Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 694: Yu Jin Chengxiang (30)

The characteristic of this case is that the murderer turns the victim into a scarecrow.

It's not tied with straw.

Instead, one by one straws were passed through the victim's skin and flesh, so that the straws looked like they had grown from the body.

Thinking about that picture, I feel my scalp numb.

To kill individuals is to engage in performance art.

I don't know what these people think.

Isn't it a waste of time?

There are many more kills at that time.

[...] The title of King is a bit speechless, [Miss sister, do you know what you look like now? 】

The noble and glamorous queen?

[...] Miss Sister has a deep misunderstanding of herself, and it is necessary to assist her to get a correct understanding of herself. This is its bounden duty as a system. [Miss sister, you look like a pervert now, or the super perverted kind of pervert! 】

Chu Zheng: "..."

You are perverted!

Your whole family is perverted!

damn thing!

[Miss sister also belongs to my family. 】The king's number is finished and ran away.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Chu Zheng angrily turned over the old posts.

Anonymous Netizen No. 1: It's crazy! Did the police catch the murderer? Such people must be sentenced to death!

Anonymous netizen No. 2: This happened in our city, and I dare not go to school alone.

Anonymous Netizen No. 3: It's the third one! ! It's really scary to not solve the case yet.

Anonymous netizen No. 4: Why are there so many perverts now? It's disgusting.

These comments are all ten years ago.

The news of the year was also available, but the details were not disclosed much.

There is no connection between the dead, and the victims should be randomly selected, which is more disturbing.

Anonymous netizen No. 5: Three people died without catching the murderer. It's still an unsolved case, tusk tusk.

Anonymous netizen No. 6: Inside information, it was not three dead that year, but four people, and one official person.

Anonymous netizen No. 7: Really?

Anonymous netizen No. 8: Of course it is true. The last one who died was the professor of Hua University in City B. He was the consultant on this case.

These comments are already two years after the Scarecrow serial murder occurred.

Chu Zheng found the professor's name from a mess of comments.

He Jianping.

Professor of Hua University.

But apart from this, there is no other information.

This case happened in City B back then, and it does happen here now. It is understandable that the murderer moved the location of the crime.

But how could the good guy card come here early?

Chuzheng didn't have access to first-hand information and was a little irritable. It seemed that it was time to go to a police school.


When Yan Yu returned to the office, Chu Zheng leaned back in his chair, seeming to be asleep.

He lowered his voice and took the clothes to cover her.

Who knew she woke up suddenly.

A pair of clear and bright eyes did not have any sleepiness, with a bit of cold chill.

She asked: "Go home?"

Come back home……

They have never lived together at all, which one counts as a family?

How can she speak so naturally?

However, Yan Yu found his heart moved, and he yearned for the home she said for no reason.

"No, it's going to dawn soon." Yan Yu wanted to go back with her, but he resisted: "Will I hold you to sleep?"

Chu Zheng stretched out his hand: "I hold you."

With a smile on Yan Yu's face, he pulled out a folding bed from the office, and he hugged Chu Zheng up. The two lay on the small folding bed, their bodies tightly pressed together.

The sound in the corridor outside can still be heard.

But Yan Yu felt that the surroundings were quiet at this time, and only her was left in his world.

"Want to kiss?" Chu Zheng asked him.

"Baby, I'm not in the mood." Yan Yu's voice was a little low.

"Kissing can make you happy." Chuzheng flicked him: "Try it?"

Yan Yu: "..."

Yan Yu lowered his head slightly, their lips touched together, and at first no one moved, but Chu Zheng moved first.


When Chu Zheng got up the next day, with Yan Yu's coat on his body, there was no sign of Yan Yu in the office.

People outside said that they were in a meeting.

Chuzheng drove back to change his clothes, and then brought breakfast.

As soon as she went up, she heard a particularly loud voice from the corridor.

"Yan Yu, I ordered you to go home and rest. You don't need to participate in this case!"

Yan Yu was stopped by Shen Siming, and the middle-aged man who was talking finished roaring this sentence and left with a calm face.

"Don't look, don't look, let's go!" Shen Siming greeted the people around him.

When everyone was gone, Shen Siming sighed: "What did you say you were fighting with the director? The director is also for your own good. After all, your teacher is involved, so you can avoid it. Don't worry, I will definitely catch the murderer."

Yan Yu leaned against the wall and slid weakly.

Suddenly he was held on his waist: "Did that person bully you?"

Yan Yu turned his head and saw Chu Zheng's familiar face.

"No." Yan Yu said: "Just not let me participate in this case."

"It's for your good not to let you participate." Shen Siming said: "Look at what you are now, can you still be sensible?"

"I'm sane."

Shen Siming didn't say a word, but looked at Chu Zheng, which seemed to be asking, do you think he is rational?

Chuzheng also felt that there was something wrong with the good guy card.

Even if the director ordered Yan Yu to investigate, he couldn't stay here.

"You take him back first." Shen Siming and Chu Zheng said: "Watch him more."

Chu Zheng nodded and took Yan Yu back to her apartment.

Yan Yu's situation is not very good, most of the time sitting and wandering, and occasionally showing a heart-shaking gloomy look.

When Chu Zheng kissed him, he would relax a little bit.

"eat something."

Chuzheng put the porridge in front of him.

Yan Yu sat on the ground, with a somewhat old notebook in front of him. Shen Siming had sent these things.

"Yan Yu?"

"Baby." Yan Yu returned to his senses, looking at her with some hollow eyes: "What's the matter?"

"Eat something."


Yan Yu would go straight if he didn't eat Chuzheng, so he wisely chose to eat it himself.

Chu Zheng sat next to him and looked at the notebook.

A strange picture is drawn on it.

"what is this?"

Yan Yu shook his head: "I don't know, my teacher left it."

He paused: "My teacher..."

He glanced at Chu Zheng, was silent for a while, and slowly told her the case of the year.

Ten years ago, he was still in school and was about to go to university. He has already decided to take the school where his teacher is.

However, at that time, He Jianping was killed.

This notebook was sorted out from He Jianping's remains not long ago.

It contains a lot of information about the serial murder of Scarecrow.

However, the police also have these information, and he has already checked it.

Only in this strange picture, H city is written below.

This is the last thing recorded in the notebook.

He Jianping must have discovered something. Before he could investigate, he was killed by the murderer.