Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 733: National fairy (26)

The mission is passed down from generation to generation by Zhong Lijia.

This is not what Zhuang Ji can explain clearly.

Moreover, he felt that he did not agree with Chu Zheng's three views, and he did not explain clearly.

Chuzheng did not discuss the meaning of ‘mission’ in depth either.

She pondered, and put forward a simple and rude solution: "Just kill the cursed demon."

The trouble should end it.

The cursed demon is dead.

The curse naturally broke.

Zhuang Ji smiled bitterly: "You haven't entered the demon tower. I don't know what kind of demon are inside."

It's really that easy. The ancestors of Zhongli's family have already done that.

"So outsiders can enter?"

"It can be..."

"That's fine. I'll go in and kill the demon." Chu Zheng had a clear mind, and just said, "Where do I get in?"

Zhuang Ji: "..."

"Little demon, some of the demon in the demon tower can be traced back thousands of years ago. You go in to die." Xun Yin's voice came faintly.

"How do you know that I am going to die, maybe I am better than them." What happened for thousands of years? I was locked in the tower and couldn't get out.

"Little demon, where does your confidence come from?" Xun Yin was curious.


Invincible is so powerful.



Chu Zheng couldn't even go in. Only Zhong Liluo could open the demon tower.

But now Zhong Liluo was injured and couldn't open the demon tower at all.

Chu Zheng threw an inner pill to Zhuang Ji.

Repair with inner alchemy will indeed get better soon.


Zhong Liluo didn't even know how to open the demon tower.

His knowledge of the demon tower is just the word ‘demon tower’.

Fortunately, the method of opening is not very complicated. For Zhong Liluo, who is now closely related to the demon tower, it is easy to learn.

"Young Master's ability is limited, you only have half an hour... or less." Half an hour was very optimistic. Zhuang Ji said: "If you fail to come out before the young master closes the demon tower, you can only be trapped inside. If you can hold it until the young master turns on the demon tower next time, you still have a chance to come out."


Chuzheng said he knew.

Zhuang Ji handed a piece of paper to Chu Zheng: "This is the demon who cursed back then."

Chu Zheng looked at the very abstract patterns on the paper... She absolutely did not believe that this demon looked like this!

"Little demon."

Xun Yin leaned on her side, her eyes fell on her: "You really want to go in?"


The corner of Xun Yin's mouth twitched, "If you die inside, I will leave."

Chu Zheng said seriously: "I won't die." Can't you expect me to order!

"I don't want you to die either, after all, I just liked you a little bit..." Xun Yin paused: "I will go in with you."

Before Chu Zheng could agree, Zhuang Ji vetoed it: "The young master can only let one person in, he is too young."

"Wait for me outside." Chuzheng patted Xunyin's shoulder: "Don't think about running."

"Even if I run away, can you still find me after you come out?" Xun Yin admitted that he still had the ability.

Chu Zheng gave him an indifferent look: "You can try it."

Seeking hidden: "..."

Who gave this little demon so much confidence?

"Little Master, follow what I taught you, don't be afraid, you are the master of the demon tower, and the demon tower will listen to you."

Zhuang Ji didn't know whether his decision was correct.

But if it can really break the curse...

The young master can live a safe and worry-free life just like ordinary people.

Xiaodian nodded obediently: "Brother Ji, I remember."

Zhuang Ji touched his head: "Then... let's start."

Zhong Liluo grinned at Zhuang Ji, took out the tower-shaped pendant hanging from his neck and placed it in the middle of the room.

Zhong Liluo closed his eyes.

Chu Zheng didn't find anything wrong at first, but as time passed, the light in the room seemed to weaken a lot.

A ghost appeared in the void.

That is a tower.

It's exactly the same as Zhong Liluo's pendant, but magnified countless times...


Seeking hidden bones, he collapsed on the sofa, holding his mobile phone, and the background sound of the game was bright.

Zhuang Ji walked around, seeing Xun Yin still playing games, bit the bullet and asked: "...you...are you not worried?"

"What are you worried about?" Xun Yin pulled her lips away: "She is going to find her own death, do I have to stop her? Do you think I look like such a good demon? Besides, when she is dead, I will be free."

Zhuang Ji: "..."

On the interface of Xunyin's mobile phone, the character in the game is still, and he is not watching the game, but the beating numbers next to him.

Ten minutes have passed...

fifteen minutes……

Zhong Liluo couldn't hold it, his face was pale and his body was shaking.

Zhuang Ji was too anxious, and didn't dare to disturb Zhong Liluo.

Eighteen minutes...

The shaking of Zhong Liluo's body increased.

The shadow of the tower in the void is much weaker.

Xun Yin looked at Zhong Liluo, his eyes were gloomy, as if he was about to eat Zhong Liluo.

Zhuang Ji subconsciously blocked Xun Yin's gaze.

twenty minutes……

Zhong Liluo couldn't hold it, the gate of the demon tower in the phantom was slowly closing.

Xun Yin sat up.

Zhuang Ji looked at his young master nervously, but did not notice Xun Yin's abnormality.

There was only a gap left in the door of the demon tower, and it was about to close completely.

Xun Yin's body violently turned into a ray of light and entered before the gate of the demon tower was closed.

The gate of the demon tower closed, and invisible power in the void spread out, spreading to Zhong Liluo.

Zhong Liluo softened and fell to the ground.

"Little Master! Little Master..."


Demon Tower.

The inside of the entire demon tower is similar to an ordinary tower, with a hollow center and demon surrounding it.

These monsters are locked by thick chains, some are awake and roar, some are curled up and sleeping.

There are still undetained demons in the air, and they fly through the air unscrupulously, making a playful laugh.

The light fell in the middle of the demon tower.

The entire demon tower fell silent instantly.

The complex and gorgeous clothes slowly appeared from the light, the slender figure stepped forward, and the shadow cast on the ground, stretching strangely.

The light gradually dissipated, and the man with his face like a bright moon stood in the middle with his hands in his hands.

He raised his eyes slightly and looked at the demon in the sky.

A red light appeared in the ink pupil, and a powerful demon gas swept across.


The demon in the air screamed and fled around.

Xun Yin's toes lightly tapped the ground, flew up, and landed on the corridor on the fourth floor of the Demon Tower.

He walked along the corridor unhurriedly.

The sleeping monsters were awakened one after another, and they retreated in a low growl, the iron chains rattling.

Wherever it passed, the monster retreated.

Xun Yin stopped in front of a demon: "Did you see the little demon that just came in?"

The demon who was questioned shrank in the corner.

A pair of eyes stared at Xun Yin, that was the fear of powerful monsters.

"Don't know?" Xun Yin raised his hand, the demon in the corner was drawn to the front by a force, and was caught by Xun Yin through the railing: "That's a pity..."