is very important. Once this is fully opened, the company will suffer severe damage.

He worked **** this company, and even if he sells it now, he can't be so frustrated.

The former boss almost cried.

Chuzheng was a little afraid that her former boss would choose to quit. She had to find someone to take care of the trouble, so she had to give up this plan.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Afterwards, Zheng didn't think it was right, she was not here to make money!


On the other side, Xiao Ze did not wait for news for a long time.

"What's the news from the advertising agency?"

Xiao Ze asked his colleague, why hasn't there been any movement for so many days?

"I don't know, I didn't contact us." A colleague said: "You said this company has a reputation. Why did you make such a mistake?"

Xiao Ze didn't answer this: "You go to contact and ask them what to do."

The colleague sighed, "Okay. By the way, a beautiful lady named Ning came to you just now and gave you this."

The colleague pointed to the things on the table and smiled unkindly: "Great, there will be new beauties chasing you so soon? If you want me to say, this beauty is not bad, don't hold on to the previous one, people Cuckold you, you still think about others, isn't this what it is?"

The colleague patted Xiao Ze on the shoulder and left.

Some time ago, Xiao Ze was in a bad mood. They called out for a drink, only to find out that Xiao Ze was broken in love, and his girlfriend gave him a green hat.

Xiao Ze never took them to meet his girlfriend. Xiao Ze has a good girlfriend.

Unexpectedly, it would end in such a way.

Xiao Ze looked at the things on the table and didn't know what he was thinking.

A few minutes later, the colleague came back with a strange expression.

"Xiao Ze..."

"what happened?"

"The advertising agency said... I want to sue you."

Xiao Ze thumped in his heart.


"Chu... President Jin." Wan Xiaoxiao opened the door of the office, and a small head popped out: "Well, Xiao Ze wants to see you downstairs."

"Why do you see me? Looking for a fight?"

Wan Xiaoxiao was ashamed, she was still a little embarrassed now, how did she become this assistant.

The same is an intern.

Why did your little partner become the boss of the company?

This is even more fantastic than a TV show.

Wan Xiaoxiao asked cautiously: "Then... see you?"

"not see."

I want to see any dog, how can I have so much time.


Wan Xiaoxiao withdrew.

The first thing Chu Zheng did after taking office was to expel Director Luo, the pervert.

The second thing is to terminate the cooperation with Xiao Ze Company and to sue Xiao Ze for fraud.

Of course, the latter Wan Xiaoxiao felt that Chu Zheng was just scaring Xiao Ze.

Because Chuzheng didn't find a lawyer at all, just let people say that to the advertising company.

Xiao Ze looked at Chuzheng and didn’t hear anything at the time, and he asked people about it. The other was also an intern. He just had to buy the other person, and then he changed his words and insisted that they had heard it wrong. The advertising company. I have to give him an explanation.

The company will not give up his list for two interns.

So in the end it will only be their bad luck.

Xiao Ze knew how much effort she had put in for this internship opportunity.

As long as he doesn't let go, he believes she will come to him sooner or later.

But Xiao Ze did not expect that the progress of the matter would turn out to be like this.

He tossed around and found out that the advertising company had changed its boss.

And this man is his ex-girlfriend.

How could Xiao Ze accept this.

It was more difficult for him to accept than knowing that she was someone outside.

Chu Zheng didn't see Xiao Ze, and Xiao Ze didn't leave, just waiting below.

"The dog... Xiao Ze is still there?"

Chu Zheng asked Wan Xiaoxiao.

"...Hmm." What is the dog? Was she going to scold someone just now? Wan Xiaoxiao didn't dare to ask: "President Jin, why don't you see it? If this continues, the influence will not be good."

I'm afraid that something unpleasant will come out at that time.

Chuzheng pondered: "When the company is almost gone, you call him up."


Wan Xiaoxiao went out and the people guarding the company got off work. However, after waiting for most of the day, the company people didn't leave much, and they all worked overtime for a project.

Chuzheng was impatient with waiting.

Open the door and go out.

"What are they doing?" Do not leave after get off work?

"Work overtime." Wan Xiaoxiao said.

"What kind of overtime? Who made it?" Chuzheng boss was full of momentum: "Let them all get off work."

Wan Xiaoxiao: "..."

The boss wants his employees to work overtime 24 hours a day.

Wan Xiaoxiao kept this notice down.

A group of people are a little confused.

But the boss told him to get off work without having to work overtime. Of course he was happy, and a group of people broke up.

"The boss is so nice!"

"Long live the boss!"

When these people left, Chuzheng commanded Wan Xiaoxiao: "Go and pinch the surveillance."

Wan Xiaoxiao was horrified: "President Jin...what do you want to do?"

Chu Zheng glanced at her indifferently: "Go and do it."

Wan Xiaoxiao was a little surprised at Chuzheng's eyes, and went subconsciously.


Xiao Ze was taken into the office.

The woman sits behind the desk, with her slender and straight legs folded and placed on the edge of the desk. She sits there as if sitting on a throne.

Her appearance hasn't changed much, but her temperament makes her look like a different person.

Qingli and indifferent, elegant and elegant.

There are beautiful women who live in the empty valley.

"Chuzheng." Xiao Ze took a few steps quickly, his tone eager and doubtful: "What the **** are you doing? What is going on?"

He went to her home in high school.

Her parents are ordinary teachers.

It can only be regarded as a well-off home.

How could she suddenly become the boss of a company.

The woman behind the desk looked cold: "What can you do with me?"

Xiao Ze remembered the business: "You want to sue me?"

Chuzheng is confident: "You cheated and slandered, why can't I sue you?"

"Fraud and slander?" Xiao Ze frowned: "When will I cheat and slander?"